
Pop CultureJanuary 27, 2017

The Album Cycle: New releases reviewed from New Dawn, Sleater Kinney & a bunch of artists against Trump


Every Friday, ‘The Album Cycle’ reviews a handful of new releases.


New Dawn – The Dying Light

New Zealand’s ambient scene has remained in the shadows for the most part, but if New Dawn get the attention they deserve, it won’t for long. The Christchurch duo create ambient soundscapes that are at once beautiful and harsh. If words like ‘textural’, ‘layered’ and ‘cosmic’ give you warm feelings, this five-track project should to be emanating from your speakers ASAP. And don’t fall into the trap of treating ambient music as background music – The Dying Light has melodies, moments… heck, even hooks. Opener ‘The Power of You’ sets the mood at ‘awe’, but things quickly take a turn on ‘Perceiving the Pleroma’ with some dark blasts of noise that would get a respectful nod from Sunn O))). The title track indulges in a drum beat and some vocals, even – it’s pop on a timescale stretched out almost to infinity. Fans of video game soundtracks should give this a go, as it will conjure familiar feelings of pure wonder. – Mitchell Houlbrooke


Various Artists – Our First 100 Days

The first week of President Trump has been pretty rough for a lot of people. If you’re feeling angry but a little helpless and you’ve got $40-odd to share with some of the good organisations standing up for those most fucked-over by the new regime, here’s one easy way to do that and hear a lot of new music while you’re at it. Secretly Group’s Our First 100 Days project is releasing one song a day for the first 100 days of the Trump presidency. The first week has already provided new Angel Olsen and Jason Molina (!!) tracks worth giving a spin, with the promise of artists like How To Dress Well and Toro Y Moi and who knows who else to come. All money raised by the project will be directed to causes working to protect things like LGBTQ and reproductive rights, immigration, the environment… see the full list here. And while we’re at it being philanthropic music fans also check out Is There Another Language?similar deal with all proceeds going to benefit the American Civil Liberties Union. Peace! – Calum Henderson

CEP – Drawing The Target Around The Arrow

For those not paying super close attention (myself included), Caroline Polachek came to the attention of pop album credits-readers as a co-writer and co-producer of the Beyonce song ‘No Angel’, one of the highlights of Bey’s incredible self-titled album. Anyway, Chairlift, the duo she was in at the time and for which she originally wrote the song, broke up recently, and Polachek is releasing her first album under her own name (or her own initials anyway). Drawing The Target Around The Arrow (free here) is an ambient record of melancholic warmth. More sad than soothing, it surrounds you in loud but softly buzzing synths, melodic percussive pulses. Unless you listen super-closely, this could fade right into half of the other ambient albums that have been finding bigger audiences in these anxiety-ridden times but, in this case, that should be seen (or heard) as a strength and not a weakness. – Henry Oliver

Bash & Pop – Anything Could Happen

When The Replacements fell apart at the start of the ‘90s, it was hard to predict how far their influence would hold decades later. The group were, after all, indie rock’s quintessential beautiful losers – not dropping their opportunities to break it big, but rather drunkenly throwing them over their shoulder en route to grabbing another drink. The band’s stature did indeed grow over the years, and when the remaining members reunited in 2013 it was a rousing success, so much so that the group recorded new music and looked set to deliver a new album. But leader Paul Westerberg delights in upending expectations, and just as quickly as the band were back together Westerberg pulled the pin. This left bassist Tommy Stinson at a loose end, and just like the first time the band broke up, he used it to deliver an album under the moniker Bash & Pop.

This is different from a Stinson solo (or, for that matter, Westerberg solo) project, because it unashamedly sounds a lot like The Replacements. Stinson jumps between raucous rockers like the title track and ‘Bad News’, and the occasional lovely loping country rocker (‘Anytime Soon’ would stand proudly next to Westerberg’s best ballads) with a band who back him with enough ramshackle charm to recall the ‘Mats in their prime. Rather than a canned piece of nostalgia, Stinson comes up with a very worthy replacement for the record that never came, and one that is highly recommended to every fan. – Peter Douglas       

Sleater-Kinney – Live from Paris

A big part of the Sleater-Kinney legend has always been their live show, so it is a little surprising that Live from Paris is the first attempt to document the trio’s fierceness on the road. Culled from a Paris date in support of their excellent 2015 comeback No Cities to Love, Live from Paris is cut like an old fashioned live record – songs are edited out of the setlist proper to create a momentum and internal logic more appropriate for an album. This is not the sound of the raucous One Beat and Call the Doctor days, but instead it’s something even better – the sound of one of the great bands of the past 20 years at a peak, ripping through their repertoire with passion, purpose and complete control in front of a crowd of adoring Parisians. It’s a record that makes you cross your fingers that this reunion has legs left in it yet. – PD

Got an album you’d like reviewed? Email me and maybe we’ll review it. Maybe.

