Deranged collage of cooking ingredients: jelly crystals, custard powder, cream, milk, eggs, kiwifruit, plus electric beaters, all laid out on a bright orange background in rays like the sun rising.
(Design: Tina Tiller)

BooksDecember 17, 2021

Every cold dessert in the Edmonds book, chilled and ranked

Deranged collage of cooking ingredients: jelly crystals, custard powder, cream, milk, eggs, kiwifruit, plus electric beaters, all laid out on a bright orange background in rays like the sun rising.
(Design: Tina Tiller)

Catherine Woulfe makes good on a reckless vow.

Six months ago I cooked and ranked every pudding in the Edmonds book. Evidently delirious on white sugar and raisins, I also made a promise: to come back in summer and do the cold desserts section.

Now I stand in front of you, just a girl with a jelly mould, asking you to follow her into an opaque and quivering world. 

After the puddings ranking went up, a PR person sent me an Edmonds spatula and a kids’ cookbook and gently let me know certain recipes have been updated since 1998. Which is great, but irrelevant, because who uses a new Edmonds book? We use the edition that was pressed tearfully into our suitcases as we left home. So: 1998.

In 1998, Edmonds was offering 18 cold desserts. Most are jellies of a kind, but there’s also pavlova and trifle, both of which I urge you not to cook this Christmas. Throughout, there’s a lot of whipping until stiff, a lot of chilling, a lot of dubious combining of dairy with other dairy. Do you like cream? Best you like cream. Also jelly crystals and custard and eggs. You’ll need 30 of those. Plus 14 cups of milk. 

A bowl of white frothy-looking stuff with canned apricots pocked on top. We can the hands of two children who are clearly interested in getting a nosy at this monstrosity.
Apricot Marshmallow. Observe the unlicked beater and scraper: this is a clue (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

Like the puddings before them, the cold desserts do have their good points. This section is the only place you’ll see the words “wet mould” outside of the Wellington rental market. Further, lots of the names are enjoyable to say. Flummery. Fruit Flan. Blancmange, which sounds like a curse, blah-monj! They also have an air of the bizarre, like fungi or sea anemones. Bring a Melrose Cream to a barbecue and at least you’ll have something to talk about. (Don’t, though).

Content warning for vegans: lots of these desserts function like meatless turduckens. They’re simply layer upon layer of animal products. I thought about this too much, and like the animal products the thoughts compounded, peaking with the penultimate dessert I made, Spanish Cream. Mix the yolks and the milk, add gelatine, fold through clouds of billowy egg whites. Blah-monj!

It was lockdown so I had a lot of “help” from the kids, but rest assured there was minimal spillage or midpoint bowl-licking or general interference in recipes. We gave a lot of desserts away after a taste test and they didn’t even mind, inured as they were after the winter puddings bonanza. The seven-year-old is apparently a jaded restaurant critic now; he maintained a bored intellectual distance and went around saying things like, “I mean this is not bad, I just think Edmonds need to understand about flavours.”

As previously, I’ve treated the recipes as gospel. No tweaks, no substitutions, no letting culinary common sense trump the aged ring-bound cookbook*. Exception: pineapple jelly crystals seem to have gone the way of lead-painted toys. So for the Pineapple Snow, I used tropical jelly instead. 

*When the puddings ranking was published, misguided devotees of chocolate self-saucing pudding defended the recipe by saying things like “I usually double the sauce” or “halve the cooking time, dingbat”. Solid advice – I’ve been making this pud since I was seven and routinely double, if not triple, the sauce – but in this instance, wrongheaded. If you have to fundamentally change a recipe to make it work, it is not a good recipe. Especially when the book’s whole brand is failsafe basics. 

18. Apricot Marshmallow 

The biscuits section of the Edmonds book famously starts with Afghans and they’re A for amazing. The puddings section starts with Apple Pie, which is more O and K for just OK. 

The cold desserts section starts forebodingly with a recipe that largely comprises pureed canned apricots and stiff egg whites and tastes like stomach acid. 

The texture, you ask? Well, when I was a kid we had spitbugs in our garden. They blow bubbles out their bums until they’ve got a frothy little dollop to hide in. I estimate it would take about 3,000 spitbugs to make a bowl of Apricot Marshmallow.

Close-up photograph of a frothy pudding, streaks of orange and white, canned apricots half-submerged.
Dessert’s ready (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

17. Ice-Cream Pudding 

Veto. Has the mouthfeel and taste of sodden white bread. Undoubtedly they serve it for lunch-pudding at a rest home near you. 

