Parnell Railway Station viewed from the city-bound platform on the first day of services from the station, 12 March 2017. (Photo by Pcuser42 / CC BY-SA 4.0)
Parnell Railway Station viewed from the city-bound platform on the first day of services from the station, 12 March 2017. (Photo by Pcuser42 / CC BY-SA 4.0)

AucklandJuly 11, 2017

What the hell went wrong with Parnell Station?

Parnell Railway Station viewed from the city-bound platform on the first day of services from the station, 12 March 2017. (Photo by Pcuser42 / CC BY-SA 4.0)
Parnell Railway Station viewed from the city-bound platform on the first day of services from the station, 12 March 2017. (Photo by Pcuser42 / CC BY-SA 4.0)

It should be one of inner-city Auckland’s most-used stations, but the newly opened Parnell Station is already looking like a lame duck. So what went wrong? One word: Disneyland. Harriet Gale explains.

This post was first published on Greater Auckland. Its publication date is 11 July 2017.

A friend inspired this post with her attempt to use Parnell Station recently. She phoned me to say she was late to a meeting because she had tried to catch the train from her workplace in Parnell.

The story she told was one of great frustration:

1. She had trouble finding the station, taking a wrong turn down the back streets and having to double back and search for the way down the hill.

2. Next, she arrived at the platform, but couldn’t find the way to the other side to catch the train, and eventually found out you have to walk hundreds of metres up the gully to a culvert that lets you pass under the tracks, only to walk back down the other side. 

3. Then while she was trying to complete her expedition up Mt Everest Parnell Station the train came and went. 

4. So she stands in the scant shelter at the wrong end of the platform trying to hide from the rain. “No matter,” she thinks, “I’ll get the next one.” But as the next trains – the Western and Onehunga express – zoom past, her frustration continues to build.

She later huffs to me that she should have just caught the bus as usual. “What the hell went wrong with Parnell Station?” she asks. “Why is it so hard to get to, how come it’s so hard to get to the platform, why don’t the trains stop there?”

The answer to those questions is a long and tortuous one. You see originally Parnell Station was supposed to be somewhere else. Back in 2010, the powers that be realised there was a great opportunity for a very useful station in the area. The rail owner at the time, Ontrack, the train operator, and the Council all agreed that the Parnell Station should be down at the lower end of Parnell, near the rail bridge over Carlaw Park Avenue. They discussed whether it should be the cheaper option just back from there on the solid ground, or if they should opt for the more expensive choice, building on the bridge itself.

Parnell Station options, 2010 – the dots represent possible locations. The station was eventually built at Cheshire Street.

Either way, it was seen as an ideal location: On one side you had the new Carlaw Park development of offices and apartments, straight ahead there was the university, with tens of thousands of visitors a day, and in the other direction was Beach Road, leading to Quay Park and the Arena. On the other side there was Parnell itself, with close access to the dense cluster of jobs and apartments at the northern end, and lastly behind you was the Domain and the gully up toward Newmarket. In short, the proposed location was close to everywhere, and just minutes’ walk from Link bus connections on Beach Road and Parnell Rise to boot. The planning work, the catchment analysis, the operations team all agreed: this was the best location, right in the middle of a range of busy and important destinations.

So what happened? Political interference. A politician decided, against the advice of his own staff and the railways, that the station should be shifted almost half a kilometre away up the Parnell Gully. This was reported well at the time by Joel Cayford as well as by Greater Auckland. The politician was Mike Lee, who is currently an Auckland city councillor and at the time was chair of the Auckland Regional Authority.

Parnell Options summary, 2010

This one decision sealed the fate of Parnell Station to forever be an also-ran. This decision moved the station 400m further away from Carlaw Park, 400m further away from the University, further away from Beach Road, Quay Park, and further away from the part of Parnell that most Parnellites actually live and work in. It pushed the station into a gully where a full half of the catchment is a bush covered corner of the Domain, a place where a few hardy joggers visit during the day and nobody visits at night. This location moved the station away from any possible connecting buses, at the base of steep narrow alleys where buses cannot go, even if you did want to put them through the tortuous diversion. 

To top it all, Parnell Station was moved to a site that doesn’t even serve Parnell well. As my friend found out, the station will always be out of the way and down the hill, tucked away via a warren of dog-leg back alleys. It’s hard to find, physically hard to walk to and so deserted it’s a little scary, especially in the rain or at night. Indeed in this location, the only way the elderly or less abled could ever use the station would be by being driven down there in a car.

However, that’s not all. The downward spiral continued. The government saw the likely failure and declined to contribute funding. Unlike most rail projects in Auckland, they didn’t chip in 50% of the funding, for example as they did for the Otahuhu Interchange. Thus Council had to pick up the full tab, which meant the station in effect cost ratepayers twice as much as it should. But likewise, the city had difficulty prioritising a lame duck station over other more worthy transport infrastructure and elected to build only the bare minimum. Then Auckland Transport and the rail operator declined to stop all the trains there, assessing the limited patronage gains and benefits to not be worth the impacts on the timetable, fleet utilisation and operating performance.

