Grant Robertson standing in front of the Beehie holding the budget, "budget 2023" price tags have been superimposed over the photo
Finance minister Grant Robertson with the 2023 budget (Photo: Getty Images; additional design Archi Banal)

PoliticsMay 18, 2023

A budget budget from Homebrand Hipkins – with a few treats for the kids

Grant Robertson standing in front of the Beehie holding the budget, "budget 2023" price tags have been superimposed over the photo
Finance minister Grant Robertson with the 2023 budget (Photo: Getty Images; additional design Archi Banal)

The first budget for PM Chris Hipkins was intentionally low-key, with wins for parents and the gaming industry. The biggest surprise was an improving economic outlook, headlined by forecasts of a recession avoided.

Duncan Greive reports from the Budget 2023 lockup in the Beehive thanks to the support of The Spinoff Members.

No one can accuse PM Chris Hipkins of failing to deliver on the promise of a no-frills budget, one that definitively replaces the ambition of Ardern’s government with a back-to-basics approach Hipkins approvingly says “isn’t fancy”. The social re-engineering vision of the unemployment insurance scheme is functionally replaced with a far more pragmatic small change approach, highlighted by an extra year of subsidised childcare for two-year-olds, and an end to the $5 prescription payment (a policy already enacted by the Chemist Warehouse). There’s also free public transport for under 13s, along with a move to make it half price for under 25s. 

Beneath what Robertson described in a speech to the lockup as a “sensible and responsible” budget are a set of forecasts that will have prompted a huge, relieved exhale from the upper floors of the Beehive. Treasury is no longer forecasting a recession, and while GDP growth will be an anaemic 1% over 2023, it’s predicted to return to a robust 2.7% thereafter. Wage growth is predicted to outpace inflation over the course of the forecast period, which runs through 2027, with inflation forecast to ease to 4.5% in 2023, before re-entering the Reserve Bank’s target 1-3% band by the end of 2024.

For all the good news, there are vulnerabilities within a somewhat sleepy budget. Infometrics economist Brad Olsen notes a cumulative impact of a raft of seemingly minor spending decisions. “Taken together, all of those small initiatives cost a lot,” he told The Spinoff. “There’s $9.4bn more spending over the next four years” than was predicted just six months ago. There’s also forecast for a slower recovery, resulting in $11bn less revenue over the same period, along with a doubling of debt service costs. “It doesn’t look as much like spending with restraint,” said Olsen.

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One change that is presented as barely worth noting – it’s the final reference in Robertson’s draft speech – is an increase in the tax rate on trusts to 39% from 33%, bringing it into line with the top personal tax rate. It is directly tied to revelations that flowed out of IRD research that showed the most wealthy households pay less than half the tax rate of a typical worker. It is likely to be seized upon by opposition parties as a tax hike, and while Robertson was at pains to talk it down, it is forecast to raise over $1bn through 2027.

In addition to major pre-budget announcements around cyclone recovery, the budget contains $6bn in resilience funding, which is intended to specifically target the kind of infrastructure vulnerabilities that Cyclones Gabriel and Hale so ruthlessly exposed. This is in addition to a hefty $71bn committed to infrastructure investment over the next five years. 

Still, while Homebrand Hipkins has successfully jettisoned a perception of an excess of ambition that began to taint Ardern, his government has found a few relatively affordable initiatives that thread the needle through a cost-of-living crisis, a high-inflation environment and the multi-billion-dollar cost of a cyclone recovery. Robertson underlined this change of posture, noting in his lockup speech that “79% of spending relates to cost pressures, up from 69% at last budget”.

A focus on children

Most prominent is an extension of the ECE subsidy to two-year-olds, a full extra year of funding for parents of young children. It’s the centrepiece of a $1.8bn increase in early childhood funding through 2027, one which will save $133.20 per week for parents at a period typically characterised by financial and emotional stress. In a similar vein, the $5 co-payment for prescriptions has also been scrapped – while the sum is trivial to many, it’s a sufficient barrier to some that 135,000 people failed to collect a prescription in the last financial year. 

This is part of a clear emphasis on younger New Zealanders, with over $300m to fund free public transport for under 13s, and half price access for under 25s. This sits alongside an extension of free school lunches, and $230m over four years for increased operational funding for schools. Housing is nodded at through funding for a further 3,000 houses through Kāinga Ora and community housing providers – though this remains well short of addressing a housing waiting list which sits close to 20,000. There is also funding for insulation and hot water upgrades across a further 100,000 homes.

