Image: Archi Banal
Image: Archi Banal

KaiJuly 16, 2023

How to make your freezer work for you

Image: Archi Banal
Image: Archi Banal

You are almost definitely not using your freezer to its full potential. Here’s how to fix that.

Take a peek into my freezer and you’d probably think it was laughable that someone with an appliance in such a state was dispensing advice on the best ways to use one. It’s chaos. A disarray of tupperware and glad-seal bags, packed so full that the drawers require a delicate manoeuvre to open, and then a full body shove to close. Let’s just say, Martha Stewart’s deep freeze probably looks a bit different.

But I have great affection for this space. And years of sharing freezers with flatmates has taught me a thing or two about how to manage them. Beneath the aesthetic chaos, there’s a surprising amount of logic. 

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Freezers are so often spaces of bedlam. A place where kai is tossed and then forgotten. And yet, the freezer can be so much more. The beauty of the freezer lies in the tangible way it links our present with the future and the past – the contents, a manifestation of collecting, planning and archiving. When we put something in the freezer, it’s like a gift to our future self. When we pull something out, it’s a gift from your past self. It’s one of the rare times in life where we have full control over our fortune. 

The future might be mostly uncertain, but if you decide to put a bag of good sausages in the freezer, you can be certain the future will at least involve some good sausages. There’s freedom in that if we do it right. Here are some dos and don’ts to help you on your way.


Have matching containers

A discordant hodgepodge of shapes is no fun in a freezer drawer: they don’t stack, they’re awkward to arrange and they end up wasting valuable space. We want uniformity and stackability in our freezers. In my case, this means saving those matching rectangular takeaway containers and smaller circular ones from the recycling and putting them to far better use in the deep freeze. Unless you’re already blessed with a heap of matching, freezer-friendly containers, this is more of a long-term goal for your freezer organisation journey – one takeaway order at a time.

Think about how you’re going to use ingredients

This is a moment where you’re really putting yourself in the slippers of your future self. By this, I mean it’s worthwhile considering how you’re going to use the ingredient you’re freezing when you eventually fish it out of the freezer to cook with it. If it’s fruit you plan to make into a cake, chop it into the right size and shape. If it’s bread, cut it into toaster-ready slices. If you’re freezing liquids, measure them into handy sizes – like half cups of white wine for your risotto or cups of oat milk for next week’s smoothies.

The content of the author’s imperfect but beloved freezer drawer. (Image: Charlotte Muru-Lanning)

Label and date your kai

You can tell a lot about someone by how they label their containers. But whether you decide to write on containers with a Sharpie, use masking tape or perfectly cut strips of fancy green painter’s tape to write in cursive on, it doesn’t really matter, I just care that you do it. No more playing forensic investigator or palaeontologist to try to decipher what the mysterious frozen vessel of green liquid at the bottom of the freezer is or how many summers ago you froze that bag of strawberries. I promise you, you’ll thank yourself later.

Create a stock bag

In this food economy, what kind of person can afford to blithely hurl a whole onion, a couple of carrots, a leek or two and fresh celery stalks into their humble stock or bone broth – only for them to end up in the compost at the end? And even if you can, why would you, when you can create an ongoing stock bag? That is, a rather unlovely-to-look-at bag in your freezer in which you toss vegetable scraps. 

The peel and ends and leftover bits of carrot, celery, leeks and onions (along with spring onion and garlic scraps, chicken bones and parmesan rinds) can all be stashed away in this bag, awaiting whenever the day is that you next decide to brew a batch of stock. Which leads me to my next point, which is that you should…

Keep at least one container of stock

I’m no homemade stock evangelist, but even I can see the benefits of keeping a container or two tucked away for future risotto, pasta, curries and soups.

Have regular inspections

Whoever thought up the layout of the typical household freezer was just a little bit diabolical I reckon. Their design, which naturally sees the oldest kai continually reburied under newer items, and then eventually forgotten to the tomb-like depths of the freezer drawer, is endlessly annoying. To counter this, every month, I like to exhume everything from the freezer to see what lies beneath and to get a lay of the land. If anything needs to be used, or sparks inspiration, make a mental note to use it at some point that week.

