e.GO factory in Germany. Photo: Vodafone NZ YouTube
e.GO factory in Germany. Photo: Vodafone NZ YouTube

PartnersJanuary 29, 2020

How much will 5G transform New Zealand business, really?

e.GO factory in Germany. Photo: Vodafone NZ YouTube
e.GO factory in Germany. Photo: Vodafone NZ YouTube

Its arrival has been said to herald the next generation of innovation, but in a world where we’re already conditioned to expect near-instantaneous speed from our mobile internet, what kind of change can we actually expect to see from 5G?

It’s easy to forget that much of what we take for granted – browsing Facebook, checking email, watching YouTube videos – wasn’t easily achievable on smartphones less than a decade ago, and only through the advent of 4G could services like Netflix, Spotify and Skype thrive to become the staple apps we know them as today. In many ways, consumers have been spoilt for choice in the age of 4G, which begs the question: do we really need faster internet? More precisely: do we really need 5G?

The overriding assumption, at least among consumers, is that 5G will make life just that much more convenient – movies downloaded in seconds, streaming without the buffering, and flawless smart home connectivity. And while all these things are good and true, 5G will mean more than just incremental change when it comes to the world of business. In fact, most experts believe 5G will be a gamechanger, revolutionising entire industries to contribute what some economists predict will be a whopping $13.2 trillion to the global economy in the next 15 years. 

Vodafone co-creation partners observing 5G use cases in Europe. Photo: Vodafone NZ YouTube

These are all big statements to take in, but just as 4G transformed the world of apps, social media, and streaming for everyday users, 5G is set to breathe new life into how businesses innovate, providing access to previously out of reach technologies to a greater number of industries than ever before. 

We can see this in industries like healthcare where 5G’s low latency (ie. the time it takes to receive and respond to network requests) will make remote surgery more reliable and widespread than ever before, providing health care to millions of people in hard-to-reach locations. The latest in wireless technology is also set to make driverless cars a safer, more reliable reality in the future as 5G will enable cars to ‘talk’ to each other, seamlessly sharing data about things like route, speed and location. 

Manufacturing, meanwhile, will experience some of the biggest changes in the age of 5G by incentivising the growth of automation and process optimisation to make production more efficient. German car manufacturer e.GO, for example, has created a fully automated factory run entirely on a 5G network, allowing it to build more affordable electric cars and saving the company millions.

In New Zealand, where 5G is in its infancy, active use cases are still few and far between. But Vodafone – which became the first telco in New Zealand to switch on its 5G network last month – is hard at work trying to change that, securing several high profile ‘co-creation partners’ in an effort to showcase what 5G can do. In October, Vodafone and its partners BNZ, Waste Management and the New Zealand Police travelled to Europe to see 5G in action, visiting e.GO’s German factory before travelling to Italy where connected ambulances transferred patient information to hospitals in real time and police used drone cameras to detect threats on the ground. 

“5G has a really strong element of partnership and collaboration. No single company is going to develop these use cases by themselves,” says Matt Hitti, Vodafone’s strategy and architecture lead who’s been running the company’s co-creation workshops. “[Our approach has been to first ]  draw upon the Vodafone companies globally, particularly in Europe where 5G use cases are already quite advanced.”


Back home, New Zealand Police have begun to draw inspiration from some of these use cases and investigate what possibilities 5G could offer, such as a 5G enabled drone. Equipped to capture scenes in ultra-high definition, footage from these drones can be instantly fed to police officers who can then monitor the situation via their smartphones. There is also the opportunity that Police could use these drones to 3D model crash scenes, helping to reduce road closure times and get traffic back to normal sooner rather than later.

“To have 4K high-definition streaming into our command centres from a mobile environment would make a huge difference to how we police,” Chief Information Officer Rob Cochrane told the audience at Vodafone’s launch event last month. “While drone footage over a 4G connection is useful, with a 5G network connection the quality improves dramatically meaning we can scan the environment allowing a faster response to keep the community safe.”

Hitti and his team are also looking at how 5G can help organisations like Westpac Rescue Helicopter, another one of Vodafone’s co-creation partners. 

“Right now, we’re looking at how the 5G technology can help paramedics on a rescue mission,” Hitti says. “For example, we know that as a person gets under more physical and psychological stress, their decision-making ability can be compromised, so we’re looking at ways [at using technology] to keep an eye on that, helping frontline staff perform at their best.”

