bright blue ocean, beah totally covered in wood, with a red and black frame that makes it look serious
(Image: Josie McClutchie, additional design by Tina Tiller)

SocietyMay 16, 2023

Forestry slash devastated Tairāwhiti and Wairoa after Cyclone Gabrielle. The recommended changes are drastic

bright blue ocean, beah totally covered in wood, with a red and black frame that makes it look serious
(Image: Josie McClutchie, additional design by Tina Tiller)

Slash has caused huge amounts of environmental destruction following cyclones earlier this year. The forestry industry is also crucial for the economy of the Tairāwhiti and Wairoa districts. A new report suggests what should come next. 

What’s forestry slash again? 

Slash is debris, like branches, wood chips and logs, left on the land after clear-fell forestry, sometimes for years. While forestry practices vary wildly and some foresters clean up their slash as much as possible, others leave the detritus on the land for years. This is OK when the land is flat, but can be disastrous when it’s steep. In hilly regions like the East Cape, big flood events wash the debris (called slash) along with soil from the exposed hillsides into the river systems, creating dams and jams. Rivers filled with powerful water, mud and chunks of wood can do immense damage to land and infrastructure. Slash has been a problem in Tairāwhiti for decades; forestry is a significant employer in the region. 

There are also social effects of slash: beaches covered in debris are not easy to walk on, don’t attract tourists and can be deadly – a 12-year-old boy died in Gisborne following Cyclone Hale earlier this year after being hit by a log floating in the water. Cleaning up that damage is difficult, time-consuming and expensive, especially when damage to roads makes it harder for the necessary equipment to access the area. Cyclone Hale and then Cyclone Gabrielle meant that slash damaged homes, land and infrastructure throughout the region. We have a full explainer on that here

Slow down. What is clear-fell forestry?

Clear felling is how most commercial forests are harvested in New Zealand. The trees are cut down all at once, so the land goes from having decades-old trees to nothing overnight. The saleable wood is then removed from the land. There are alternatives, including continuous cover or staged coupe harvesting, where trees are removed in sections over time. 

a housewith lots of wood on the ground, looks dangerous and bad weather
Forestry waste (slash) in a flooded part of Hawke’s Bay (Image: Royal New Zealand Air Force)

Why are we talking about it now? 

After the devastation of Cyclone Gabrielle, the government commissioned a “ministerial inquiry into land uses associated with woody debris (including forestry slash)”, AKA the most long-winded way to title an important investigation into this issue. The inquiry, led by former National minister Hekia Parata, released its report last Friday after consulting with communities and corporations throughout the East Coast – and it is scathing. 

How scathing?

Here are some quotes as a sampler: “The residue sitting in streams and on hillslopes further up the catchment is poised to repeat the cycle of misery in the next storm.”

“No other part of Aotearoa New Zealand is required to endure the scale and level of risk of failed and failing infrastructure [than Tairāwhiti and Wairoa, which depend on SH35].”

“The forest industry has lost its social licence in Tairāwhiti due to a culture of poor practices – facilitated by the [Gisborne District Council]’s capitulation to the permissiveness of the regulatory regime and its under-resourced monitoring and compliance.” 

The report is interested in the whole of the system that makes the damage from woody debris so acute. This includes the forestry industry and the way it is regulated, yes, but also failures of infrastructure, how watersheds are managed, and the impact on Māori-owned land specifically. 

It also takes a wide view of the ways the communities and land are affected by slash, from the huge amount of soil loss that is associated with clear-fell forestry on the district’s steep erosion-prone hills, to the psychological toll on individuals whose land and homes are at risk of being damaged in any flood. 

Heavy equipment starts to clear a beach of logs and debris in Gisborne (Photo: Getty Images)

What can be done about it? 

The inquiry has more than 49 recommendations, which you can read in full here. This includes: 

  • Creating a much-better-named “woody debris taskforce” for ongoing monitoring of the issue.
  • The immediate halt of clear-fell forestry, instead replacing it with staged felling of no more than 40 acres at a time.
  • Recategorising land and banning forestry in the most erosion-prone areas.
  • Creating a biodiversity scheme that would work in partnership with the Emissions Trading Scheme to incentivise non-monocultural uses of land.
  • Increasing resources and investment in other kinds of economic activity in the region.
  • Strengthening infrastructure so it’s less vulnerable, including having more wharves for remote communities to use when the highway is out of action, as well as developing a resilience plan for SH35.
  • Legislation mandating restoration and maintenance of Waiapu and Waipaoa rivers, including legal personality.
  • Resources for a “just transition” to new economic models and climate change realities in Tairāwhiti, including ongoing cyclone recovery, community healthcare and research into and support for new industries for the local economy, linked under a common vision of a thriving region with community buy-in.

Implementing these recommendations would be expensive, but forestry minister Peeni Henare has said that the recommendations will lead to meaningful action by the government; at least $10m has been allocated in the 2023 budget to clear 70,000 tonnes of debris. Henare has also announced resources for more wood processing locally, as well as expanding other income options like blueberry farming in the region. 

a woman with light skin, auburn hear, and feather earrings
Gisborne mayor Rehette Stoltz (Photo: Tom Kitchin/RNZ)

Why is action so urgent?

While the report is wide-ranging, the limited time is clear. Soil scientists who presented to the inquiry described how nearly half the soil loss in the region came from steep gullies that had been planted with trees. Without action, the soil loss would be irretrievable within 10 years, and with the reality of climate change exacerbating natural disasters, creating better resilience and removing forest debris from the land as soon as possible is essential. 

How have people reacted to the report? 