A little bowl with custardy pudding and raspberries on top. We can see the torso of a child recoiling from the bowl.
Raspberries: toddler’s own. She leaned so far from the bowl she fell off her chair (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

16. Melrose Cream 

The glamour of that name! Phwoar. 

Here’s how you make it, though. Mix up a packet jelly. Make a powder custard. When they are both still viscous, combine the two. Abandon all notion of glamour, for this is a visceral, curdling task. Unnatural. If you’ve ever had mastitis you’re definitely going to think about that. “The mixing of the humours,” whispered my husband. 

A boy on a wooden deck is tipping a saucepan of gloppy custard into a glass jug of radiant pink jelly.
(Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

The finished product has an unnatural gloss and smells like a Strawberry Shortcake doll that’s been fortified with Impulse.

Aerial view of a glossy pink pudding.
Dessert? Or single-celled organism? (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

15. Flummery 

Everyone in my family has forgotten what this was actually like, although the ingredients (jelly crystals, boiling water, evaporated milk) indicate: not good. So does this photograph, taken after one day in the fridge.

A grim scene of beige / orange foamy pudding clinging to a cut-glass bowl, gross watery stuff in the bottom.
If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

I do remember being absolutely enchanted by the design of the evaporated milk can. Smooth, even flow, no mess, best decanting experience of my life. 

Pouring a can of evaporated milk into glass jug. Notably, the opening on the can is a long slit, rounded at top and bottom.
(Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

14. Creme Caramel 

These look pretty great, right?

Five ramekins filled with custard, caramelising on top, sitting in an old oven dish.
Please appreciate the way the patina of the ancient oven dish complements the burnished custard tops (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

Cool, let’s see what they’re like when you turn them out!

A ramekin with a layer of shiny golden stuff in the bottom, next to a plate holding a square custard swimming in golden liquid.
Oh. (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

Correct, that is a large amount of toffee adhered to the bottom of the ramekin*. This at least kept the seven-year-old occupied for a significant part of day 93 of lockdown. 

*There was no instruction to grease the ramekins. Nor was there any candy thermometer or time indication involved for the toffee, just the instruction to boil “until golden”. Yes I am pedantic but I’m also genuinely trying, I thought greasing the ramekin might for some alchemy reason be a no-no. 

13. Pavlova 

I have made dozens of pavlovas in my life. Possibly hundreds. The recipes I’ve used have been pretty interchangeable because pavs are straightforward: beat some egg whites! Slowly put in a shitload of caster sugar! Fold in vinegar, vanilla and cornflour, bung it in the oven, voila you’re done and you’ve just won Christmas. 

So I was slightly alarmed that this recipe called for cold water. You beat in three tablespoons once the egg whites are stiff, before starting on the sugar. Oh well, I thought, perhaps it’s for the purpose of stretching the mixture? It looked fine as it went into the oven.

It did not look fine as it came out. Remember the ad where that guy was like “that’s not a cake, that’s a small windowless building”. Hmm. This pavlova achieved the impossible: although its flatness was approaching absolute, it nonetheless managed to collapse. I was left scooping cream into a crater, thinking about Escher paintings and melting ice sheets.

Background: kids drawing and on iPad at dining table. Foreground: a very flat pavlova, with cream and kiwifruit.
Cream was good here but the situation really called for industrial sealant (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

12. Marinated Strawberries 

Someone in the test kitchen had a fatal soft spot for orange rind. There’s way too much of it in this recipe (two teaspoons versus one punnet of strawbs), just as there was in the Yoghurt Cream, a lowlight of the puddings section.

Kitchen bench strewn with stuff, including Cointreau, cut oranges, strawberry tops, spoons etc, a grater. Foreground: a bowl of strawberries covered in icing sugar and orange rind.
(Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

11. Pineapple Snow 

An audaciously sweet, highlighter-yellow jelly to which you add egg whites beaten until stiff. You’ll be doing that a lot, by the way – adding raw egg fluff is to the cold desserts section what creaming butter and sugar is to baking. 

“It’s like a delicious pineapple bubble bath,” said my friend. She’s very kind, though. 

Side view of a luridly yellow dessert, fluffy on top with a layer of jelly at bottom. Typical little-kid detritus (felt pens, scribbled paper) all around.
There’s canned pineapple floating around in there too, for health (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

10. Orange and Lemon Pudding

As above, a jelly (this time made with fresh juices and gelatine) to which you add stiff egg whites for a weird frothy top layer. The yolks are in there too, beaten raw into the juice and gelatine. Yum.