This left the city with a much delayed, half built, underfunded yet expensive station, located in the wrong place and served by only a third of the trains that pass through it. Not surprisingly, Parnell Station is currently duking it out for last place on the list of least used stations in Auckland. To be fair it is early days yet – the station opened only in March. Time will tell if this inner city station can ever pull itself out of last place.

What went wrong

So how could this happen? What could possibly possess someone to take a perfectly located station concept and, against all advice, move it out of the way, away from everything it might have been used for? The answer is unfortunately very simple: Disneyland.

“Disneyland Transit” is a term used in the transport industry to describe public transport that is built for image reasons. It is transit developed, not to actually move people, ease traffic or enable urban growth, but to create the right look and feel for passers-by. Like the fake old-timey steam trains of Disneyland’s equally fake Main Street USA, or the monorail of Tomorrowland that whizzes people around in a circle back to where they came from, Disneyland Transit is built in real cities by people who don’t want actual transport. They want transport-themed window dressing.

The best example of this in Auckland is the Wynyard tram, a tiny one-way loop tram that circles a few blocks of the waterfront in a couple of minutes. It is by all measures entirely useless for transport purposes; it is there simply to look the part, because waterfronts need trams, right? In this case, I don’t actually have a problem with a little Disneyland on the wharf. The tram is small, cheap to build and run, and doesn’t interfere with any real transit. It’s a bit of fun for the kids on a day out, a horizontal Ferris wheel with no pretensions to do anything other than providing a few minutes of joy. That’s fine, but Parnell is a different story. Parnell is – or rather, should have been – a very significant part of the regional rapid transit system. It’s a stop on three of the four rail lines, in an area thick with transport demand, people and traffic. This is not the place for Disneyland, but Disneyland is what we got.

You see the location of Parnell station was driven by a number of goals, none of which were actually about building an effective transit system. One of these goals was to create a themed historical destination by the old Parnell railway workshops. At the time a group of locals talked of a community centre and performing arts space in the old tin sheds. Unfortunately, nobody checked in with the people who actually owned the buildings, which have since been demolished to build a gated retirement community. A related goal was to provide a home for the old antique Newmarket station building, a wooden shed shifted from Newmarket when that station was rebuilt into a proper transit hub. It was decided that this building should be rehomed in Parnell, to create some sort of pseudo-authentic historical train station in a place where a train station has never been, and where no evidence of train activity remains.

A third goal was the idea that the grand old Museum building deserved a matching grand old train station, despite the fact that even the relocated station site is still very far from the Museum itself. Even the most cursory site visit reveals how poorly a Parnell Station would ever serve the Museum – between the two stand a great wooded hill and the expanse of the Domain. Walking from one to the other requires not only the best part of a kilometre hike through the bush paths and the roads of the Domain, but a vertical climb of over 50 metres – that’s the same as walking to the top of a 15 storey office block. Clearly impractical, this is pure Disneyland: transit for image, rather than transport.

Parnell Station options, 2010: blue is the generally preferred option, by Carlaw Park; red is where they built

So the mess we have is the result of political meddling, wilfully disregarding any actual transport considerations to try and create a heritage theme in the back of Parnell gully. Because of the lack of fundamental accessibility and connections, it is hard to see Parnell Station ever doing particularly much of anything on Auckland’s rapid transit system.

Read more:

Simon Wilson: The Parnell train station fiasco, part II: hope

It was amateur hour, plain and simple

Is all lost? Well, perhaps not. Clearly, there is a need for a better link between the two sides of the station and a connection to Carlaw Park, allowing people to walk through to Stanley Street and the University. A better path up to Parnell Road would also help, but it’s hard to see quite how that could happen given the indirect nature of the street network and the steep hill. But the question is, after getting the fundamentals so wrong, can much be done to try and fix it? Or is it now an eternal case of good money after bad? Do we just accept Parnell Station was done for all the wrong reasons, write it off as a failure, and move on to bigger and better things? After all, there are so many other stations needing funding to expand coverage, such as Greenlane Southern Access and Sylvia Park Eastern Access, or to improve access, such as the Northern Busway stations.

I get the feeling that 20 years down the track we will come back and shift the station to the right place, as we did with Grafton Station. In the case of Grafton, moving it a few hundred metres from an out of the way corner under the motorway to a central spot close to the hospital and new university campus has caused usage to skyrocket, going from a whistle stop used only by a few high schoolers to one of the busiest stations in the region.

But for now, I don’t have much hope. The amount of money that has been sunk into putting Parnell Station in the wrong place ensures that nothing much will be done anytime soon.

This post was first published on the Auckland transport and urban planning blog Greater Auckland.

Phil Goff America’s Cup

AucklandJuly 10, 2017

The America’s Cup is Auckland’s Cup and the mayor must be its champion

Phil Goff America’s Cup

Where’s Phil? Eight months into his first term as mayor, Phil Goff hasn’t had any spectacular embarrassments and he hasn’t blown the budget. Is that good enough? Simon Wilson doesn’t think so, and each day this week he’s got a challenge for the mayor. Here’s the first.