The gaming industry gets a surprise win

New Zealand’s $400m-a-year gaming industry has long complained of being ignored by comparison to more glamorous creative sectors, but receives an unanticipated 20% rebate on qualifying costs, at an estimated cost of $160m over four years. This will be welcomed by the sector, but with a caveat – Australia also has a 20% rebate, but there are specific state-level incentives on top. The New Zealand Initiative’s Eric Crampton acerbically credited to effective lobbying by Conor English, and feared for more subsidy creep into neighbouring sectors. On that front, the screen production grant is currently under review, and there is no extension beyond this year in the budget. 

Hopes of a similarly mechanical incentive in the areas of science and research have been dashed with the announcement of three multi-institution research hubs. These will encompass a grab-bag of different areas, with manufacturing and biotech sitting alongside oceans and climate research.

Equity changes

There are other less costly initiatives which will likely have an outsize impact on particular communities. The minimum wage exemption for disabled peoples falls into this category. It impacts just 800 workers, but has long been a bone of contention for sector advocates. However, it is not uncomplicated, as employers and some participants in the scheme believe it has a moral complexity, with its wellbeing impact on workers outweighing a surface unfairness.

Another inequity addressed is that which surrounds Te Matatini, long run for paltry sums compared to more Pākehā-coded institutions like the ballet or symphony orchestras. It receives a healthy $34m over two years, along with $18m to help bake in understanding of Matariki. There is a further $10m to fund more reo Māori initiatives, along with $13m for Pacific languages.

Other major areas of spending previously flagged are cyclone recovery spending. “Cyclone Gabrielle was second-most costly natural disaster NZ has ever faced,” said Robertson, referencing its recovery cost, currently estimated at $9bn-$14.5bn. One area of significant spending which did not receive major emphasis in the wraparound speeches is the “public sector pay adjustment”, which provides $2.3bn through 2027 to adjust public sector wages across a raft of government agencies. 

A surprisingly resilient economy

Robertson opened his lockup speech by emphasising improving Treasury forecasts around the economy, with some flow-on impacts to the government books. New Zealand’s crown debt as a percentage of GDP is now forecast to peak at 22%, well below the 30% upper bound target. By 2027 it is predicted to retreat to just 18.4% – orders of magnitude lower than the likes of the UK and US, both of which sit close to 100%. 

Inflation is predicted to continue to ease, now without requiring a recession, with Treasury picking a 4.5% increase in 2023, re-entering the 1%-3% band by the December quarter of 2024. Robertson was at pains to point out that after a period of lagging, wages are set to grow faster than inflation, with Treasury forecasting 5.2% wage growth against 3.3% inflation through 2027. It’s not all good news – tax revenue is forecast to be lower than in the HYEFU just six months ago, pushing out a return to surplus by a year, while unemployment should peak at 5.3% late next year.

The economic forecasts had the air of a reward for the bread-and-butter turn of the Hipkins era – an approving nod from the economic wonks that restraint and a return to economic orthodoxy will produce fiscal dividends down the road. It was telling that Robertson once again referenced the post-GFC budgets of Key and English, proudly pointing at slides showing lower deficits as a percentage of GDP. While those looking for the kind of transformational change that swept Labour to power in 2017 will be disappointed, the new pragmatism at least has benefits the finance minister can use heading into what shapes as a fiercely normie election.

The full Budget 2023 document can be downloaded here

Firefighters inspect the Loafers Lodge hostel in Wellington. (Photo: MARTY MELVILLE/AFP via Getty Images, additional design: Archi Banal)
Firefighters inspect the Loafers Lodge hostel in Wellington. (Photo: MARTY MELVILLE/AFP via Getty Images, additional design: Archi Banal)

OPINIONPoliticsMay 18, 2023

The twin crises that fuelled the hostel fire

Firefighters inspect the Loafers Lodge hostel in Wellington. (Photo: MARTY MELVILLE/AFP via Getty Images, additional design: Archi Banal)
Firefighters inspect the Loafers Lodge hostel in Wellington. (Photo: MARTY MELVILLE/AFP via Getty Images, additional design: Archi Banal)

Behind the Loafers Lodge tragedy is a story of deep-seated poverty and chronic housing shortages, writes Bernard Hickey.

This is an edited version of a post first published on Bernard Hickey’s newsletter, The Kākā.

Very early on Tuesday morning more than 90 of Wellington most vulnerable people had to scramble, crawl and jump for their lives to get out of an office building converted to rooms for rent at up to $240 a week, some without windows, and none with sprinklers. At least six of them, and possibly as many as 11 more, died trying to get out of a building on fire, clogged with smoke, that was given a building warrant of fitness two months ago.