Not. I was repulsed. It struck me as a vapid, jellied lemon curd, and reminded me of being a kid and Mum insisting we water our Raro down twice as weak as the packet said. My son, however, adored it. So, a lesson in subjectivity, at least.

Glossy orange jelly on a blue star-shaped plate.
NB the egg whites on the bottom act like a hovercraft pad – this is a slippy slidey pudding (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

9. Sherry Trifle 

Stodgy and school-camp bland, of course, and it has none of your fancy fresh boysenberries or Instagram layers, but also fine? I gave it away on the community Facebook page and someone else’s kids nailed the whole enormous bowlful within 40 minutes. 

Side view of a magnificently big, if dull-looking trifle. Lots of custard and cream, no pretty strawberries or anything.
That is indeed tinned fruit salad, the can had a frankly excessive two cherries (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

8. Sorbet 

We have officially reached the yum section of this ranking, the ecstatic upward tick. 

Sorbet’s never been my favourite – it tends to be a bit mouth-hurty – but as far as sorbets go, the Edmonds version is perfectly acceptable. You can choose your fruit (“eg grapes, boysenberries, plums, strawberries”); we used big ripe bird-pecked strawberries. 

NB You have to get it in the freezer within moments of finishing mixing or you’ll get a hard layer of fruit at the bottom. It’s also annoying in that you have to check it heaps while it’s in the freezer the first time – definitely not a spray-and-walk-away kind of deal. 

A bunch of ramekins filled with scarlet sorbet, next to a tray of same. Random courgettes all over the place, and a huge marrow.
We are experiencing an unprecedented glut of courgettes, they are everywhere, please send recipes (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

7. Spanish Cream 

This is the one that’s essentially a dairy-based turducken. And yet … it’s also one of my favourite desserts of all time. Cold vanilla custard. Squishy vanilla clouds. I forgot to take a photo until it was nearly all nommed.

The only reason it’s not ranked higher is because its yumminess was entirely expected. Also, turducken.

A cut-glass pudding bowl with a skerrick of creamy pudding left.
Breakfast (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

6. Ginger Bavarian Cream 

Basically Spanish Cream but with whipped cream involved, and lots of chopped glace ginger. Da-vine, as your mum (and mine) started saying all the time circa 2017. 

Cross section of a beige cream-based pudding, lumps of ginger visible.
Admittedly it does not look da-vine (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

5. Fruit Flan 

In times of stress I shall henceforth turn to flan-making. The crinkle of baking paper, the sssssh as you tip in the baking-blind rice. The stirring of the custard, which took for actual ever – well, I got through five chapters of Greta and Valdin. The pressing of strawberries and kiwifruit into that custard. It’s a shit pattern you made but who cares, because here comes the best bit: reverently painting the whole thing with hot apricot jam.

Aerial view of a section of a fruit flan. You see custard underneath, then a layer of sliced strawberries and kiwifruit, all covered in a slick apricot jam glaze.
(Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

4. Cheesecake 

The nice woman who lent me a jelly mould picked cheesecake as her payment. I’m going to have to make another one because we ate the whole thing in about half a day. Just a really great basic slightly lemony cheesecake, good proportions, held together well, I approve and my arteries hate me.

A child's table. A toy baby seated in a chair. Foreground: a silver plate with slices of cheesecake, decorated haphazardly with nasturtium flowers.
(Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

3. Easy Chocolate Mousse

My husband went missing after dinner on mousse night. The kids found him in the toddler’s room, face in the mousse bowl, inhaling at pace.

Cut-crystal bowl full of chocolate mousse, with one scoop in a ramekin beside.
Before (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

2. Blancmange 

An utterly unpromising recipe – you heat a couple of cups of milk with cornflour and minimal sugar, add a bit of vanilla at the end and stick it in the fridge to set. 

And yet, I promise, it is extremely good. A serene, impenetrable white, with a nice firm set and a deliciously cool milkshake-lolly taste. The recipe says to serve with fruit but I also recommend serving it in perfect isolation.

Aerial view of a kitchen bench featuring phone charger, disposable mask, and a pretty little white pudding, set in the shape of a flower.
Lockdown 2021, a still life (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)

1. Ice-Cream 

I made this immediately after the Ice-Cream Pudding and was not expecting much. 

