
Pop CultureSeptember 15, 2017

Why are the Chanui ads so fucking weird?


Lucy Zee pours a cup of tea and delves into the creepy slow-burn that is the Chanui ad universe.

Can we just all agree straight away: the Chanui ads are really fucking weird.

Basically it’s just a guy telling us to buy his tea and about three people seemingly held at gunpoint telling the camera why they love the tea so much.

But why does something that sounds so simple, be so sinister? What is it exactly about the Chanui ads that have the NZ public so outraged?

Sure the host, Doug Hastie, may not be your traditional, attractive, well-spoken presenter – but he is the creator of the product. It appears that he’s trying to take a more honest, genuine approach with the public about his tea.

If the ad had stopped there, it might have flown under the radar and everyone would have been able to sleep soundly at night. Unfortunately, what starts off as an awkward low budget advert takes a turn for the worst. Three people appear on camera and talk about how much they love Chanui.

“I.. I love Chanui tea, it’s a great taste.”

“BEST tea in New Zealand mate.”

“I’m a committed fan.”

Who are these people? Are they actors? Paid strangers? Family friends doing a favour? Or are they genuine Chanui-heads?

Chanui also released an ad for their green tea range and another for their biscuitswhich boldly announces they are the “best tasting biscuits.” Again, this is followed by a bunch of frightened-looking people, telling the camera how much they love the product. The ads kept coming, the same style, the same awkward host, the same forced message that Chanui is the best.

I went on their official website, the news section has not been updated since 2011 but it goes as far back as 2002 and mentions a trip to Japan where Doug Hastie meets his Japanese wife for the first time.  

There was only one way to end the madness, I was going to have to try Chanui tea and biscuits for myself.

My very helpful flatmate purchased a box of English breakfast (this is what his mum drinks apparently) and two packets of biscuits (Anzac and Gingernut).

As soon as you open the “distinctive” black Chanui box, inside in red writing say “New Zealand’s best tea.” I rarely drink tea but when I do, I take it strong with lots of milk. I am expecting to get some real serious hate for this, but I like to leave the bag in the entire time.

While waiting for my tea to steep, I watched the Chanui ad again. After the sixth watch and frame by frame scrutiny, it’s still really bad but I still couldn’t put my finger on exactly what. I thought to myself, how do I quell this sense of unease?

I took another sip of my tea and pondered some more.

Do I hate these ads because I’m a pessimistic, disillusioned, negative person who believes anyone speaking positively about something is a liar? I dunked my biscuits in the tea and wondered. Maybe I feel annoyed that someone would so freely and unabashedly bare their soul on national television for something as small as tea. Growing up I was taught to keep my opinions to myself.

In the What The People Are Saying page on their website, there are a heap of unbelievably good reviews. I even went as far as to Facebook stalk as many as I could, just to double check they were real people. They all exist. I tried to find any family or work connections, stumbling through page after page of family group pages and Rarotonga family photos. I came up with nothing, except for the fact that everyone bar one woman in the first few ads are white.

I was going in way too deep but I couldn’t stop, the tea and biscuits were fueling me to keep going. I drank cup after cup and demolished both packets of biscuits… and that’s when it hit me. The answer to this whole freakish Chanui fandom was right in front of me.

The tea is actually good.

The biscuits are actually good.

These people aren’t actors, they’re genuine fans of Chanui.

The tea is subtle in flavour, but tastes quite fresh.

The Anzac cookies were crunchy, the texture of the oats and coconut added so much depth and you can taste the golden syrup especially around the crispier edges.

The Gingernut cookies had an awesome snap, they don’t break your teeth and the ginger flavour tastes way fresher and much more warming than others I’ve had. Best of all, it soaks up tea really well without it going super soggy straight away.

The ad is very clear and very simple because, the product is clearly, simply, good.

This article is not sponsored in any way by Chanui. I genuinely love it and my new goal is to be in a Chanui ad and join the Chanui Cult. Forever. 

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Pop CultureSeptember 14, 2017

Chartlander: New Zealand’s hottest singles the week Robert Muldoon became PM

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Every week Chartlander travels back through time, landing in a different year on the official New Zealand singles chart in the hopes of (re)discovering forgotten Top 40 gold. Today we continue our tour of classic general elections in the mid-1970s.

The date is November 29, 1975 – almost as far back as the official New Zealand singles chart goes – and today National Party MP Robert Muldoon will be elected the 31st prime minister of New Zealand.

He will lead the country for nine tumultuous years, through the rise and fall of disco and the emergence of punk. In 1980 his refusal to lift sales tax will make him the subject of ‘Culture?’, a top 5 single by The Knobz. By the time of his defeat in the 1984 general election the singles chart will be almost unrecognisable from the one the day he was elected.