These were people who were mentally ill, homeless, alone, unemployed, on probation, under community orders and often estranged from whānau and friends. Some were Filipino nurses on temporary work visas and unable to find a proper home. Some were “501s” living in rooms being paid for by the state, having been wrenched from whatever familial support they might have had in Australia and distrusted and despised here.

They are the people who keep falling off the edge of the public gaze in our political economy, pushed out to the margins of society by chronic housing shortages, a stressed to breaking point health system, and little-to-no disposable income.

“I’ve lived at Loafers for three years. That fire alarm has been going off for three years, at 12am, 3am, 5 in the morning and we ignore it.” – Loafers Lodge resident Aiden Tavendale via NewstalkZB

The fire at a Wellington hostel overnight
The fire at a Wellington hostel early on Tuesday morning (Image: WCC Facebook)

Last night the survivors of the fire slept in shelters, motels and in marae, if they slept. All their belongings are gone. They are there because our country has:

  • Built the fewest new homes for every 1,000 new residents in the world in the last 30 years (FT);
  • The fastest rise in real residential land values in the world, along with the most expensive rents and homes relative to incomes in the world (FT);
  • The highest proportion of stressed renters in the world, with just over a quarter of renters paying more than 40% of their disposable income on rent (Stats NZ);
  • A total of 24,030 households on the housing register for social housing, more than quadruple the numbers registered as needing housing in 2017, and including 2,165 on the register in Wellington (HUD);
  • State spending on housing subsidies of $4 billion per year, including $1.2 billion on state housing subsidies, $2 billion on the accommodation aupplement and $800 million on emergency special needs grants to pay for people to stay in motels and boarding houses (HUD);
  • 430,000 households receiving so little income for such high rents that they need the support of the Government in the form of the accommodation supplement and special housing needs grants (HUD); and,
  • 480,104 households who needed to use food banks in March, up 165% from pre-Covid levels (NZ Food Network)

The waiting list for public housing has almost quintupled in five years. Source: Ministry of Housing and Urban Development

Twin crises laid bare

This is a moment when Aotearoa can see the results of our twin housing and poverty crises in the starkest and most brutal light. Politicians have agreed on the need for inquiries into the fire and building standards, but the bigger question is whether this moment of clarity lasts and makes any difference. I personally doubt it.

The people affected are not median voters and have no public voice, so they can be ignored once the spotlight has shifted. They can and often are blamed for and sanctioned into living in this situation. Until Tuesday, some politicians’ focus was on cutting their benefits and restricting their access to housing while charging them to get their medicines. The current government has repeatedly ignored official advice to remove benefit sanctions, increase benefits by a considerably higher rate, and to build much, much more social housing. Every time the government has said no, because to do otherwise would lead to a higher net debt trajectory and slightly higher interest rates, and therefore slightly lower residential land values.

Just after 2pm today, we’ll open up another “business as usual”, “bread and butter”, and “just the basics” budget that is focused on cutting down the size of publicly provided services as a share of the economy to ensure there’s room for more tax cuts and to keep public debt and interest rates low. Budget 2023, promoted as a “no frills” document, is already printed.

House values and rents have risen much faster than incomes. (Source: Ministry of Housing and Urban Development)

Making choices to keep the status quo

Prime minister Chris Hipkins and finance minister Grant Robertson decided months ago on this approach, in line with years of adherence to the default long-run fiscal settings of low public debt before everything else. They were egged on by an opposition baying for less government borrowing, lower mortgage rates and fiscal room for tax cuts that will help those on middle to higher incomes the most.

Yet 10% of our population are so poor and stressed they can’t afford a place to live or food without government help to pay their rent, or to eat without food parcels donated from leftovers being thrown out by supermarkets.

This is a country with net household wealth of $2.25 trillion, which is $450,200 per person. How is it that 90% think it’s OK for 10% of our people to be so poor they can’t afford a place to live or enough food to eat?

A business as usual response?

So far, the response to Tuesday’s fire in real financial terms by the government is business as usual: investigate the individual disaster, change some regulations and blame the residents and/or the landlord. I asked Robertson yesterday morning if the government was building enough social housing and whether it planned to ramp up investment dramatically in the budget. He acknowledged it was not enough and said we should wait for the budget. I don’t expect any increase in social housing investment beyond Kainga Ora’s plan to build a net extra 11,780 homes between 2018 and 2024 – of which it reported it had delivered 6,401 by the end of December.

Kainga Ora said in June 2022 that it assumed it would not be building net extra homes from next year, because of increased construction costs and higher interest rates. It would instead focus on renewing its existing stock, unless it was given extra funding in the budget 2023 funding round. We will see today if that suspension is confirmed.

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