A good wig is in the eye of the beholder. (Image Design: Tina Tiller)
A good wig is in the eye of the beholder. (Image Design: Tina Tiller)

Pop CultureSeptember 8, 2022

Hear me out: There are too many bad wigs on television

A good wig is in the eye of the beholder. (Image Design: Tina Tiller)
A good wig is in the eye of the beholder. (Image Design: Tina Tiller)

The golden age of TV is also the golden age of the wig. But why are so many of them so distractingly terrible? Sam Brooks has a theory.

House of the Dragon, the prequel to Game of Thrones, is an intense show that requires multiple trigger warnings. It’s got dragons, dismemberings, gratuitous sex scenes. But maybe the most horrifying thing about it is the wigs.

Because House of the Dragon focuses on the Targaryen family, the royal dynasty predisposed to incest, it requires the actors in that family to don the trademark platinum blonde tresses. This means that a lot of those actors are wearing wigs. And those wigs… aren’t very good.

Emma D’Arcy, Matt Smith and two wigs of varying quality in House of the Dragon. (Photo: HBO)

Wigs are commonplace in the screen industry. Sometimes an actor has to play a character who, shockingly enough, has different hair than their own, and it’s easier to achieve the desired hairstyle with a wig than by dyeing an actor’s hair, shaving it off, or spending hours styling it every day of the shoot. See: Every Nicole Kidman film ever. Yes, those are wigs.

I feel like I shouldn’t need to say this, but a good wig shouldn’t be obvious. The classic example of a good wig is Julianna Margulies’ in The Good Wife. It looks like it could feasibly grow out of her own head, because it’s a straight brown wig. A more current example would be Morfydd Clark, who plays Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Even though it’s deeply unlikely that anybody would have Galadriel’s waist-length blonde tresses, Clark at least looks like she could have hair like that. We buy it, even though her hair is about as realistic as… well, anything in Middle-earth.

Hugh Grant and Nicole Kidman’s wig in The Undoing (supplied)

Which brings us back to Game of Thrones. The problem with a bad wig is that it takes the viewer out of the scene. Even in a show where the dragons are obviously not real (sorry), a wig that doesn’t look like the actor’s hair is as distracting as a terrible accent. We’re not thinking about how fearsome Daemon Targaryen is, we’re thinking about the fact that Matt Smith looks like he is a cast member of TVNZ’s House of Drag, not HBO’s House of the Dragon.

This Vox explainer is a great insight into the production issues that might play into wigs being bad, including a lack of budget, a lack of time, or simply a lack of care taken when applying the wigs. However, I propose another theory: the problem isn’t just the wigs or how they’re laid atop the head. The problem is us.

A wig could be the best wig ever made, laid by literal angels, and it’d still register as a bad wig because… we know that’s not what Matt Smith’s hair looks like. Matt Smith has been around in the public eye for a couple of largely wigless decades. We know his hair definitely isn’t platinum blond, and even if it was, it definitely wouldn’t start at that hairline.

Way back when Game of Thrones started, Emilia Clarke could get away with the Targaryen tresses because we didn’t know who Emilia Clarke was. That allowed for just enough suspension of disbelief for us to accept that it was her actual hair, and then Daenerys was all good to go. The actual quality of the wig doesn’t matter so much – it just has to look plausible.

If we expect to see fake hair, we’re much more lenient. Take early-00s spy show Alias. It requires Jennifer Garner, as Sydney Bristow, to don many wigs and take on various disguises. We, the audience, know this is not Jennifer Garner’s real hair, so we’re a lot more forgiving. It also helps that these wigs are generally good, and tend to be part of a disguise intended to make Sydney Bristow not look like Jennifer Garner, to which I say: mission accomplished.

A more extreme example is RuPaul’s Drag Race. We know there are going to be wigs. We know we’re not seeing a contestant’s real hair, ever. The wig doesn’t have to do the heavy-lifting of keeping up an illusion, it just needs to match whatever the queen is trying to sell us.

Thus the problem, I believe, is not the actual wigs but how much is being asked of them. A wig is a beautiful piece of hair artistry that can transform a person’s entire look. It is not, however, a memory-erasing, reality-bending tool. No wig is good enough to make us forget that pretty much nobody has hair like a Targaryen, and especially not Paddy Considine. 

