Photo: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images
Photo: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

PoliticsOctober 15, 2020

Election 2020: The Covid-19 responses in two minutes

Photo: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images
Photo: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

Voting is under way in the New Zealand general election. Explore the main parties’ pledges at Policy.nz; in the meantime here’s a whistlestop tour of what’s on offer when it comes to the Covid-19 response and the border.

Read more two-minute policy wraps here

This is the “Covid election” according to Labour leader Jacinda Ardern. Most of the parties support continuing the current fortress New Zealand approach to the virus, with strict limits at the border. However, where they differ is on how wide to open the country’s door to the world and who should be in charge of managing it.

Labour Party

Labour’s programme to fight Covid-19 holds no surprises. It’s the system of trace, test and isolation you’ve come to know. Labour’s steady as it goes plan rests on “continuous improvement” to the tracing app and testing capacity.

Labour says it will set aside 10% of spots in managed isolation for non-residents, largely to allow a trickle of skilled workers into the country. Managed-isolation moved to a booking system in early October to allow the change. It also plans to resume accepting refugees in 2021.

Labour would also continue to focus on international and domestic efforts to secure a vaccine to Covid-19. That would include implementing a “national immunisation programme” once a vaccine has been purchased in large enough quantities.

National Party

National says New Zealand needs a new border agency to serve as a protective cloak for the country, tentatively named Te Korowai Whakamaru. The agency would be given overall control of the country’s border to respond to any epidemics overseas.

National would require returnees to show a recent negative test before flying to New Zealand. It would also require most returnees to pay the full cost of their managed-isolation (it’s currently limited largely to non-residents or New Zealanders who leave the country for business and pleasure). Private companies would be allowed to offer isolation at facilities, giving returnees choice on where they stay and how much they pay. Universities would be allowed to bring back international students under “strict conditions”.

The party wants shorter lockdowns that are more targeted, fencing off certain urban areas instead of locking down entire regions. It’s called for more testing, promising to limit waits to one hour. It would also do away with the current tracing app and build one based on Bluetooth technology.

New Zealand First Party

NZ First has pledged to establish a border protection force to centralise the approach to Covid-19. The force would coordinate the response to pandemic and biosecurity threats while being empowered to detain migrants. The party also wants to use military facilities to quarantine returnees. Most of the quarantine system would also be turned over to the military, with soldiers assigned to the facilities on long-term deployments.

Act Party

Act leader David Seymour wants to bring the private sector into the system of managed-isolation, allowing universities, companies and Airbnb to operate border facilities. The government would set the rules and inspect the facilities for breaches. There would be a strong emphasis on new technology to track returnees. The penalties for escapees would include prison time. “High-value” foreign tourists would be allowed to enter New Zealand using the facilities.

Act also wants to begin opening up travel to other countries based on the level of risk. Seymour has said Pacific Islanders should be allowed to holiday in New Zealand. The party would also create a centralised public health service with a presence at the border, along with a new epidemic response unit, and has called for an inquiry into the government’s Covid-19 response.

Green Party

The Green Party said it supports the current elimination strategy but has called for the government to increase paid sick leave from five to 10 days to help people who are unwell stay home. It has also said it would increase public health funding. The Greens say a guaranteed minimum income would avoid the need for the kind of benefit supports that became necessary during the first Covid-19 lockdown.

The Māori Party

The Māori Party has called for some additional Covid-19 restrictions, including preventing high school students from attending school under level three lockdown, as recently happened in Auckland.

The Opportunities Party

TOP wants the health care system to focus more on prevention, including the re-establishment of a public health commission, which was shuttered in 1995. It has also said it would support a move by the government to reduce commercial rents by half during times of significant Covid-19 restrictions.

New Conservative Party

The New Conservatives have said the government should drop the elimination strategy, saying that it is impossible to eliminate  “something that is rampant worldwide”. The party has instead said the country should go the route of minimisation. That would mean no more lockdowns and schools and businesses would be allowed to remain open during future outbreaks. The sick would be tested and good hygiene would be encouraged. The party also said it would end the use of the military at the border, calling it a “political purpose” unfit for soldiers.

Explore the parties’ pledges in more depth at Policy. The essential campaign dates are hereFor all you need to know about the cannabis referendum click here. For the assisted dying referendum click here

Judith Collins watches Jacinda Ardern during the first TV debate of the campaign (Getty Images)
Judith Collins watches Jacinda Ardern during the first TV debate of the campaign (Getty Images)

OPINIONPoliticsOctober 15, 2020

The empty political calories of the campaign’s final days

Judith Collins watches Jacinda Ardern during the first TV debate of the campaign (Getty Images)
Judith Collins watches Jacinda Ardern during the first TV debate of the campaign (Getty Images)

With just days to go before voting closes, political discourse has taken a bizarre turn, writes Ben Thomas.

