Empty plate with cutlery and a piece of bread
Removing GST might not mean full plates for the whānau who need it most Getty Images/Archi Banal

KaiFebruary 22, 2024

Rising food insecurity felt most by Pacific, Māori and disabled children

Empty plate with cutlery and a piece of bread
Removing GST might not mean full plates for the whānau who need it most Getty Images/Archi Banal

The Salvation Army’s latest State of the Nation report published last Thursday shows a sharp rise in the number of households with children that experience food insecurity.

“It weighs heavily on Māori and Pacific children, but particularly, Pacific children,” says Ana Ika, one of the authors of the Salvation Army State of the Nation report. One of the startling points of the report is that 40% of Pacific households with children say that food runs out “often or sometimes”. Next were Māori households with children, at 35.1%, and then households with children living with a disability, at 35%. It’s part of a sharp rise in food insecurity during 2023, with rising inflation hitting the lower-income households the hardest. More than one in five households with children under 15 years old reported that food runs out often or sometimes, an increase from 14% in 2022. 

Image: The Salvation Army, State of the Nation 2024.

“A lot of the sad numbers that are shown [in the report] are not a surprise. We see these challenges come through our front lines before they’re published or reported on,” says Ika. She’s a social policy analyst and advocate in the Salvation Army’s social policy and parliamentary unit, but previously spent about a decade in youth work. From the window of her current office, Ika can watch progress on a new vegetable garden taking shape at the Salvation Army centre in Manukau. While it’s not exactly in her job description, she can sometimes be found helping at the on-site food bank, asking families what they need help with and even praying for them

The rates of food insecurity come from Ministry of Health data which is collected from a small sample size, and so there can be a significant margin of error, says Ika. To give a fuller picture, the report adds data about the food parcels the Salvation Army gives out. In the year to December 2023, it distributed around 92,000 food parcels around the country. If you think that’s a lot, you’re right – it’s a 40% increase from the previous year. 

“The centre here in Manukau is one of the busiest centres, we can only give out about 40 food parcels a day,” says Ika. Parcels aren’t pre-packaged and simply given out, instead there’s a choice system, where families are allocated points which they can then use to get their selection of groceries from the food bank, which is laid out like a small supermarket. The choice system is essential, says Ika, because giving people dried goods such as rice or pasta is useless if they don’t have access to a kitchen. Recently they’ve had to cut down the regularity at which people can access the food bank, to once a month. “It’s a policy that we had to implement just because we don’t have enough food to be able to give out.” Some families come as often as they can and others a couple of times a year. New immigrants often need food parcels while they find their feet, and then never return. The food bank isn’t the only way they help people access food, they also have Kiwi Kai Co-op, where families pay a small weekly subscription for fruit and veges.

The Salvation Army is wary of creating dependance, says Ika, “so I guess there’s a greater commitment there to be able to find out why, and to address that.” She says the need for food is almost always a symptom of not having enough income. When people frequently visit the food bank, “we try and direct them to our financial mentors, but it’s difficult when you have nothing –  when you’re trying to help them budget, but there’s nothing to budget”. She says people will pay all the bills, and “then there’s nothing left for food, because that’s often the last thing on the list.”

The choice model means people can pick food appropriate to their culture and circumstances. (Image: Archi Banal)

This was certainly the case for six solo mothers interviewed for academic research in 2022. The research found that the grocery budget was thought to be the only significant area of financial discretion. Unexpected or unbudgeted expenses like car or appliance repair costs, school trip fees, and health-related expenses meant even less money for food. “On a bad week, sometimes I won’t eat at all just so there’s enough for the kids,” said one mother. 

With limited budgets, the quality and quantity of food they bought changed. One substituted dried instant potato mix for real potatoes because a 500g bag of the mix cost $1.59, far less than the equivalent $14 for 10kg of potatoes. Another is quoted as saying, “Even if I had like, instead of $60, if I had like $100 a week, that, we would be fine, we wouldn’t have any problems but unfortunately that’s not the case.” Another says, “none of us should have, like let’s choose, do we want to eat or do we pay that bill?” 

Another barrier the women faced was transport. Half did not have reliable access to a car, which reduced the number of shopping trips, and the quantity of food bought each time was just what they could physically carry.

Food insecurity matters because it has been linked to nutritionally inadequate diets, iron deficiency anaemia, multiple chronic conditions, obesity, type 2 diabetes and poor self-rated physical and mental health. In a 2019 report by Ashley Bloomfield, he wrote that children in food insecure households fare worse than their counterparts on indicators of health, development, and access to health services. Their parents are more likely to report psychological distress and, more specifically, stress related to parenting. He found research dating back to 2001 showing that Māori and Pacific children have been more likely to live in homes with food insecurity. 

Image: The Salvation Army, State of the Nation 2024.

There’s another area in the State of the Nation report where pacific children are faring worse. Material hardship (measured by putting off doctor or dentist visits, not paying utility bills, putting up with feeling cold and not replacing/repairing appliances) has declined since at least 2019 for all ethnic groups except for Pacific children. (Note that the figures for MELAA – Middle East, Latin America and Africa ethnicities, and “other” – cover a small number of children with a resulting high statistical margin of error.) “That provides a context around the challenges that Pacific children are facing that there’s a disproportionate impact on them,” says Ika. 