Wigs are meant to be laid, not to bear a heavy load. The right wig on the right head? Perfect, we don’t even notice. Wrong wig on the wrong head? It’s all we’re talking about.

Keep going!
Let’s get this party started (Photo: TVNZ / Design: Tina Tiller)
Let’s get this party started (Photo: TVNZ / Design: Tina Tiller)

Pop CultureSeptember 7, 2022

Celebrity Treasure Island power rankings, week one: Ain’t nothing like a Dame

Let’s get this party started (Photo: TVNZ / Design: Tina Tiller)
Let’s get this party started (Photo: TVNZ / Design: Tina Tiller)

Get in here you lot, and welcome to week one of the Celebrity Treasure Island power rankings for 2022. 

After a long, bleak winter, the return of Celebrity Treasure Island feels like sunshine on a cloudy day. Twenty-one New Zealand celebrities are about to battle it out on a Northland beach to win money for their chosen charities, and while CTI is often an emotional game, this season saw tears fall from the very start. Monday night’s episode began with an emotional tribute to former All Black Va’aiga Tuigamala, who was scheduled to appear on the show but tragically died before filming began.

The one, the only Inga (Photo: TVNZ)

These famous people represent approximately 85% of New Zealand’s total celebrity resource, and it was tricky to get to know all 21 contestants in a mere three episodes. Some celebs lurked in the background, while others swung from the inflatable coat hanger of CTI dreams, desperate to play the game.

We had an intruder, a possum, a spaghetti thief and a shocking elimination; Bree Tomasel revealed Matt Chisholm has a “downstairs mullet”, and Dame Susan Devoy said the word “vag” on national television. Thank goodness you’re back, Celebrity Treasure Island. These celebrities might be hunting for gold, but I think the real treasure here is you.

The tide’s turning, so let’s get stuck into week one’s power rankings.

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Eliminated: Guy Montgomery

That Guy (Photo: TVNZ)

Look, a quick game’s a good game, but this is going too far. Guy Montgomery came with hopes and dreams, but left with the sound of a thousand corn kernels spilling into his nightmares. Dame Susan Devoy put Guy into the corn-shovelling elimination challenge, but it was a slippery slope to kernel chaos. Matt Chisholm farewelled Guy by saying he was “one of the funniest Guy’s he’s ever met”, but now we’ll never find out how many Guys The Chiz actually knows. Gone too soon, Guy Montgomery.

The rest:

20. Ron Cribb

Always Cribb, never Bachh (Photo: TVNZ)

Former All Black. Intruder. Not yet officially in the game.

19. Mike King

Be afraid (Photo: TVNZ)

Also not officially in the game, but already talking up a storm. “When I walk into whatever camp I walk into, they are going to be in fear of me,” Mike promised. The trees shook with terror, or maybe it was just the wind. Ominous.

18. Cam Mansel

Thinking about potatoes (Photo: TVNZ)

The radio host played a terrible potato game in the celebrity challenge, and once you offend the potato, it’s over. Sorry, we don’t make the rules.

17. Shimpal Lelisi

In no hurry (Photo: TVNZ)

A quiet beginning, but it’s only week one. Some of these celebrities are playing a long game.

16. Perlina Lau

Creamerie of the crop (Photo: TVNZ)

A quiet week for Perlina too, but I suspect she’s likely to make a killer move when we least expect it, probably during another tense game of “throw the potato in the hole”.

15. Jesse Tuke

Grinners are winners (Photo: TVNZ)

Seems to be having a lovely time.

14. Dylan Schmidt

Let’s bounce (Photo: TVNZ)

Spent the week doing the splits, but sadly, this legs akimbo approach can only take a celebrity so far.

13. Siobhan Marshall

Outrageous (Photo: TVNZ)

An absolute delight. Also appears to be having a lovely time. This can’t go on.

12. Karen O’Leary

Looking for treasure (Photo: TVNZ)

“At the end of the day, it’s night time,” Officer O’Leary declared after her first CTI challenge, and a truer word has never been spoken.