1975 is a simpler time for popular music in New Zealand. The acoustic guitar remains dominant, the drums are untouched by gated reverb; The Eagles are represented on the singles chart twice, as are Glen Campbell and ABBA. But, as always, there is still value and novelty to be found in the corners of the weekly top 40.

☝️ Number One

Johnny Nash – ‘Tears On My Pillow’


A prescient number one for the 39.6% of eligible New Zealanders who voted for Labour at the 1975 election and who will no doubt wake up on Sunday morning with tears on their pillow, pain in their hearts and a National government on their minds. Johnny Nash’s weepy reggae ballad – his biggest hit since 1972’s ‘I Can See Clearly Now’ – will spend a total of two weeks at the top of the chart.

Cover alert: The original was written and recorded by Ernie Smith in 1967; New Zealand act The Parker Project took the song back to number one with their cover on Pagan Records in 1991.

???? Best Bets

#13 & #14: Jim Gilstrap – ‘Swing Your Daddy’ / ‘Take Your Daddy For A Ride’


Jim Gilstrap spent most of his career as a session vocalist, contributing backing vocals to a bunch of Stevie Wonder records as welll as Boz Scaggs’ smooth classic ‘Lowdown’. ‘Swing Your Daddy’ and its follow-up ‘Take Your Daddy For A Ride’ are off the first of two solo albums he released in 1975 and 1976. The pair of joyful pop-soul singles, along with Van McCoy’s ‘The Hustle’ at #20, are early warning signs of an imminent disco explosion.

#32: Michael Murphey – ‘Wildfire’

Like many of the greatest songs, the lyrics to ‘Wildfire’ came to Michael Martin Murphey in a dream. His tale of a woman who died searching for her lost pony in a blizzard and the man who becomes infatuated with her ghost will go on to be one of the most timeless and enduring hits of the 1970s. In 2007 talk show host David Letterman will accurately describe it as “haunting and disturbingly mysterious, but always lovely.”

#36: Ambrosia – ‘Holdin’ On to Yesterday’


Folding smooth jazz and R&B influences into their soft rock sound, southern California band Ambrosia are one of the pioneers of a style of music that will later become known as yacht rock. The first single off their first (self-titled) album, ‘Holdin’ On to Yesterday’ is already noticeably smoother and than any other song in the singles chart, and the band’s technical proficiency is through the roof.

???? Wildcard

#10: Typically Tropical – ‘Barbados’


Typically Tropical probably aren’t the first and certainly won’t be the last white artists to affect a faux-Caribbean accent on a top 40 hit, but they are easily the dorkiest. The British novelty act peaked at #5 in the New Zealand singles chart, one place better than the Vengaboys’ more well-known cover ‘We’re Going to Ibiza’.

Cover alert: The Vengaboys released ‘We’re Going to Ibiza’ in 1999

???? Erotic Expo

#4: Bad Company – ‘Feel Like Makin’ Love’

Paul Rodgers (of Paul Rodgers and Queen fame) wrote this sex-having anthem while touring the US with his previous band Free, but it was Bad Company guitarist Mick Ralphs (formerly of Mott The Hoople) who came up with the song’s defining feature. His sudden guitar crunches at the start of the chorus shift the song from an easy listening country ramble to an awesome hard rock headbanger in an instant; decades later Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood will mimic them on his band’s breakthrough single ‘Creep’.

???? Major Artist, Minor Hit

#23: The Carpenters – ‘Solitaire’


Karen reportedly hated this Neil Sedaka-penned tune but Richard insisted it was the perfect fit for her haunting vocals. Both of them had a point – the melodrama is about as overwrought as it comes, but Karen has the voice to pull it off. After a golden run through the first half of the 1970s, ‘Solitaire’, from the Horizon LP, signals the beginning of the end for the Carpenters’ relevance and popularity.

Cover alert: Neil Sedaka recorded the original version in 1972, accompanied by members of the band 10cc.

???????? Kiwi Flagbearers

Total this week: 2

Only two New Zealand flags flutter on the winds of popular taste this week, but they are a pair of sweet hits: Mark Williams’ ‘Sweet Wine’ is #18 and the Yandall Sisters’ ‘Sweet Inspiration’ #22.

???? Cover Art of the Week

Amazingly manages to include the full lyrics as well as watercolour illustrations of the main plot points in David Geddes’ teenage tragedy throwback.

Previous episodes of Chartlander:

#5: October 12, 1996

#4: October 27, 1990

#3: June 14, 1984

#2: November 27, 1999

#1: August 10, 1991

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