a lime scooter on a footpath with some people in the background. it's in pieces
A broken Lime electric scooter lays on a footpath. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

SocietyFebruary 25, 2019

Why disabled people are cheering the Lime ban

a lime scooter on a footpath with some people in the background. it's in pieces
A broken Lime electric scooter lays on a footpath. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

In the debate about the safety of Lime e-scooters, one voice has been largely unheard – that of the disabled community, which has had serious concerns from the start, writes Chris Ford.

As a disability-rights and pedestrian-rights activist, I applaud both my own Dunedin City Council and the Auckland City Council for their decisions to temporarily remove Lime e-scooters from the streets. I say this because Lime has had a seriously detrimental impact on the disability community in the areas where it has launched so far.

I must admit here that I’m a former scooter user myself. I used a four-wheeled electrically powered mobility scooter for transport for nearly 25 years. In my defence, there were few mobility scooters around when I started using mine, and scooters did have (and still do) some legal clearance to use footpaths. Now, I use a power chair for both indoor and outdoor mobility.

So why should a power chair user (and former mobility scooter user) be lecturing others about Lime scooters? I can almost hear the Lime fans now: “Oh look, there goes another member of the fun police – and he’s a bloody hypocrite to boot!”

Unlike many e-scooter users, however, I use a power chair as a matter of necessity; the same was true when I used a mobility scooter in the past. Having said that, I do believe that carbon-free, alternative energy-powered vehicles like e-scooters are the way of the future; it’s likely we will have even more of them using our transport networks within the next decade. In fact, disabled people (particularly those who don’t or can’t drive) have long led the way in using either carbon-free or low-emission transport modes such as buses, power wheelchairs and walking for decades now.

But technologies like Lime e-scooters have to be introduced into our transport networks in a safe, legal and constructive way. The safety of such technology must be tested and verified before being introduced, in the same way that cars have to meet certain standards before being placed on the road. There must be stringent standards put in place around their design and use. And there must be good, robust safety regulations ensuring that the needs and interests of all users of the transport network are respected.

Pedestrians, scooter and bike riders on the northwestern cycleway. Photo: RNZ / Rowan Quinn

The way in which Lime e-scooters launched in Aotearoa demonstrates that when a multinational company wants to get its way in this country, it usually will. Last week it came to light that former Labour Party president Mike Williams, now a lobbyist, introduced Lime executives to Transport Minister Phil Twyford and New Zealand Transport Agency officials late last year to help grease the wheels for Lime’s relatively quick launch in this country.

After that, Lime set about meeting with key city council officials in the launch locations they had their eyes on in order to further their case. In Dunedin, many elected councillors didn’t know that company executives had met with city officials to conclude a Memorandum of Understanding until just before the company’s launch in the city. It looks to me like Lime were keen to bypass consulting with elected officials and, crucially, the wider public in order to get their way.

If Lime had been required to consult with the community, they would have found legitimate concerns being raised by the disability community. They would have found that, in particular, wheelchair users, blind and vision impaired people, people with mobility impairments and people with age-related disabilities (among others) had reasonable concerns about the arrival of Lime scooters on our streets.

These would have included the ability of largely non-disabled people to use Limes on pedestrian footpaths and at high speeds. Those with mobility impairments are particularly at risk here, as they tend to have stability issues and lack the ability to quickly jump out of the way of oncoming scooters. Furthermore, blind and vision impaired people would have asked whether they could reasonably know that Lime e-scooters were oncoming, given that these vehicles are fairly quiet. The disability community would have also questioned users’ freedom to leave the scooters anywhere, especially on footpaths. As we know now, wheelchair users and mobility aid users (not to mention all other pedestrians) are forced to navigate around scooters abandoned in the middle of the footpath on a daily basis.

Moreover, there was growing evidence before Lime’s New Zealand launch that many overseas cities had either banned Lime and other e-scooter companies from operating or, at the very least, had placed significant restrictions around their use. It seems that a number of US cities did so largely as the result of legal challenges from disability rights groups about the ability of disabled people and others to safely use footpaths.

But it looks like Lime’s ability to successfully navigate our legal loopholes ended up trumping any consideration of the safety of pedestrians, of e-scooter users themselves, and of other users of the transport system, including motorists and cyclists.

Now the concerns of the disability community have been vindicated through nearly six months of actual experience. Disability community social media pages are full of people expressing anger and frustration about the Lime situation, including the need – as I’ve experienced myself – to dodge out of the way of a badly driven scooter.

A pedestrian walks past two Bird scooters in the middle of a sidewalk in the Westwood section of Los Angeles, California, July 10, 2018. (Photo ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)

Clearly, central government now needs to act on the e-scooter issue. I understand that the government is currently developing a strategy document on how we manage the challenges of new vehicular technology and its impact on our transport network, including on our pedestrian spaces. In the meantime, we need stop-gap legislation which includes speed limits on all vehicles with the ability to use footpaths (and I concede that this should include even power chairs and mobility scooters).

In the longer-term, government should also stipulate that any vehicle designed for pedestrian use (including e-scooters) should meet strict operating standards and be subjected to regular testing and safety checks by transport authorities, with the ability to recall any model should it be found unsafe. Above all, all operators should be legally required to undertake a reasonable period of public consultation (especially with key stakeholders including pedestrian groups, disabled people and local communities) prior to launching any new mode of high tech transport in New Zealand.

