
PoliticsOctober 6, 2020

WATCH: The Spitting Image Jacinda Ardern sketch really gets NZ right


In an amazing turn of events, the veteran UK puppet-satire TV series has added New Zealand’s prime minister to their cast of characters. José Barbosa is surprised to find the sock puppet wags appear to know their Kiwi culture.

Like many of you out there, I’ve been enjoying the Spitting Image sketch featuring Jacinda Ardern as Mary Poppins dancing and singing her way through Covid-free New Zealand. The British sketch has been picked up by media here in New Zealand and run almost nonstop. It’s funny: big teeth jokes are a direct train to chortle-town in my opinion. However, it’s also surprisingly accurate in its depiction of NZ life and culture.

If you’re an international reader of our site and are curious about New Zealand and want to know more I’ve annotated the Spitting Image sketch with all the New Zealand references and Easter eggs I could find. After watching this video you’ll be armed with an arsenal of fascinating Kiwi facts ready to share with friends and family alike. I’ve also screenshotted the key information below.