Some bestsellers for the last week of the first month of the year (Image: Claire Mabey)
Some bestsellers for the last week of the first month of the year (Image: Claire Mabey)

BooksJanuary 31, 2025

The Unity Books bestseller chart for the week ending January 31

Some bestsellers for the last week of the first month of the year (Image: Claire Mabey)
Some bestsellers for the last week of the first month of the year (Image: Claire Mabey)

The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.


1 The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins (Hay House, $32)

New year means the newest self-help-change-your-life-with-one-simple-tool book. Mel Robbins’ latest invites you in with, “What if the key to happiness, success, and love was as simple as two words?”

What are the two words? The answer, my friends, is blowin’ in the title.

2 Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros (Piatkus, $38)

Good Readers are lapping it up. Some samples:

“7 STARS ⭐️ listen when I tell you this bc I am so fucking serious. THIS IS HANDS DOWN NOT ONLY THE BEST BOOK IN THE SERIES BY FAR, BUT THE BEST BOOK THAT I HAVE EVER READ.” – Yana

“I can’t even lie this was so much better than iron flame. It’s been 24 hours and I haven’t stopped thinking about this!!!!!!!” – Emmy

“I’m going to need a year to recover from whatever the fuck that was. 😃 Rebecca put her whole Yarrussy into this book.” – Kimberley

3 The Vegetarian by Han Kang (Granta, $28)

If you haven’t read this novel then please make like the Auckland buyers at Unity and get on board. It’s magnificent. Delicate yet so powerful you won’t stop thinking about the Vegetarian and why and what happens to her. Just terrific storytelling from the Nobel Prize Winner for Literature 2024.

4 Lioness by Emily Perkins (Bloomsbury Circus, $25)

Welcome back to last year’s Jann Medlicott Fiction Prize winner! A jaunty, thoughtful, funny, excellent novel about seeing your life very differently at a certain, midlife point.

 Orbital by Samantha Harvey (Jonathan Cape, $26)

Earth-gazing astronauts and the fragility of our little lives.

6 Intermezzo by Sally Rooney (Faber, $45 hardback, $37 paperback) 

Brothers and their relationship issues with themselves and others.

7 Human Acts by Han Kang (Granta UK, $28)

“A fiercely written, deeply upsetting, and beautifully human novel.” – Kirkus

8 Butter by Asako Yuzuki (4th Estate, $35)

Based on a true story crime novel x Chef’s Table.

9 Understanding Te Tiriti by Roimata Smail (Wai Ako Press, $25)

Please for the love of peace and logic give this to certain members of parliament.

10 All Fours by Miranda July (Canongate, $37) 

If you had $US20,000 spare how would you spend it? Don’t know what we’re talking about? Read the book and find out. It’s worth it.


1 The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins (Hay House, $32)

2 Delirious by Damien Wilkins (THWUP, $38)

A beautiful, heart-breaking and also warming novel now longlisted for this year’s big fiction prize at the Ockham’s. Read The Spinoff’s review of it here.

3 Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros (Piatkus, $38)

4 Orbital by Samantha Harvey (Jonathan Cape, $26)

5 Understanding Te Tiriti by Roimata Smail (Wai Ako Press, $25)

6 House of my Mother by Shari Franke (Simon & Schuster, $40)

The absolutely awful true story of life behind the scenes of a viral mom-vlogger: what her kids had to endure when the cameras were off.

7 Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley (Sceptre, $38)

One of the hit novels of 2024, Bradley’s genre-blending time travel story is perfect to get you back into a year of great reading if you’re struggling to hit your stride again after a languid summer break.

8 The Bee Sting by Paul Murray (Penguin, $26) 

The epic, much loved Irish novel that didn’t winner the Booker in 2023 but nearly did.

9 Intermezzo by Sally Rooney (Faber, $45 hardback, $37 paperback) 

10 Atomic Habits by James Clear (Century, $40)

Goes with item 1.

Keep going!