The bustling newsroom at the Spinoff’s Auckland HQ. Photo by KEYSTONE-FRANCE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
The bustling newsroom at the Spinoff’s Auckland HQ. Photo by KEYSTONE-FRANCE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

MediaJanuary 22, 2018

The Spinoff is hiring a reporter/editor

The bustling newsroom at the Spinoff’s Auckland HQ. Photo by KEYSTONE-FRANCE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
The bustling newsroom at the Spinoff’s Auckland HQ. Photo by KEYSTONE-FRANCE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

If you can write a snappier job ad than this, please consider the vacant situation at your friendly local website. 

The Spinoff is hiring a general reporter/editor for a new role across our news and media coverage. The successful applicant will be an avid consumer of New Zealand journalism, and willing to work weird hours on a new project that will be a big part of The Spinoff’s evolution.

You will work as part of the small and growing team based in our central Auckland office, helping drive our coverage agenda and ensuring both our staff and audience are exposed to the critical stories in New Zealand every day.

The role will centre on surveying and cheerleading the breadth of key stories being produced by New Zealand’s media each morning. It will be both curatorial in its story selection, and involve writing snappy summaries which capture their essence.

Once this task is accomplished you will switch to reporting mode, following breaking stories and pursuing leads of your own. The focus will be on quality rather than quantity, and finding an angle which works for the story and meshes with the general tone of our coverage.

We’re looking for a voracious reader and precise writer – someone with a taut, clean and intelligent prose style who can show strong initiative in terms of hunting down sources and delivering stories.

We would prefer the candidate to have at least three years’ experience in a New Zealand newsroom, be Auckland-based and looking for full-time work (the role is a six month contract initially, with the aim being a permanent role to follow). That said, we will assess all applicants on merit, and are open to alternative scenarios should they meet the demands of the role.

Applicants should send a CV and cover letter to by 12pm on Tuesday January 30.

Keep going!