
PoliticsJuly 26, 2017

Politics podcast: Metiria Turei’s Winz confession, Labour’s alt-budget and the Māori seats


Our answer to the ‘Black Hands’ podcast is ‘Rainbow Hands’, in which the Gone By Lunchtime team scoff so many M&Ms that their fingers get covered in artificial colouring. Also they discuss politics.

With less than two months to polling day, Annabelle Lee, executive producer of The Hui, returns to the GBLT pod salon, joining Ben Thomas of Exceltium and Toby Manhire of the Spinoff to discuss the Green co-leader’s headline grabbing admission of benefit fraud, the contrast with tax evasion, Labour’s alternative budget proposition, and Annabelle explains why Winston Peters is a rom-com.

Plus, in open defiance of the schooling from professional broadcaster Guy Williams, guest star of the last pod, the confectionery remains the beating heart of the production, with all its sonorous slurping and spluttering.

To listen either download (right click to save) or stream the podcast using the player below, or subscribe via iTunes, or here on Stitcher (RSS feed).

Keep going!