Why isn’t Phil Goff a champion for the defence of the America’s Cup?

He’s excited that Emirates Team New Zealand has won the Cup – he told us so when he spoke to the crowd at the homecoming parade. And he authorised the parade. That was good. He’s also made it clear the council is not just going to start handing out cash – either to ETNZ itself or to whoever’s involved in building infrastructure for the Cup defence. That’s good too. The America’s Cup will be an enormous boon for Auckland but it doesn’t follow council should be an easy touch.

But it was a shame Goff allowed his financial prudence to make him sound like a killjoy. Despite the parade, Goff hasn’t positioned himself as a champion of the Cup defence and a cheerleader for Auckland as host.

Why hasn’t he done this? Does he not understand that this is the most important job of the mayor?

Goff, by now, should have announced that he’s setting up a taskforce: a high-powered group from the government and private sector to lead and coordinate the city’s preparations. It’s not that we need a special new group to work out where and how the defenders and challengers will be based, although this group should oversee and help with that. The real challenge is to ensure the city makes the most of the opportunity.

Because that’s what this is. An opportunity to transform Auckland for the better. To deal decisively with some of the acute problems we have in transport. To create a genuinely splendid waterfront, from harbour bridge to Bledisloe Wharf, and in other parts of the Waitemata harbour coastline. To use the Cup defence, and the year of APEC activities that will immediately follow it, as a chance to generate civic engagement among all of Auckland’s communities.

Members of Emirates Team New Zealand lift the America’s Cup trophy in celebration during the Team New Zealand Americas Cup Welcome Home Parade on July 6, 2017 in Auckland. (Photo by Anthony Au-Yeung/Getty Images)

You know how in 2000 and 2003 the America’s Cup campaigns gave Auckland the revitalised waterfront precinct we call the Viaduct? Think of that as a prototype. We’ve got the Tank Farm to develop and the CRL to finish (and yes, it can be done in time, certainly at the city end – more on this soon). We’ve got light rail to introduce downtown and to run out to Dominion Rd and on to the airport (and yes, the Greens are right, that can be done in time too – more on this soon too).

We’ve got a big waterfront redesign project to do, covering the area from what will be the new Commercial Bay in front of the Britomart railway station, running east along Quay St, rethinking Queens Wharf and Captain Cook Wharf too. And obviously we need to get those cars off the wharves – just build a car park tower for them already. There’s a big bike share scheme to introduce, a cycling and walking network to roll out and a bike-to-school programme to establish.

There’s a major economic project: to use the Cup defence to make Auckland the high-tech centre it always dreams of being. The reality is that every city in the developed world (and many in the developing world too) has this dream. Everyone wants to be a tech centre. But few get a vehicle like the Cup defence to do it with. How do we make the most of that?

There are a thousand other projects that I don’t know about and nor will Phil Goff, yet, because they will be community initiated – and the process of activating communities to seize the moment needs to start now too. It’s got to be ground up: if the America’s Cup is Auckland’s Cup, what do local groups and local communities want to do – to build, organise, facilitate, create – to make that mean something to them?

This is our Olympics, except it’s better than that because it’s not going to cost the city billions and leave us stranded with white elephant sporting venues that no one uses afterwards. That’s the beauty of the America’s Cup: what you build and how you change is all upside for the city, if you do it right. But we need to get cracking, and we need – we really need – the mayor to become the champion who makes it happen.

So, to kickstart it all, what about this: why doesn’t Phil Goff hold a big civic reception? Put the movers and shakers of industry and commerce in the room, so they can do some moving and shaking. And the people who hold our communities together. The glamour guys and girls of sailing and the other sports, our best and brightest artists, our philanthropists and our glittering celebs, of course. The government and the politicians who are not-government too, because this is multipartisan.

Put Grant Dalton on stage, because who doesn’t love listening to a crusty ol’ bugger make a good ol’ speech? Put Stephen Tindall on stage, because did you notice the chair of ETNZ is a proud and supremely motivated Aucklander. I’m betting the things he’s got to say to this city now are things we need really to hear.

Bring in a couple of people from elsewhere: inspirational geniuses, make-it-happen wizards, leaders in urban transformation. Janette Sadik-Khan, former Transportation Commissioner in New York City, would be good to get (she was terrific when she visited once before); so, for that matter, would her old boss, former mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Get Dave Dobbyn to sing something new; ask Parris Goebel to bring it, and Lorde, and the Auckland Philharmonia. And impress on everyone there: we’re going to use this to fix Auckland, with law changes, public and private funding, new ways of raising money, commitment, engagement, leadership. And here’s how we’re starting, and here’s how high we’re aiming, and here’s how and why we need your help. And then get down to it.

Cheerleading, being the champion. It’s your time, Phil. Time to shine.

[Update: the following parts of this series will now be published next week.]

The Spinoff Auckland is sponsored by Heart of the City, the business association dedicated to the growth of downtown Auckland as a vibrant centre for entertainment, retail, hospitality and business.