Pāmu is working with Vodafone to improve processes using 5G. Photo: Pāmu Farms of New Zealand

With dozens of farms stretching from the Far North to the deep south, Pāmu is one of the country’s biggest farmers, contributing to an industry that generates billions of dollars to New Zealand’s economy every year. Yet agriculture, both here and around the world, is going through a time of significant upheaval as scrutiny turns to the sector’s impact on the environment, animal welfare, and health and safety among its staff. 

Nowadays, the public demands a lot more from its farmers, which is why Rob Ford, Pāmu’s general manager of innovation, environment and technology, believes 5G could have an important role to play. Although the company is still in early stages of looking at what it can do with the 5G network, Ford is confident it’ll play a key part in not only how data is collected, stored and shared, but also how it can keep staff safe from hazardous situations. 

“An emerging trend in agriculture is that consumers are a lot more discerning. They really want to make sure the products they consume are produced [in an environment] where staff are kept safe, the environment is cared for, and animals are treated well. The only way for consumers to have comfort is to have access to information, especially in real-time,” he says. 

“There’s a lot of data that needs to be collected on farms. Most farmers now collect data on things like production and land use which then needs to go somewhere. [5G] can bring a lot of that data to a centralised host, run the analytics, and then turn that into information. We can then push that back to the farms to help them make better decisions day-to-day.

“Rainfall, soil temperature, and soil moisture are all really important on farms, but although there’s a wide range of [measuring] devices out there, there’s never really been a network for these devices to hook into. 5G could change that.

“Drones are another big opportunity on farms. It would be great to send a drone into a particular area on a farm when you don’t want to send staff out there, maybe because it’s bad weather… I also see it [better connecting us] to staff, especially those that are working on a farm alone and a long way from head office.”

A key consideration for businesses exploring 5G will, of course, be the cost. Like all disruptive technologies, investment will be key to making things work. True innovation hardly comes cheap, but Vodafone business director Lindsay Zwart says the payoff for businesses – whether that be in revenue or customer engagement – makes the technology a worthwhile investment. 

“Everything we do with our customers has to have a significant ROI (return on investment),” says Zwart. “So when we start working with our customers, we start by saying ‘sure, 5G is cool but what will it actually mean for you?’ Are you trying to reduce operational costs? Are you trying to reduce the number of injuries in the workplace?

“Once you identify some of those problems you then work out how the technology can help you do that. In a lot of cases, it’s simply a matter of increasing security via network slicing (siloing a portion of the network for secure, dedicated use) or improving response and reaction times for end customers.”

Hitti adds that  an additional way to view the development of use cases is in terms of “return on innovation”, taking into consideration what businesses can learn along the way, such as how to collaborate better with partners, and how different technologies can improve business processes and user experience 

“There’s a mindset shift that businesses have got to go on and it’s one we’re going on ourselves at Vodafone,” he says. “In many ways, 5G is a real catalyst for that.”

Over the next three years, Vodafone plans to have 1,500 existing cell sites upgraded to 5G – up from the initial 100 cell sites that are currently live in parts of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown. And with more businesses signing up to 5G every week, it won’t be long before we start to see innovative new use cases from businesses, many of which will be impossible to predict and surprising us in both significant and novel ways. After all, as Zwart points out: “When 4G first launched more than a decade ago, who would’ve thought we’d have TikTok and Snapchat on our phones?”

A Career Navigator workshop in action. Photo: Graeme Dingle
A Career Navigator workshop in action. Photo: Graeme Dingle

The BulletinJanuary 28, 2020

The organisation giving 27,000 children life-changing mentors

A Career Navigator workshop in action. Photo: Graeme Dingle
A Career Navigator workshop in action. Photo: Graeme Dingle

For more than two decades, the Graeme Dingle Foundation has helped tens of thousands of young people find joy and direction in life, and it might be our best shot at making New Zealand the best place for children to live.

In 1995, Graeme Dingle and Jo-anne Wilkinson kayaked and tramped from Auckland to Nelson. In every town in which they stopped along the way, they were looking to solve a problem: our country’s devastatingly high youth suicide rate. They asked the locals what problems their kids were facing, and what resources did young people need to redirect themselves?