What I got was a revelation. Edmonds Ice-Cream is the best ice cream I have tasted, let alone made. It’s like what you’d imagine ice cream to be like if you’d never actually had it, only read about it in books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Not overly sweet, perfectly creamy, with a wonderful light feel in the mouth, almost like melty meringue. (At the end you do, as ever, mix in a bunch of egg-white fluff.) 

It’s also ludicrously easy to make. No messing around like with the sorbet, you just beat three bowls of stuff: yolks and sugar; whites and sugar; cream. Then mix ’em and stick it in the freezer. Bang, done, behold: a dessert so good it redeems all those that came before. 

Ice cream in a cup cone in the foreground, background is a verdant green garden.
I scream (Photo: Catherine Woulfe)
Children’s books played an unexpected part in series 3 of Succession. Image: Tina Tiller
Children’s books played an unexpected part in series 3 of Succession. Image: Tina Tiller

Pop CultureDecember 16, 2021

Kendall, Shiv, Mog and the Lion: what’s with all the children’s books in Succession?

Children’s books played an unexpected part in series 3 of Succession. Image: Tina Tiller
Children’s books played an unexpected part in series 3 of Succession. Image: Tina Tiller

Margaret Mahy, Judith Kerr and the Berenstain Bears all had unexpected cameos in the latest series of Succession. Toby Manhire watches and reads along. 

Children don’t appear much in Succession, and when they do it’s at the margins. And yet children – in the offspring rather than young-person sense of the word – are absolutely at the show’s core. Right there in its title. The king’s children vying for his throne is the central story premise. Their dependence on their dad is total. “Without you,” Shiv admits to Logan in the final scene of the latest series, “we’re fucked.” 

And they behave like children, too. Kendall, Shiv and Roman are infantile adults, their juvenile postures in aspic. In that final scene of the third series, which aired this week, Logan responds to his kids’ attempt at an ultimatum by hollering: “You’re playing toy fucking soldiers. Go on, fuck off.” Earlier in the episode the adult-children, at their mother’s wedding in Italy, play Monopoly – something that would be unforgivably on-the-nose in most shows, but works here. In the season’s second episode, ‘Mass in Time of War’, Logan’s four children gather awkwardly for a high-level summit in the bedroom of Kendall’s daughter, Sophie, squeezed into kids’ furniture.

The world of children has another place in the third series, in the form of children’s books. I counted three, which is enough for a motif, right? Episode four is titled ‘A Lion in the Meadow’, after Margaret Mahy’s classic, beguiling story. Episode seven is ‘Too Much Birthday’, a book in the Berenstain Bears series. And in the finale, episode nine, Logan reads to his grandson from Judith Kerr’s Goodbye Mog.

(It’s tempting to include also Logan’s description of Lukas Matsson, the Elon Musk-esque tech titan played by Alexander Skarsgård, as “Hans Christian Anderfuck” as a children’s story allusion, but let’s not take the piss here.)

A Lion in the Meadow

New Zealand has had a few mentions in the course of Succession. In the first series, Tom – then uncomplicatedly devoted to Shiv – blurts to her: “Let’s go and be sheep farmers in New Zealand!” In the second, Roman declares his wealth aspiration to be “owning a private army in New Zealand” rich.

But delighted though we were as a nation for these morsels, none comes close to the invocation of Margaret blimmin’ Mahy. The title of her 1969 classic A Lion in the Meadow is borrowed for the fourth episode of series three – the one with Adrien Brody, in which Kendall trudges with Logan around a barren landscape wondering whether his father is telling him the truth. 

A Lion in the Meadow, as you probably know, tells the story of a small boy who spies a lion in, well, the meadow. His mother doesn’t believe him, laughing that there is a dragon in a matchbox that will protect them. It’s one of those books – like Where the Wild Things Are, say – that hovers in the memory, a mix of majesty, domesticity and ambiguity. “I’ve always admired that children’s book,” the show’s creator and showrunner Jesse Armstrong told IndieWire this week. “It’s not that famous, but it’s a wonderful children’s book.”

Logan is the lion, I guess – the overweening chimera. Or Logan is the mother – the distracted, almost indifferent parent. More likely neither, but the mood fits. 

The ending of A Lion in the Meadow that most of us who grew up with the story know goes: “So the lion in the meadow became a house lion and lived in the broom cupboard, and when the little boy had apples, stories and a goodnight hug, the lion had apples, stories and a goodnight hug as well.”

But that wasn’t the original ending. The original ending – which Mahy changed for republication at the publisher’s request – read: “The mother never ever made up a story again.” 