Regular inspections are key to a healthy freezer (Photo: Charlotte Muru-Lanning)

Give your freezer personality

Your freezer should, in an ideal world, be a place of excitement, rather than a place of dread. That means having fun with it, and tailoring what goes in, to the way you like to both cook and eat. In my case, I’m happiest when my freezer has some stone fruit for cakes, whole cherry tomatoes for pasta, a few slice of bread, chillies, excess cookie dough that are ready to bake, dumplings, spring onion pancakes, edamame or peas, chimichurri, prawns, sausages, and, if I’m honest, some fish fingers. 

It’s also a great tool to avoid food waste for items you regularly buy but can’t get through quickly enough: cut frozen bananas that haven’t turned completely brown are great for smoothies, leftover coconut cream, tinned tomatoes or wine freeze really well too, as do egg whites leftover from yolk-only recipes – perfect for pisco sours. I’ve also started freezing the liquid from finished jars of pickles which would otherwise be tipped down the sink, to use to brine chicken or for bloody marys. Unconventional, yes. But that’s the beauty of the freezer.

Have a container of ice cream

Enough said.


Freeze food you didn’t like

That soup that wasn’t very tasty the first time around certainly isn’t going to improve with some time locked away in the freezer. As a matter of fact, it’s going to taste worse, so there’s absolutely no good reason to burden your future self with that kind of misery. Ideally, everything you put into your freezer should be accompanied by a sense of excitement for the future deliciousness it will bring you. If it’s not sparking some kind of, dare I say, joy, or at the very least some practical reassurance, it’s time for a parting of the ways.

Freeze things that are already cooked

OK, I am aware that this is a controversial take, but I’m of the opinion that in most (but not all) instances, delectable dishes that have been cooked start to finish, like, say, a chicken casserole or dhal or minestrone soup, lose their appeal once they’ve been frozen, thawed and reheated again. Vegetables are mushy, meat loses moisture and nearly everything takes on an impossible-to-ignore wateriness. Unless you’re someone who is extremely enthusiastic about freezer-ready meals, I say avoid.

A delicious stew is best left unfrozen (Photo: Issy Croker)

Worry too much about best-before dates

We’re all likely aware of the overly cautious nature of best-before dates (if it’s past the use-by date, I’d be far more cautious), which for the most part, don’t need to be complied with. That’s especially true in your freezer, which does a great job of preserving food and keeping it fresh. That doesn’t mean you should throw all caution to the wind – unusual smells (this is a big sign), freezer burns, a slimy texture and dullness could all be signals that things might be awry, and if in doubt, get out of there. 

Go on holiday without freezing kai that is likely to go bad

Your half drunk bottle of milk? Freeze it (though it will only be good for baking purposes, and maybe smoothies if it’s a plant-based milk). Eggs? Whisk them in smaller containers and freeze (they’ll keep well for a few months). Herbs like mint, parsley, dill and coriander can be chopped and frozen in ice cube trays with a splash of oil – or, if you have time, make a chimichurri-esque sauce with whatever herbs are hanging around and freeze for subsequent soups, grilled meat and stews. Garlic? Ginger? Bread? Bananas? You know what to do.

Forget to defrost

Frost build-up means your poor freezer’s motor is working overtime – and if the motor is working harder, that means more energy use, and more money spent on your energy bill. So, once a year, turn the freezer off, take everything out, pop it into chiller bags and let that appliance thaw out. Look after your freezer and it will look after you.

Image: Archi Banal

KaiJuly 14, 2023

Ingredient of the week: Quinoa

Image: Archi Banal

It may surprise you to learn this superfood can actually be super delicious. Just make sure it’s not super soggy.

Quinoa might make you think of green juices, smoothie bowls, having no fun and wearing yoga pants to the organics store – but these associations aside, it’s honestly alright. A cousin of amaranth, spinach (weirdly), and beetroot (even more weirdly), quinoa originated in the South American Andes and has been eaten by humans for up to 4,000 years – well before the rise of Lululemon. 

So, here’s my case for quinoa actually being pretty loveable.

Exhibit A: The word “quinoa”. Such a joy. I never feel as delighted, entertained and smug as when I hear someone mispronounce quinoa as kwin-oh-uh – now that I’ve stopped mispronouncing it myself. As a brief etymology tidbit, the word quinoa is a Spanish derivation of the indigenous Quechua word, kinwa, which is much more reasonably spelled.

