
AucklandAugust 16, 2016

Warcast #3: Unitary Plan hero Penny Hulse reveals all about urban density, shock rift with Len


In the third Earth-shattering installment of The Spinoff’s recently renamed Warcast, we talk to Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse about the Unitary Plan, the disappointing Auckland mayoral candidates, and why she got upset with Mayor Len Brown.

She should have been sleeping off a hangover after finally, incredibly, passing the Unitary Plan. Instead, newly minted teetotaller Penny Hulse got up bright and early to bike into Spinoff HQ and record a War for Auckland Warcast with politics editor Toby Manhire and sad ageist Hayden Donnell. They talked about the best and worst performing councillors at the Unitary Plan hearings, with Deputy Mayor Hulse springing to the defence of absent councillor Alf Filipaina. Hulse also told the story behind the most human moment of the hearings – when she held back tears as she explained why she was voting against proposed affordable housing provisions – and delivered a withering verdict on Auckland’s dispiriting mayoral candidates.

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The War for Auckland is a Spinoff pop-up section devoted to the 2016 Unitary Plan and local elections. To support our journalism, click here.
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