This bit of community research turned into the Graeme Dingle Foundation which for 25 years has been placing young people on the path to brighter futures

Its first programme all those years ago was Project K. It was designed to intervene during year 10, a time in young people’s lives that’s often confusing and stressful but also incredibly formative. The values and experiences ingrained in young people at this time often affect them for the rest of their lives.

The Foundation has since expanded with four other programmes aimed at targeting kids from the moment they enter primary school through to the age of 18. One of these is Career Navigator.

“A lot of families grow up with the concept of jobs, not careers,” said Claire Baldwin, head of partnerships at the Foundation. “There’s no sense that working, or a career, is something you can enjoy.”

Career Navigator aims to get young people excited about the years ahead instead of reluctant or despairing at a potential lifetime of the rhetorical millstone. Using work experience and workshops, students in their final years of high school are given mentors, hands-on experience and the chance to meet potential employers.

On the other side of the coin, local businesses are getting the chance to meet their future workforce, and be part of New Zealand’s future.

Z Energy is one of the businesses sponsoring Career Navigator, and it’s much more than a one-off donation. “Z Energy gives us much more than just financial support,” said Baldwin. “They’re on the ground working with our team all the time.”

The mutual appreciation is evident. “We’d done a huge amount of research over the years into how Z could most helpfully power-up the future generation and lift the potential of disadvantaged young people in New Zealand under our community programme”, says Gerri Ward, head of sustainability and community at Z. “The Career Navigator programme’s purpose – to support young people to aim high to achieve their career goals – aligns beautifully with our commitment, and makes a real difference to the lives of young people where it matters most”.

Workshops are one of Career Navigator’s biggest selling points; the value of showing young people that one company can provide for several different kinds of careers is massive. For many students who see their future careers through a dismal “gig economy” lens, witnessing a workplace culture that encourages personal growth and long-term employment can be life-changing.

Employees at Z Energy range from those at your local petrol station through to administration, finance and engineering staff, all with varying degrees of education, hours, and lifestyle. Seeing that one company can provide a fulfilling career for so many people can make students in the programme more optimistic about life after school.

Two Z Energy employees answer student questions at one of the Foundation’s workshops. Photo: the Graeme Dingle Foundation

Those who went through the programme can testify to how life-changing it is. Paige, a student who went through Career Navigator last year, said that “as this programme has gone on, I have started to come out of my shell and show more of myself to the people around me… With the help of my mentor and the staff at Fraser High School, my eyes have been opened to bigger things in life, and I have gained so much. Things you never thought possible can happen if you take advantage of the help that people extend to you.”

Acer went through Project K when he was 14, and it changed the course of his life. “I was 14 and  I was naughty, hated school and wanted to drop out early. I was shy and anti-social. I only wanted to keep to myself. Then I was introduced to Project K… Tony stepped up and told me he was going to be my mentor. He saw me once a week in and out of school. Always made sure I was on track with my school work and kept me out of trouble. Tony believed in me like no one else did and because of him I stayed in school, went to university and have a full-time job as an arborist. One day I plan to be a mentor.”

The Foundation’s primary aim is to empower Aotearoa’s youth to build self-belief and life skills, helping them overcome obstacles both professional and emotional. It wants New Zealand to be the best place in the world for children. This is a difficult metric to measure, but with 27,000 children in its programmes, it’s certainly doing its part.

Companies like Z Energy want to invest in the Foundation because they see it as the best way to make a difference in the world; they’re redirecting at-risk youth into fulfilling lives and developing a future workforce that’s happier and healthier.

When asked if the Foundation will be around for another 25 years, Baldwin is unsure. The whole point of the Foundation is to disrupt cycles of poverty and addiction, so if its goal is achieved it will no longer need to exist. That being said, she knows New Zealand is only just waking up to many of the causes of youth depression rates. “I hope we’re not needed, but we may well be. We still have one of the highest youth suicide rates in the OECD,” she says.

The Foundation does what it can, and it’s grown to meet the needs of young people as they grow increasingly complicated. “The Foundation is part of the solution, but it can never be the entire solution. I’m sure we’ll transform to meet whatever needs young people will have in 25 years’ time, just like we’ve transformed over the last two decades.”

This content was created in paid partnership with Z Energy. Learn more about our partnerships here