Exhibit B: You know quinoa is cooked when its “tail” emerges – just like a tadpole. Ticks both the cute and funny boxes. 

Exhibit C: The label “superfood” is largely a marketing ploy, designed to make people eat things they otherwise wouldn’t, and to boost prices – case in point, quinoa prices tripled between 2006 and 2014. Despite that slight marketing ick, it’s nonetheless true that quinoa seeds are one of the most nutritious grains out there. 

While raw quinoa has 14% protein, almost no one is going around eating a handful of dry, crunchy quinoa as a snack. Once boiled, your 100g servings of quinoa is just 4% protein (1% higher than long grain white rice), but it’s still a great source of manganese, phosphorus, fiber, folate and B minerals, while being only 2% fat and 21% carbohydrates. 

Exhibit D: The flavour. It’s light, with a mild nutty flavour and a lovely chew, perfect for adding to bakes and salads. It might sound fancy, but quinoa is pretty yum.

Exhibit E: For people with a gluten intolerance or coeliac disease, quinoa is one of the few inoffensive-tasting grain options (see also: rice). 

A casserole dish filled with mince, beans, and quinoa. It is topped with avocado chunks, halved cherry tomatoes, red onion slices and coriander leaves.
Mexican mince, beans, and quinoa bake. (Photo: Wyoming Paul)

Where to find quinoa

Pams, which is a homebrand of New World and Pak’nSave, really delivers on good-value white quinoa. At New World, a 450g bag of Pams white quinoa is $4.99, and the same pack is $4.69 at Pak’nSave. Pams red quinoa is much pricier, at $8.99 for 450g at New World, or $8.39 at Pak’nSave. 

Countdown’s own brand white quinoa option, artfully named “Simply quinoa”, is considerably steeper at $6 for 400g. For quinoa enthusiasts, however, Countdown does sell a 1kg bag of white quinoa for $11.

Supie doesn’t have the advantage of an affordable “home brand” option, so you’re looking at $7 for 400g of white quinoa (grown in the North Island), or $8.50 for 400g of organic red or black quinoa. Options galore.

How to make quinoa terrible

As is true for so many things, “soggy” is to be avoided when it comes to quinoa. Overcooking with too much water is pretty easy, so I always stick to the quinoa-water ratio suggested on the pack, or, go a tad light on the water and then fluff it well with a fork. 

One problem I do have with quinoa is washing it. Rinsing is important to remove the slight bitterness that coats the seeds, but I’m yet to find a sieve (other than a tea strainer) fine enough to deal with quinoa without losing some of it down the sink. Any tips welcome. 

A note: you don’t need to buy rice and quinoa mixes. This is literally just you paying for rice (a cheap staple) at quinoa prices, for the benefit of not having to mix the two together yourself.  

A plate piled with spinach leaves, roast vegetables, quinoa, sliced steak and a sprig of mint. Underneath the plate is an embroidered tablecloth in white and navy blue.
Roast vegetable and steak salad with feta and mint sauce. (Image: Wyoming Paul)

How to make quinoa amazing

For some, quinoa is at its most amazing when you don’t know you’re eating quinoa. Luckily, this can be easily achieved; replace a quarter of your rice with quinoa (simply cook them together as you would rice) and serve alongside a chilli, curry or stir fry, and your meal just got healthier without anyone noticing. 

You can also mix cooked quinoa through almost any kind of salad, like this Mediterranean grilled chicken salad which is full of feta, olives and fresh crunchy veg, or this roast vegetable and steak salad with feta and mint sauce – just replace the bulghur wheat with quinoa. Absolutely delightful. 

For a hearty oven bake on a cold evening, my favourite is this Mexican mince, beans and quinoa bake, grilled with a topping of cheese and served with tomatoes, avocado, coriander and spicy yoghurt. Seriously delicious, and as it’s totally hidden among the mince, rice, spices and sauce, a great way to introduce quinoa to both the uninitiated or sceptical.

Wyoming Paul is the co-founder of Grossr, a recipe management website where you can create recipes, discover chefs and follow meal plans. 

Read all the previous Ingredients of the Week here.