On the Rag abortion episode NZ on Air webseries
On the Rag abortion episode NZ on Air webseries

VideoSeptember 10, 2019

Abortion myths and a history lesson from bloody legend Dame Margaret Sparrow (WATCH)

On the Rag abortion episode NZ on Air webseries
On the Rag abortion episode NZ on Air webseries

In the latest episode of On The Rag, based on the podcast of the same name, watch as Alex Casey, Michèle A’Court and Leonie Hayden tackle the issue of abortion and why the law has to change.

In the fifth episode of our mana wāhine series On the Rag, Alex, Michèle and Leonie look at the possible changes to abortion legislation in New Zealand and the current law which has classified the procedure as a crime since 1977 (the same year Chris Martin from Coldplay was born, if you were wondering).

Alex busts some myths with the help of Abortion Rights Aotearoa president, Terry Bellamak, and an itchy orange beard; Leonie heads to her local Family Planning to find out how to get an abortion and legendary reproductive rights campaigner Dame Dr. Margaret Sparrow joins the team in the studio.

Watch episode one of On the Rag: ‘Periods’ here
Watch episode two of On the Rag: ‘Body hair’ here
Watch episode three of On the Rag: ‘Being online’ here
Watch episode four of On the Rag: ‘Ageing’ here

On the Rag is made with the support of NZ On Air

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ĀteaSeptember 7, 2019

Kaupapa on the Couch: Do family and whānau mean the same thing? (WATCH)

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Families come in all different shapes and sizes. But when the British came to New Zealand they decided Māori families were the wrong shape.

In this episode of Kaupapa on the Couch, we have a look at what family means in different cultures and the effects of colonisation on whānau and whakapapa.

Written and presented by Leonie Hayden (Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara, Ngāti Rango)
Directed by José Barbosa

Watch all the Kaupapa on the Couch episodes here.

Made with the help of NZ On Air