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Pop CultureJanuary 27, 2017

All the ways that The Path is DEFINITELY NOT about Scientology at all


People keep saying The Path is a TV show about Scientology. Hayden Donnell sets out to demolish these false prophets and their suppressive allegations.

Last weekend I snuck into Scientology’s new headquarters in Auckland. During my two hours inside, I was infused with new depths of knowledge about the perils of psychiatry, the drugs enslaving us all, and the path across the Bridge to Total Freedom. I watched the ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, David Miscavige, up close, and saw his teeth gleam like a tunnel to heaven.

That’s why I’m here to set the record straight about The Path.


People keep saying this show is about Scientology. It features Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul as a husband questioning the teachings of his religious sect, which is known as Meyerism. Michelle Monaghan plays his more spiritually devoted, and increasingly suspicious, wife.

The lying MSM says it has a lot of parallels to the intriguing science-based religion followed by celebrities such as Tom Cruise, Giovanni Ribisi, and Kirstie Alley. Show creator Jessica Goldberg was recently forced to set the record straight. “The Internet is full of misinformation,” she claimed, saying Meyerism was her attempt to invent an “ideal” faith.

That should have settled things once and for all, but people kept insisting Goldberg was only issuing her denial to avoid a lawsuit from a notoriously litigious Los Angeles-based religious sect. Those rumours are of course 100% false! Scientology would never sue a creative like Goldberg or Hayden Donnell, please. The Path is a show about faith. A show about love. A show about getting blowjobs in a chapel.


One thing it definitely is NOT, is a show about Scientology. Just look at the evidence.

Different symbols

This is the symbol of Meyerism.


As you can see it’s very different to the symbol of Scientology.


One is based on a circle. The other is based on triangles.

There are no similarities.

Different Founders

In The Path, Meyerism is founded on the teachings of Dr Steven Meyer: an enigmatic visionary who wrote the sect’s founding document The Ladder. Its acolytes believe his teachings are infallible; that he is somehow blessed by the Divine light. However, it later emerges Meyer is secretly dying.

That may sound like Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard, a science fiction author who wrote Scientology’s founding document Dianetics. But think about it. L Ron Hubbard is dead, not dying.
Quite different!

Different Leaders

In Meyer’s absence, Meyerism is driven forward by a highly ambitious, shiny-toothed leader called Cal Roberts, played by Hugh Dancy.


Roberts is violent; prone to punching people who displease him.

In the absence of L Ron Hubbard, Scientology has been driven forward by a highly ambitious, shiny-toothed leader called David Miscavige.

He’s been accused of punching employees who displease him. However, no-one’s filmed David Miscavige punching someone and put it on a TV show created by Hulu and shown on Lightbox.co.nz. He’s denied all the allegations against him. Also he’s named David, not Cal.

Different Books

Meyerism’s Bible is called The Ladder. To progress in the religion, you have to advance up through the rungs of the ladder.

Scientology’s Bible is called Dianetics. To progress in the religion, you have to advance through the levels of Operating Thetan and cross the Bridge to Total Freedom.

Ladders go up.

Bridges go across.

Different Stances on Medicine

Meyerism is anti-medicine, with adherents blaming many of the world’s ills on rogue doctors.

Scientology is anti-psychiatry. Its disciples believe psychiatrists are poisoning the world by shackling them to drug addictions. At the opening of the church’s Auckland Ideal Org, Miscavige joked about not suffering psychiatrists to operate “above the ground”, which would leave them free to work only in wells or gold mines.

The point is Scientologists are opposed to psychiatrists, which is different to being opposed to doctors.

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Different approaches to former followers

Meyerism ruthlessly pursues and harrasses former followers who turn against the church.

Why are you saying that sounds like Scientology? That’s nothing like Scientology. I’ve told you The Path isn’t based on Scientology.

Your constant allegations are starting to really disappoint both me and series creator Jessica Goldberg, who has repeatedly and very clearly stated her show is NOT based on Scientology.

I’ve spelled out the differences for you.

I’ve given you a chance.

If you’re going to carry on this way, I’m sorry but I have no choice. Unfortunately I’m going to have to declare you a suppressive person.

Please leave this article immediately.

The Path is NOT about Scientology but the second season IS returning to Lightbox tonight…


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