A kangaroo escapes the flames in Colo Heights, Australia, following a blaze at Gospers Mountain in New South Wales in November. Photo by Brett Hemmings/Getty Images
A kangaroo escapes the flames in Colo Heights, Australia, following a blaze at Gospers Mountain in New South Wales in November. Photo by Brett Hemmings/Getty Images

ScienceJanuary 7, 2020

In Australia we are witnessing a country aflame, fanned by fossil-fuelled politicians

A kangaroo escapes the flames in Colo Heights, Australia, following a blaze at Gospers Mountain in New South Wales in November. Photo by Brett Hemmings/Getty Images
A kangaroo escapes the flames in Colo Heights, Australia, following a blaze at Gospers Mountain in New South Wales in November. Photo by Brett Hemmings/Getty Images

Australia, your country is burning – the climate change emergency is here with you now, writes Michael Mann, a climate scientist visiting the country.

This article originally appeared in The Guardian and is republished here as part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalistic collaboration to strengthen coverage of the climate story.

After years studying the climate, my work has brought me to Sydney, where I’m studying the linkages between climate change and extreme weather events.

Prior to beginning my sabbatical stay in Sydney, I took the opportunity this holiday season to vacation in Australia with my family. We went to see the Great Barrier Reef – one of the great wonders of this planet – while we still can. Subject to the twin assaults of warming-caused bleaching and ocean acidification, it will be gone in a matter of decades in the absence of a dramatic reduction in global carbon emissions.

We also travelled to the Blue Mountains, another of Australia’s natural wonders, known for its lush temperate rainforests, majestic cliffs and rock formations and panoramic vistas that challenge any the world has to offer. It too is now threatened by climate change.

I witnessed this firsthand.

I did not see vast expanses of rainforest framed by distant blue-tinged mountain ranges. Instead I looked out into smoke-filled valleys, with only the faintest ghosts of distant ridges and peaks in the background. The iconic blue tint (which derives from a haze formed from “terpenes” emitted by the eucalyptus trees that are so plentiful here) was replaced by a brown haze. The blue sky, too, had been replaced by that brown haze.

The locals, whom I found to be friendly and outgoing, would volunteer that they had never seen anything like this before. Some even uttered the words “climate change” without any prompting.

The songs of Peter Garrett and Midnight Oil I first enjoyed decades ago have taken on a whole new meaning for me now. They seem disturbingly prescient in light of what we are witnessing unfold in Australia.

The brown skies I observed in the Blue Mountains this week are a product of human-caused climate change. Take record heat, combine it with unprecedented drought in already dry regions and you get unprecedented bushfires like the ones engulfing the Blue Mountains and spreading across the continent. It’s not complicated.

The warming of our planet – and the changes in climate associated with it – are due to the fossil fuels we’re burning: oil, whether at midnight or any other hour of the day, natural gas, and the biggest culprit of all, coal. That’s not complicated either.

When we mine for coal, like the controversial planned Adani coal mine, which would more than double Australia’s coal-based carbon emissions, we are literally mining away at our blue skies. The Adani coal mine could rightly be renamed the Blue Sky mine.

In Australia, beds are burning. So are entire towns, irreplaceable forests and endangered and precious animal species such as the koala (arguably the world’s only living plush toy) are perishing in massive numbers due to the unprecedented bushfires.

The continent of Australia is figuratively – and in some sense literally – on fire.

Yet the prime minister, Scott Morrison, appears remarkably indifferent to the climate emergency Australia is suffering through, having chosen to vacation in Hawaii as Australians are left to contend with unprecedented heat and bushfires.

Morrison has shown himself to be beholden to coal interests and his administration is considered to have conspired with a small number of petrostates to sabotage the recent UN climate conference in Madrid (“COP25”), seen as a last-ditch effort to keep planetary warming below a level (1.5°C) considered by many to constitute “dangerous” planetary warming.

But Australians need only wake up in the morning, turn on the television, read the newspaper or look out the window to see what is increasingly obvious to many – for Australia, dangerous climate change is already here. It’s simply a matter of how much worse we’re willing to allow it to get.

Australia is experiencing a climate emergency. It is literally burning. It needs leadership that is able to recognise that and act. And it needs voters to hold politicians accountable at the ballot box.

Australians must vote out fossil-fuelled politicians who have chosen to be part of the problem and vote in climate champions who are willing to solve it.