If this year’s election campaign trail could be likened to a breezy summer getaway with your best friends (and in my judgment as a political expert, I believe it can be) then this week we reached the stage where everybody’s had a nice group photo on the pier and then someone suggests: “now let’s take a fun one!” 

How else to explain a roughly 48 hour period – three days before voting ends and during which over 200,000 New Zealanders voted – a discussion around who’s to blame for fat people?

Somehow National leader Judith Collins conspired to turn an innocuous question about support for a sugar tax into a two-day, defence of her position that obesity is a personal matter, not an epidemic (“it’s not catching!”), with Labour leader Jacinda Ardern chiming in that it’s an environmental public health issue. The Greens have not yet weighed in to say that “obesity” is only a socially constructed concept, but there are still two days of the campaign to go, after all.

Currently and formerly overweight politicians have been wheeled out to talk about the sense of moral culpability they feel or otherwise about their BMIs.

National Party leader Judith Collins speaks to the media following The Press Leaders Debate in Christchurch
National Party leader Judith Collins speaks to the media following The Press Leaders Debate in Christchurch. (Photo : Kai Schwoerer/Getty Images)

What’s striking is that neither party has any policy on obesity beyond, say, encouraging physical activity in schools. There is no sugar tax on the table, no removal of GST on fresh fruit and vegetables, no public subsidy for gym memberships or free Fitbits in schools. These may or (more likely) may not be sensible policies, but they would at least connect the last few days’ debate on diet, exercise and weight to the role of the state and the fact that there’s an election happening. 

Instead, all that’s on offer at the buffet is the harsh admonition of Collins or the beatific absolution of Ardern, untethered from any consequences or promises of action in the real world. The discourse is stuffed with empty political calories.

Instead, for Ardern it was an opportunity to reiterate Labour’s favourite talking point that National was no longer “the party of John Key and Bill English”.

As a huge fan of English, the man she beat to become prime minister, Ardern may recall his comments in April that if stockmarkets rebounded quickly from the initial shock of Covid, and the pain of lockdowns was not borne equally, radical measures such as capital gains taxes may be back on the table.

But Ardern doesn’t lead the Labour Party of Bill English (or at least the Labour Party of his imagination), either. She’s spent the rest of the week hosing down National’s claim that a Labour-Greens government will implement a wealth tax on asset holdings over $2 million. She’s ruled it out, and the Greens have refused to make it a bottom line for negotiations, with various tough-sounding statements from MPs being rolled back over the past week or two.

Jacinda Ardern buys a sandwich during a walkabout at Riverside Market in Christchurch in September (Photo: Kai Schwoerer/Getty Images)

In contrast to the bizarre emergence of obesity discourse, this is a promising and time-honoured National party tradition: scaremongering over the Greens. It could be asked why it took Collins and others so long to turn to it this year, but the reality is that Labour looked on track to govern alone in most polls until last week. Instead, it’s mainly tried to attack on debt, taxes, the border, and avocado orchards.

Nothing the National Party has thrown against the wall has stuck. But, ironically, neither has anything that Labour’s tried. Remember “double duty”, the slogan Ardern valiantly attempted to make happen in the first leader’s debate, to describe smart policies that achieved two goals (like clean energy projects that could reduce emissions and create jobs)? Me neither. 

The election has remained, stubbornly, a referendum on Ardern’s performance during the pandemic. And a yes/no question doesn’t leave much room for nuance.

Perhaps this is to be expected. After all, no-one campaigned in 2017 on how they’d respond to a terrorist attack, a volcanic explosion and a global pandemic. It’s been popular to talk about “plans” in this election, but we all had plans of our own in January 2020, and look how that turned out.

Neither Collins nor Ardern could be drawn on the hypothetical but not unrealistic question in the second leaders’ debate of what they would do about New Zealand’s borders in the event an effective vaccine did not become available. It’s a non-trivial question. While the best strategy right now remains to keep the virus out with strict border controls, becoming a lost Atlantean civilization in the Pacific is not a long term option in the worst-case  scenario where a vaccine never appears. 

Whenever a vaccine arrives, the next government will need to find a way to get more people through the border safely – to pick fruit, engineer shovel ready projects and bring cash into the economy. Labour has ruled out delegating this task to private sector management in order to scale up capacity, presumably on the basis that the Ministry of Health (which simply failed to implement cabinet orders to test people on compassionate leave and staff in quarantine facilities) has done such a bang-up job.

Labour, on track for a comfortable mandate, will not have the option of being a “do-nothing government”, no matter what the campaign itself has suggested. Because, as gruelling as the campaign has been for the politicians and the public, the September-October spring break is over on Saturday, and it’s time to get back to work.