Gisborne District Council mayor Rehette Stoltz said the council was looking forward to working with iwi to clear forest debris and become more resilient for future events. However, she took issue with many aspects of the report. “We are extremely disappointed in the findings of the panel and we fundamentally disagree with several recommendations in the report,” she said. “We went into this inquiry in good faith with a view to working to ensure that in implementing the recommendations, we had the best interests of our community at heart. This is incredibly disappointing.” 

Forest Owners Association president Grand Dodson told RNZ the report was “too hasty”. “The practices have been improved dramatically since 2018 but this wasn’t enough to improve the situation,” he said, adding that the problem had started a century ago when native trees were first taken off the land. While he welcomed many of the recommendations, which he said could make the region more resilient, he added that a “cost-benefit analysis” needed to be done for some of them. Much of the forestry land had been sold as full-production forests, with trees planted all at the same time. If the rule changes to harvesting only 5% of a catchment in a year, this could be a problem. “It’ll take 20 years to harvest a catchment – that’ll come with a loss of productivity and a loss of jobs.”

a breen background with a black and white train
Where are all the trains? Image: Tina Tiller

OPINIONSocietyMay 15, 2023

A reality check on our regional transport dreams

a breen background with a black and white train
Where are all the trains? Image: Tina Tiller

A comprehensive regional rail network is aspirational, writes Donald Love, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best option for New Zealand.

The topic of regional public transport is receiving a lot of commentary including nostalgic wishes and challenges on why can’t we have passenger rail, as well as the very public disruptive campaign of Restore Passenger Rail

In my view there is a lot of emotion, especially when coupled with climate change concerns, and some of the benefits claimed are not realistic in terms of emissions reductions or achievable timeframes. I responded at length on my blog, Inter-Region Travel Options in NZ, but there are some key things to consider when discussing regional travel.

State of rail

There is consensus that the rail system has been run down and asset-stripped, as mentioned in ‘Just how hopeless is KiwiRail?’ Long distance passenger rail is relying on old rolling stock pulled by diesel locomotives from an earlier era. One upgrade has finally been announced, with funding for new passenger trains being celebrated by Greater Wellington and Horizons. Hopefully these will come in just in time to replace the worn out 1970s equipment. 


Environmental groups like Restore Passenger Rail acknowledge that diesel locomotives are needed due to the relatively small amount of railway electrification in New Zealand and make claims about how diesel trains have less emissions than driving a car. But the touted CO2 benefits require good passenger loading. The Te Huia train from Auckland to Hamilton, often cited as an example, is so marginal that it is likely many cars travelling the same route have lower CO2 emissions, especially with the number of EVs on the road today.

A surprise on emissions is the high level of particulates from these older 2-stroke diesel locomotive engines, which produce probably 20-40x the emissions of a modern diesel. These result in health impacts from exposure to human-made air pollution.


Some say that provided we start now, and solutions arrive after the number of years typically taken to deploy new rail solutions, they would be happy. Others, such as climate change protestors, want solutions operating within the next two or three years. Using the Lower North Island upgrade example, it typically takes around five years from time of order, after planning is complete, before carriages are on the rails. No amount of “political will” or protest action is going to deliver much faster.

Groups such as Save Our Trains have a measured approach where target dates of 2030 are mentioned. Their work may well deliver increased services but the extent of the network covered and frequency of services may not be very high and those wanting to ride the rails on new services before 2030 may be disappointed.

Maps: supplied, Design: Tina Tiller


If we already had a well-maintained rail network it would be easier, but we don’t. Comparisons with other countries which retained functioning passenger networks don’t apply. Of course, with enough money and political will, changes are possible but I’m sorry to say a lot is needed. The Te Huia example is often cited, saying it only cost $98m across five years, which is only 5% of the expressway cost. The reality is that, while the money was also spent on a transport hub that Hamilton buses also use, the Te Huia train is only carrying about 0.6% of the people carried on the expressway and the Te Huia Train Viability Report suggests the subsidy from the government is around $120 per passenger.


Current fossil-fuelled aviation is convenient but also the worst emission story. Travelling between the North and South Island is dramatically quicker than train and ferry. Environmental groups may say that aviation has no future but I would say that electrified aviation for short-to-medium distances may come through as a disruptive option.

Improvements to battery energy density continue and CATL, the world’s largest battery maker, announcing an ultra energy-dense battery that will soon power electric passenger planes suggests electric aviation may not be far away.

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What about buses?

Buses are the lowest emission form of long distance public transport available in New Zealand today, according to the Toitu Travel Emissions Calculator. Buses have route diversity and are easier to schedule than trains. There is some criticism that they are uncomfortable and rest stops can be poor quality, which is given as a reason why we need trains. I’m sorry to tell you, the trains won’t be here for a long time. With some investment in high quality, long distance coaches and the surrounding infrastructure, they are a very viable solution. When we consider social equity, a level of subsidy on the fares should be possible for a fraction of the cost of rail.

How quickly technology changes

We have seen how the number of EVs on New Zealand roads has grown in the last 10 years to a wide range of models as private cars, rentals or car share. Passenger EV buses are already common in Wellington for suburban use and models are becoming available for longer distance. 

This graphic shows how, over increasingly short periods, technology change can occur:

Adoption rates in the US for new technology (Source: BlackRock)

When we consider how little rail has changed in over a century, and that projects are measured in many years, we must ask whether technology disruption may render some options obsolete. A passenger train may require a large subsidy to continue running due to low patronage if, say, an aircraft option with low emissions over the same (or probably more direct) route or low cost EV bus was available. 

Immediate action

For those who believe that urgent action to reduce emissions is required, then personal choice can make a big difference. For regional travel modes available today, this would include; not flying; using EVs (private, car share or rental); long distance bus; or simply more people in an efficient petrol car.

For others who are prepared to wait for the comfort of a long distance train, I believe your options may be quite limited.