Some years later, Mahy said: “Now I consider A Lion in the Meadow very cautiously, feeling the ruthlessness of the first ending still lurking under the second kinder one, and believing it to be the true ending.”

Am I suggesting any of that informed the use of the title in an HBO television programme? Absolutely not. But I thought you’d want to know. 

Too Much Birthday

In The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Birthday, Sister Bear is overwhelmed by all the noise, complexity and paraphernalia of her sixth birthday party. Together, the bear family come to terms with what really matters about a birthday. In ‘Too Much Birthday’ Kendall bear is overwhelmed by all the noise, complexity and superficial bullshit of his 40th birthday party. The Roy family turn on each other and behave like absolute animals.

Childhood haunts the whole hot mess of Kendall’s party – from the entrance corridor through a birth canal, to a VIP area built as a replica of Kendall’s childhood treehouse, to the usual reversion to juvenile arseholery between the siblings, to Kendall’s sudden, desperate, hopeless search in the pile of presents for the gift from his children.

The episode is the moment that Kendall shrinks from his synthetic, ostentatious version of himself, leading all the way to his arrival in the foetal position in the series’ final episode.

Goodbye Mog

Mog and the Mogul: who would have thought? In the opening scene of the final episode of season three, before we know for sure whether Kendall has survived a drunken near-drowning in the pool, there is a rare moment of tenderness between Logan and his grandson, Iverson. It’s a contrast with Logan’s previous gruff and even violent (remember the cranberry sauce?) engagements with Kendall’s son; in truth it’s a contrast with Logan full stop. The old man is reading to the boy from the picture book Goodbye Mog. “Mog thought, ‘I want to sleep forever,'” says Logan. “And so she did.”

It may have been a bit much, so soon after Mahy’s Lion, to have Logan reading from The Tiger Who Came to Tea, but it’s perfect that Judith Kerr gets a moment. In the last of Kerr’s Mog books, the beloved tabby dies. It’s achingly melancholy. “I don’t think it was so much about killing off Mog, as rather doing something about dying,” said Kerr in 2002. “I’m coming up to 80, and you begin to think about those who are going to be left – the children, the grandchildren. I just wanted to say: Remember. Remember me. But do get on with your lives.” Kerr died in 2019. 

Is Goodbye Mog a hint at a central character’s mortality, even death? This was put to Armstrong by the Guardian. “As you know,” he deadpanned, “there are multiple readings of Goodbye Mog. You could probably list them. But this was probably more of a Marxist reading than a Freudian one.” Kendall did not die.

Goodbye Mog is also about the ways that functional families cope with sadness, change and loss, which may be why Iverson, ostensibly too old for such a book, gravitates to it. In any case, Logan soon bridles at reading a picture book and shouts to his assistant to bring a new one. “Something with some action!”

What does it all mean?

Maybe not a lot. In the case of the ‘Too Much Birthday’ episode title, for example, Armstrong said it was arrived at late in the piece. In one sense assigning kids’ book names to episodes is part of the bathos that suffuses so much of Succession – the show can skip from the gravitas of something like ‘Mass in Time of War’, the work Haydn composed in 1796 as the storm clouds of conflict stared down on Europe, to the picture book-inspired ‘Too Much Birthday’ without pausing for breath, just as it can happily straddle the worlds of drama and comedy. (To the question “is Succession a drama or a comedy”, by the way, the answer is of course: yes it is. It is the best drama on television and the best comedy on television.)

But if the writers are sprinkling kids’ books around the place, here’s a thought: they’re doing what expectant parents do. They’re nesting. There was a lot of speculation last week about whether Succession was killing off one of its main progeny, leaving Kendall floating head down in the Tuscan pool. What if the opposite is true? What if it’s preparing to give birth to a new one?

Certainly the prospect was seeded, with Logan being delivered smoothies by his assistant and presumed lover, Kerry, that have had maca root grated into them. Maca root being a supposed fertility aid – or, as Conor puts it: “He’s working on his baby batter. Dad’s putting together a more adhesive and potent gloop.”

Series four could then bring a fifth Roy child, another would-be successor on the scene. The other siblings would turn against her or him and the mother. And how about this: Logan chooses Jeryd Mencken, the alt-right would-be president he anointed at “the ATN primary” for godparent. 

Outlandish? Yes, like so much of the source material. Logan is absolutely not a straightforward clone of any one figure, but still. Rupert Murdoch had his fifth of six children, Grace, at the age of 70, with his new wife Wendy Deng. At the time his other children were aged between 28 and 38. Grace’s godfather is Tony Blair.