A Spinoff content executive celebrates democracy. Photo: iStock
A Spinoff content executive celebrates democracy. Photo: iStock

AucklandSeptember 19, 2016

Now vote: The Spinoff’s Auckland Council candidate endorsement tool

A Spinoff content executive celebrates democracy. Photo: iStock
A Spinoff content executive celebrates democracy. Photo: iStock

The Spinoff War for Auckland PsyOps Division is giddily excited to launch our turbo-charged endorsement tool – click here! We say: give these people your vote for mayor and council.

The tool – click here! – is a core part of our outlandish and belligerent campaign for a better Auckland. Drawing on field research conducted by our friends at Generation Zero as well as our knowledge of the candidates, and their own blurbs on the Council site, we’ve endorsed for each ward the candidate (or candidates, if it’s a two-councillor ward) we think best represent the principles of the War for Auckland, who are best placed to continue the once-in-a-lifetime fight for a rapidly growing city, with rapidly expanded housing and souped-up public-transport. Those aren’t the only criteria: we’re also factoring in leadership qualities, track record, and electability.

A Spinoff content executive celebrates democracy. Photo: iStock
A Spinoff content executive celebrates democracy. Photo: iStock

Using the tool – click here! – you can select your ward (as indicated on your voting paper; alternatively search by address here), or the mayoralty, and by means of technology and witchcraft our endorsed candidates will appear with a dinky blue Spinoff “S” alongside them. We’ve also deployed a marginally less dinky grey Spinoff “S” which will appear (where applicable) alongside those candidates we think are, you know, pretty good, if that’s what you’re into. Grey ticks are essentially for candidates who align with our values, but we think are not the most efficient use of your vote.

If you’re reading this before September 20, the mayoral endorsement will not yet be available, because we’re keeping our powder dry until the evening before, when the main mayoral candidates will square up in the Spinoff / Ika War for Auckland debate. We’ll be watching like Hawks loaded on No-Doze, and update on the Tuesday morning. You’re not reading this before September 20, so ignore that bit. Carry on.

The endorsements contained in the tool – click here! – were determined during long and anguished conferences between Hayden Donnell, Toby Manhire and Duncan Greive, all the while trying to channel the energy of, for example, the Californian Record-Bee editorial board identifying the best choice for Lake County Sheriff. As you’ll divine via the explanatory notes that appear beneath the endorsement screen, some of the decisions were reached with cement-heavy hearts and noses pegged like soggy washing. It’s a bit of a shitter, frankly, that only 74 people are standing for these critical 20 roles. Are there better odds anywhere when applying for a $100k job?

The voting booklet that accompanies the papers, pictured here with fruit.

One more thing. We haven’t armed our tool – click here! – to endorse candidates for the local board component of the election, but would urge everyone to take a glance at the blurbs that came in the booklet with your voting forms or the Council’s “Show Me Love” online thingamy and the Generation Zero score sheets – a two-minute skim should do it – before selecting those. If you’re a really good friend of democracy, you’ll look into the District Health Board and, where applicable, Licensing Board stuff, too.

Happy voting.


AucklandSeptember 16, 2016

Warcast #6: Generation Zero expose the good and terrible council candidates


In fits of democratic exhilaration, Gen Zero and the Auckland war bunker celebrate the start of the Auckland local elections, and explain their imperious plans to tell you how to vote.

On the day voting papers begin to dribble into the letterboxes of the Super City, Spinoffistas Toby Manhire and Hayden Donnell are joined by Generation Zeroites Veronica Veen-Grimes and Leroy Beckett to preview their respective online enterprises designed to help – or, in the case of the Spinoff, browbeat – you in your electoral duty.

They also do some mayor-based chat, survey the wards with the best and most pitiful assembly of candidates and deliver a stirring rendition of the single greatest jingle in the history of NZ local body politics.

Either download (right click to save) or stream the podcast below or subscribe via iTunes or your favourite podcast client