At the same time, councils and central government should invest in pedestrian-only, car-free spaces in cities and major towns where only foot traffic and other permitted users can go. We also need more regulated shared spaces that motor vehicles – indeed, all transport users (including e-scooters and bicycles) – can use, providing they stick to parallel lanes or spaces regulated either by speed and/or modal type.

Until better regulation and/or standards arrive, though, the ban on Lime e-scooters (and all other brands of e-scooter) should remain. This would give central government and local communities throughout the country the time to develop the legislative and infrastructural tools to help deal with the influx of new transport technologies in a more effective, planned way. After that, providing all the safety and other requirements I’ve outlined above were met, I’d be happy to welcome Lime and other e-scooter operators back.

I have to be honest: it’s no fun to be the so-called fun police. But anyone who identifies as a disabled person and lives in a Lime-using area will almost certainly be expressing relief today that the calls for greater restraint have finally been heard. No doubt other members of the public who have had their own negative experiences with Lime e-scooters – either as users themselves, or as pedestrians who’ve had run-ins with them – will be expressing some relief too. Now, onto the fight for better regulation and standards that will benefit everyone, both e-scooter users and non-users alike.

Chris Ford is a Dunedin-based freelance writer and researcher. He currently works for a disability non-governmental organisation and is co-convenor of the Dunedin Pedestrian Action Network alongside Dr Lynley Hood. The views expressed here are his own.

A cyclist on the hazardous streets. Photo: Getty Images.
A cyclist on the hazardous streets. Photo: Getty Images.

SocietyFebruary 25, 2019

Wellington’s most dangerous pastime: riding a bike

A cyclist on the hazardous streets. Photo: Getty Images.
A cyclist on the hazardous streets. Photo: Getty Images.

Felix Marwick recalls near misses, close calls, sweary moments and other daily adventures in cycling in Wellington.

It’s entirely possible there’s no worse city for safe and easy biking in New Zealand than Wellington. The roads are narrow, the hills are steep, and the local drivers just seem to have this habit of absolutely, positively, not giving way when they come to a choke point on any one of the city’s twisty hill roads. I’m almost convinced Dr Seuss  got his idea for the South-Going and North-Going Zax from Wellington drivers on a morning school run.

Riding in Wellington involves grinding ascents, high-speed descents, and on-the-fly geometry as you try to estimate gaps in traffic, your space on the road, and whether or not that car at the next intersection is going to try and brutally murder you.

There’s a saying amongst cyclists, at least those that regularly commute; “Ride like every driver you see is drunk and is trying to kill you”. Sometimes riding in rush hour in Wellington feels exactly like this.

I’ve been commuting in Wellington since I moved here almost 13 years ago. Most of my friends (and I think also my wife) question my sanity. To put it bluntly, they think I’m nuts. This attitude only got stronger six years ago after I got smashed by a van that failed to give way while I was heading to work.

I have a plate, several screws, and a long scar on my wrist as a permanent reminder of that incident.

Yet, I still choose to ride.


The former journo in me shakes his head frequently over this. Mainly because over the last seven years I’ve been recording my rides on video and I have over 230 clips of close calls and near misses that I’ve had on my way to and from work. Some of them are run-of-the-mill close passes, there are quite a few failures to give way, and then there are the truly stupid ones – the side-swipes, being passed in a narrow tunnel, and deliberate intimidation by some drivers that have several screws loose and shouldn’t allowed out in public, let alone be behind the wheel of a car.

But I like to ride. I enjoy missing the rush hour and being jammed in the heinous traffic jam that inches through Karori in rush hour and I like being able to get to work on time without being a slave to the bustastrophe that’s currently afflicting Wellington’s public transport network. It’s a great way to clear the head first thing in the morning and it’s even better stress release on the way home at the end of the day. It’s actually a lot of fun.

But back to the videos. I don’t take them because I want to. I take them because I have to. So that on the occasion where something dreadful happens, I have a visual record of exactly what happened. I’m only half joking when I tell friends, “It’s so they’ll have footage of the bastard that killed me”.

You see, if you don’t have footage, any accident where the police become involved will rest on your story against the driver’s and hang on whether or not you can find an eyewitness to back up your story.

If it’s your word against the driver’s, police are unlikely to take it very far. If you have a video, then you’ve got a case.

But only sometimes.

Unfortunately, I’ve found that when I’ve submitted a formal complaint (and I only do this for the very worst drivers) the police response is variable. This despite them getting all the evidence handed to them on a plate. There is absolutely no consistency in the way complaints are handled. Some will see an infringement notice issued. Others, that seem just as bad, or if not worse, will see the driver let off with a warning.

It’s all a bit confusing so on a recent complaint that got knocked back I decided to follow it up a little bit further with police to see if I could work out their reasoning and see if the decision would be revisited.

An OIA of the case file saw only information I provided returned to me. It also revealed Wellington Police prepared no proposals/strategies/enforcement plans for promoting cyclist safety over the last three years. My request for a review of the decision was turned down with no reasons given for why the officer reached the decision he did.

So, where does this leave us?

Ministry of Transport data shows that between 1990 and 2016 over 300 cyclists were killed on the country’s roads in police-reported crashes. Over 21,000 were injured.

In Wellington enforcement of traffic offenses against cyclists appears inconsistent and any plan or strategy to do more to protect them and other vulnerable road users seem non-existent.

At a time of a rising road toll and an increase in cyclists on our roads, shouldn’t we be doing more to keep people safe?