E noho i tō kāhui. Stay in your bubble. (Image: Toby Morris)
E noho i tō kāhui. Stay in your bubble. (Image: Toby Morris)

ĀteaApril 1, 2020

Covid-19: The Siouxsie Wiles and Toby Morris gifs now in te reo Māori

E noho i tō kāhui. Stay in your bubble. (Image: Toby Morris)
E noho i tō kāhui. Stay in your bubble. (Image: Toby Morris)

Our Covid-19 gifs are now available in te reo Māori. Spread the word (while staying at home).

The suite of excellent illustrations and gifs created by microbiologist Siouxsie Wiles and illustrator Toby Morris have had an undeniable impact during the Covid-19 crisis. They offer clear communication of sometimes complex concepts, and their popularity has seen them shared by the prime minister and international media, and in some cases (ahem), adapted by other governments.

But most importantly, they’re now available in te reo Māori! Rawe!

Translated by author and kaiako Hēmi Kelly (Sleeps Standing Moetū, A Maori Phrase a Day), there are eight available right now, with more to follow in coming weeks. Save the images below to your desktop (right click on the image, ‘Save Image As…’) or you can download a folder with all eight here.

(Image: Getty)
(Image: Getty)

ĀteaMarch 25, 2020

Rest now, e Papatūānuku

(Image: Getty)
(Image: Getty)

A poem by Ngāti Hine/Ngāpuhi writer Nadine Anne Hura.


Rest now, e Papatūānuku

Breathe easy and settle

Right here where you are

We’ll not move upon you

For awhile

We’ll stop, we’ll cease

We’ll slow down and stay home

Draw each other close and be kind

Kinder than we’ve ever been.

I wish we could say we were doing it for you

               as much as ourselves

But hei aha

We’re doing it anyway

It’s right. It’s time.

Time to return

Time to remember

Time to listen and forgive

Time to withhold judgment

Time to cry

Time to think

               About others

Remove our shoes

Press hands to soil

Sift grains between fingers

               ? Gentle palms

Time to plant

Time to wait

Time to notice

To whom we belong

For now it’s just you

And the wind

And the forests and the oceans and the sky full of rain

Finally, it’s raining!

Ka turuturu te wai kamo o Rangi ki runga i a koe

Embrace it

This sacrifice of solitude we have carved out for you

He iti noaiho – a small offering

People always said it wasn’t possible

To ground flights and stay home and stop our habits of consumption

But it was

It always was.

We were just afraid of how much it was going to hurt

– and it IS hurting and it will hurt and continue to hurt

But not as much as you have been hurt.

So be still now

Wrap your hills around our absence

Loosen the concrete belt cinched tight at your waist




Heal –

And we will do the same.