Michael E Mann is distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Pennsylvania State University. His most recent book, with Tom Toles, is The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy (Columbia University Press, 2016).

Residents defend a property from a bushfire at Hillsville near Taree, 350km north of Sydney on November 12, 2019. (Photo by PETER PARKS/AFP via Getty Images)
Residents defend a property from a bushfire at Hillsville near Taree, 350km north of Sydney on November 12, 2019. (Photo by PETER PARKS/AFP via Getty Images)

ScienceJanuary 7, 2020

Australia on fire: the numbers tell the terrible story

Residents defend a property from a bushfire at Hillsville near Taree, 350km north of Sydney on November 12, 2019. (Photo by PETER PARKS/AFP via Getty Images)
Residents defend a property from a bushfire at Hillsville near Taree, 350km north of Sydney on November 12, 2019. (Photo by PETER PARKS/AFP via Getty Images)

Bushfire season in Australia traditionally runs from December-March, but since August last year fires have been scorching the country in an unprecedented wave of destruction. We look at the fires by numbers.

480 million

The estimated number of animal deaths so far, despite the best efforts of conservation and wildlife protection agencies.


Fires currently blazing in New South Wales alone.


The AQI or Air Quality Index measured in South Sydney yesterday morning. This is classified as “hazardous”. For comparison, in Pukekohe the AQI is currently 64, in London and Hong Kong it’s 55, in Shanghai it’s 77, and in Abu Dhabi it’s 120. AQIs over 300 are considered extremely hazardous. Children, seniors, and the sick should stay indoors, and others should avoid outdoor activities.

45,000 years

How long First Nations Australians went without so much of the country being razed to the ground.


The distance the smoke travelled from New South Wales to Auckland over the weekend.

250 million tonnes

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the fires from August through to December last year.

535 million tonnes

The total amount of carbon dioxide emitted by Australia in 2018.


The altitude to which “pyro-cumulonimbus” clouds have risen above East Gippsland. When a bushfire grows large enough it begins to generate its own storm, which spreads the fire further via lightning strikes. One of these storms is responsible for the fire tornado spotted on Kangaroo Island, where two people have been killed.

A map of fires and lightning strikes over the past two days, current as of 6th Jan. Source: My Fire Watch.


The number of face masks from a national stockpile reserved for pandemics being provided to at-risk Victorians and frontline workers.


The number of people who have died since the fires began.


The number who have been declared missing since the fires began.


The number of indigenous Australians who live in New South Wales, the state most severely affected by fires. Sacred land and reservations are burning all around the country. First Nations knowledge of fire management will be integral to continued life in Australia.

12.35 million acres

The territory burned up since the season’s fires began. Equivalent to about 50,000 square kilometres, that’s almost half the North Island of New Zealand, and over five times as much land as burned in the Amazon fires last year. It’s almost 18 times the amount that normally burns in Australian bush fires each year, and is just under 12 times the size of the Black Saturday fires of 2009, which took the lives of 173 people.


The number of members of the royal family have deigned to send their “thoughts and prayers” to those affected by the fires.


Land in New South Wales declared an emergency zone in need of evacuation.

12 years

How long ago it was unambiguously predicted that inaction on the impending climate crisis would result in bushfires that burned longer and more intensely.

6 months

How long ago a specific warning was given to the government by experienced fire chiefs.

$33 million

The amount raised by comedian Celeste Barber for charities and organisations combating the fire and its effects.


The US sum raised by Kaylen Ward, an LA-based sex worker, who sent nudes to anyone who donated $10 to one of a prescribed list of organisations in Australia.

A fire tornado on Kangaroo Island. Source: YouTube.


Homes destroyed.


Army reservists being deployed to communities struck by the fires, and a third navy vessel will help evacuations in coastal areas.


Fire-fighting planes leased by the Australian government to combat the fires.


Veteran Californian firefighters have been sent to help.


Canadian firefighters have been sent since the fires began.


New Zealand firefighters sent to help since October last year. Another 22 will be deployed tomorrow.


Royal New Zealand Air Force NH90 helicopters (with a 55-person crew including medical and logistics staff) sent to aid transport of personnel and equipment in fire-affected areas.


NZ Army Combat Engineer Sections comprising 25 staff have been sent to help with access and evacuation path clearance.


Task force headquarters team will coordinate these teams and liaise with Australian personnel to best help.

See an up-to-date chart of fires and lightning strikes in Australia here.