The main purpose of the report is to influence policy and as a tool for advocacy. It’s no coincidence that it’s released around the time that parliament starts sitting for the year. Ika says it’s to be used as a benchmark and report card. “From here on out, how do we improve on the things that have gotten better, and how do we work in partnership to be able to address the challenges, the many challenges, that this report highlights?”

Ika says “youth workers don’t usually go into policy”. What prompted her was wanting to be able to push along incremental changes which in turn make significant changes in communities, rather than helping individuals. It was a hard move, even though youth work has its difficulties, she says you get to directly help, and then see, young people flourish. In policy, “you just have to keep on pushing.” 

Angus and Katie from Wonky Box (Design: Tina Tiller)
Angus and Katie from Wonky Box (Design: Tina Tiller)

KaiFebruary 22, 2024

How Wonky Box rescued over two million kilograms of imperfect produce

Angus and Katie from Wonky Box (Design: Tina Tiller)
Angus and Katie from Wonky Box (Design: Tina Tiller)

Alex Casey talks to Wonky Box co-founder Angus Simms and supplier Boyd Warren about finding the beauty in imperfect fruit and veg. 

It all started with a campervan and an empty bank account. Angus Simms and Katie Jackson were travelling around the South Island, both recent Covid returnees from the UK, when they ran out of money. Picking up some seasonal work harvesting hops in Nelson, they were shocked to discover just how many thousands of tonnes of produce were being discarded because of both unfair beauty standards and impractical logistics. 

While there is no local research on produce waste available, Simms draws from Australian data as a point of comparison. “Around 30% of produce that’s grown over there never even leaves the farm, due to cosmetic reasons or harvest surplus,” he explains. A resource on Love Food Hate Waste reports that as much as 350,000 tonnes of food by-products are going waste in Aotearoa, and that 12% of this (or 42,000 tonnes) is avoidable. 

After discovering the scale of produce waste, the pair began knocking on the doors of growers and using that same van to pick up unloved produce and assembling them into curated boxes of nutritious, yet wonky, fruit and vegetables around the Wellington region. Three years later, Wonky Box has fulfilment warehouses in three locations around the country, and has diverted over two million kilograms of fruit and vegetables from becoming waste. 

With the cost of living and the climate crisis bearing down on New Zealanders, Simms says that the growth of Wonky Box reflects our changing values – it’s no coincidence that Countdown promised a permanent discount on their Odd Bunch produce just last year. “I think Kiwi households now have a real desire to reduce waste, save a bit of money and probably eat a bit more healthy,” he says. “There’s a bit of mystery behind it too – all we can promise is that you’re going to get value.”

The enthusiasm for Wonky Box has most recently seen them expand into the South Island, opening a fulfilment centre in Christchurch at the start of 2024. Apart from those living rurally, the entire South Island can now too receive a small, medium or large selection of imperfect fruit and vegetables to their door every week. Although the contents of the box changes depending on supply, customers can expect a heads up two days before delivery to get their meal planning sorted. 

“It’s so good to be finally up and running,” says Simms. “There’s just been such a positive vibe about getting to suppliers and customers down there.” 

One of those southern suppliers to Wonky Box is Nova Trust, a residential programme that provides recovery and treatment services to people suffering from addiction. For the last 20 years, the Nova Trust rehabilitation centre has been based on a farm in Templeton, allowing for the whai ora (people seeking wellness) to spend several hours every day tending to field crops including beetroot and pumpkin, and indoor crops such as chillies and cucumbers. 

Some Wonky veg from Nova Trust (Photos: Supplied)

“It helps them get back into real world routines, work together on team goals, and just get a few of those good life and employment skills,” explains Boyd Warren, commercial manager of Nova Trust. “There’s a recurring theme that people enjoy getting their hands in the earth and doing mahi as part of a team.” Each cohort can have anywhere from 20-30 people, and Warren says there’s always a lot of enthusiasm for the horticulture elements of the programme. 

Simms at Wonky Box became aware of Nova Trust in another twist of serendipity. Having pulled over to take a phone call on the outskirts of Christchurch, he and his colleague Anna immediately noticed the large tunnel greenhouses on the property. “If you’re in the produce world, you know quite quickly that must be someone growing indoor crops,” he says. “So Anna just strolled on up the driveway and went and knocked on the door.” 

That’s how Nova Trust became the first South Island supplier to Wonky Box. “Turning what would have been waste into part of the food supply is a really neat thing,” says Warren. “Because the cost to grow an imperfect cucumber is the same as to grow a perfect one.” Since the partnership, Warren estimates “a couple thousand” imperfect cucumbers have been redirected from waste every month – and they only provide 2% of the country’s supply.  

As well as the sustainability benefits of the collaboration, there’s also the satisfaction in both the Nova Trust growers knowing where their food is going and Wonky Box consumers knowing who has lovingly tended to the crooked cucumbers that arrive on their doorstep each week. “Our whai ora are a grassroots bunch, so they really enjoy this sort of kaupapa,” says Warren. “They’ll go through all the produce and say ‘is this one for Wonky Box, is this one for Foodstuffs?’

“It’s pretty cool to see.”