11. Eds Eramiha 

Loves a lesson (Photo: TVNZ)

The controversial chip-abstainer has a great attitude, despite claiming to have never watched an episode of CTI. “They ain’t losses, they’re lessons,” was the lesson he took from his first loss, which is the sort of big sky thinking that gets you all the way to the final.

10. Courtenay Louise

Puzzle spelled out ‘my arms hurt’ (Photo: TVNZ)

Major threat alert. A huge CTI fan, Courtney knew Mangō needed to win the first challenge to choose team captains. They did not win the challenge. I’m ropable on her behalf.

9. Elvis Lopeti

You make me feel like dancing (Photo: TVNZ)

Potatoes are tricky little fuckers, but Elvis chucked his spud in the hole and won $5,000 for his charity. He also taught his team a TikTok dance that involved moving their arms “like you’re punching someone’s head in”. LOL! Dancing is fun.

8. Dr Joel Rindelaub

The Doctor is in (Photo: TVNZ)

Anyone who asks a potato if they are “too good for their hole” deserves a top five finish, so it’s a shame Joel lands at number eight. Joel is distracting the competition with rap hijinks and spud antics, but behind that wacky mullet lies a strategic mind. Maybe the treasure is under there too. Only the follicles know the truth.

7. Iyia Liu

Boss babe (Photo: TVNZ)

Slayed the competition during the captain’s challenge with her superior drinking talent. “I have had a lot of water consumption,” Iyia boasted, which is exactly what Sir Edmund Hillary was rumoured to have said on top of Everest.

6. Alex King

CTI royalty (Photo: TVNZ)

Captain of Team Kuaka. Formed an alliance with Eds, and spewed in the flaxes after eating rice and beans. One to watch.

5. Cassie Roma

It’s Cassie Roma (Photo: TVNZ)

Cassie Roma is the Lord David Attenborough of CTI, a quiet figure who watches from afar and an astute observer of the human condition. She could probably befriend Team Kauri’s feral possum if she wanted to. She also shoots hoops like an absolute beast. Love to see it.

4. Lynette Forday

Grace Kwan wouldn’t put up with this shit either (Photo: TVNZ)

Lynette Forday hates camping, loathes rice and beans, and makes farty noises when she blows up her inflatable coat hanger. Lynette doesn’t belong on CTI, and yet, somehow she is CTI. When Susan Devoy turned up to Camp Kauri and claimed both the captaincy and the spaghetti, Lynette was fuming. “SUSAN JUST ATE ALL OUR SPAGHETTI!” she yelled, no doubt wishing the governor general could pull some spaghetti strings and send The Dame down in flames. Sadly, the Queen’s representatives also think rice and beans can suck it. The spaghetti must be protected at all costs, and so should Lynette Forday.

3. Melodie Robinson

Melodie: not afraid of argy-bargy (Photo: TVNZ)

The ex-Black Fern captain appears to have some shady history with Susan Devoy, doesn’t get on with Spaghetti Queen Lynette, and she isn’t afraid of a bit of “argy-bargy”. Run for your lives.

2. Te Kohe Tuhaka 

Team Dad (Photo: TVNZ)

TK is like the CTI possum, fierce and unpredictable and determined to show everyone who’s in charge. Should TK have spoken over his team captain Iyia? No. Should he have sent Susan Devoy to Team Kauri? You betcha. That was the best CTI move since Dr Joel rhymed “kākāriki” with “make it look easy”. Team Dad is in this to win.

1. Dame Susan Devoy

Dame Suzy D (Photo: TVNZ)

After only two days in the game, Susan Devoy is already a CTI legend. There’s no bullshit with Dame Suzy D, no biting of the tongue, and the truths she spoke turned the game on its head.  Yes, Melodie keeps telling Susan what to do. Yes, Lynette was cheating in the challenge. Yes, Blind Jim the Possum has a vagina. The Dame has come to play, and if “Jim’s got a big vag” doesn’t end up as quote of the year, both me and Vaggy Jim will riot.

Follow our reality TV recap podcast The Real Pod on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favourite podcast provider.

Celebrity Treasure Island screens Monday-Wednesday nights at 7.30pm on TVNZ 2 and streams on TVNZ+.

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