
PoliticsJuly 21, 2018

The political parties NZ is missing


With the folding of TOP and the Māori Party’s struggle to re-enter Parliament, one thing’s become obvious; there just aren’t enough parties. Anna Bracewell-Worrall for Newshub suggests a few potentials.

Currently there are five parties in Parliament. There are only two parties in opposition. If variety is the spice is life, the Parliament of Aotearoa New Zealand is a 1970s Edmonds Cookbook curry made with two teaspoons of curry powder.

Minor parties are cool – they can challenge the centrist status quo of the two major parties, stand up for underrepresented segments of New Zealand and propose policy in areas largely forgotten.

They can also be a means for governments to feed out more experimental and challenging ideas. Think ACT’s charter schools and United Future’s Peter Dunne fronting psychoactive substance reform.

Here are some suggestions.

The Farmers Party

This party stands for no new taxes on farmers, research and development and sensible quadbike legislation.

Led by: One of the guys into curling on the Mainland cheese ads.

The Renters Party

About a third of New Zealanders live in a house they rent. There’s a real gap in the market here for a party that stands for renters’ rights. That would be things like limiting the grounds for landlords to terminate tenancies. This party definitely supports a capital gains, wealth and/or land tax.

The Gender Equality Party

The United Kingdom has the Women’s Equality Party. Sweden has the Feminist Initiative. New Zealand could do with a minor party that campaigns on issues like pay equality, ending violence against women and abortion law reform.

The Business Confidence Party

This party unites under one aim: excellent business confidence.

The Cars Party

Led by Judith Collins, The Cars Party stands for shiny new asphalt and the abolition of tax on petrol.

The Libertarian Party

ACT has been toying at the idea of a rebrand for some time now. Is it time to fully embrace the libertarian ideology it mostly but not quite adopts?

The Māori Party

Obviously this party still exists. But Parliament is all the poorer without it.

The Youth Party

This party wants to keep the drinking age at 18, free fees for all education and more playgrounds.

Led by a tall youth. Maybe Newshub’s Mitchell Alexander.

The Definitely Very Conservative Party

There’s clearly an appetite for a conservative party in New Zealand. Back when Colin Craig was leader and bankroller, 100,000 people voted for the Conservatives in 2014, yet they got no seats in Parliament. The party is now called the New Conservatives, which is a bit confusing because we thought they were traditionalists.

The Healthy Kiwis Party

GST off fruit and vegetables, a sugar tax, sugar-free schools and fruit in workplaces!

Pet Party

All public places to be pet friendly. No GST on pet food, free pet food dispensers at parks. Paid Pawrental leave!

Keep going!