Image: Tina Tiller
Image: Tina Tiller

BooksJanuary 29, 2025

‘I threw the book across the room’: Tania Roxborogh’s Hunger Games fury

Image: Tina Tiller
Image: Tina Tiller

Welcome to The Spinoff Books Confessional, in which we get to know the reading habits of Aotearoa writers, and guests. This week: Tania Roxborogh, author of  Charlie Tangaroa and the God of War

The book I wish I’d written

the bone people by Keri Hulme because it was the first book I read that spoke to my poet self; it also spoke of the family disfunction I understood. Plus, it won the Booker so that’s an endorsement right there.

Everyone should read

You mean apart from all the amazing books kidlit writers from Aotearoa New Zealand produce? There’s Decolonising Methodologies by Dr Linda Tuhiwai Smith to understand how – and what – “knowledge” comes to be elevated in our society; to learn about our own privilege and biases and why. Then go read Imagining Decolonisation (BWB) to understand the reason so many good people are “banging on” about the need for equity, honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and valuing indigenous knowledge.

The book I want to be buried with

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. I love Shakespeare’s astute observations of human nature; the skill in which he uses the natural world and metaphor to “paint pictures”. I am grateful to the six English teachers I had who introduced me to his plays and the actors since who have brought his words and works to life. My understanding of the world is expanded and reflected in his writing. Also, by the time that event happens, I hope to have written up my PhD research: imbuing the teaching of Shakespeare with mātauranga Māori.

From left to right: The book Tania Roxborogh wishes she’d written; the book she thinks everyone needs to read; and the book she’d be buried with.

The first book I remember reading by myself

The Call of the Wild by Jack London. I mean, sure, I was reading all the school readers and journals but this was a “real” book no one was making me read. I was nine years old and, with a stubby finger, I first picked out the individual letters and was surprised to see them swim together into recognisable words. The words joined the others on the page and within moments I had dived deep into the Alaskan wilderness: the “real” world having completely disappeared.

Utopia or Dystopia

Dystopia because the good guys ALWAYS win which gives me hope that this sh** show we’re going through as a nation and the world will mean some young gutsy hero will save the day (and us) from the bad people.

Fiction or nonfiction

Fiction – I love story and, as Ursula Le Guin said: “If you make it up, you can open the doors to possibilities.”

The book that haunts me

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper. I read it in intermediate and for decades couldn’t remember the title or author – just the cover. One day, that very picture showed up online during a discussion of great books and I immediately went and found a copy to re-read. It was even better than I remembered and just as terrifying. Special mention to Marianne Dreams by Catherine Storr. I “blame” Rachael King for reminding me of that particular (nightmare inducing) book.

The book that made me cry

The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. Oh to be loved by another like that (no offence to my darling husband but, still…)

The book that made me laugh

The Axeman’s Carnival by Catherine Chidgey. Was also a contender for the book I wish I’d written because that bloody bird got his claws into me and he’s making good friends all around the world now.

From left to right: the book that haunts Tania Roxborogh; the book that made her laugh; and one of the books she’s reading right now.

The book I wish I’d never read

All the pious, fundamentalist Christian parenting books telling us how to manage our “strong-willed child”. Mostly they were telling us to be tough and break her spirit. She has ADHD (like me) and is a most exceptionally brilliant young woman. I did a book clear-out just recently and took a carton of these so-called self-help books to the dump.

The book character I identify with most

Macduff from William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth: big hearted, loyal, honest, acts on his emotions, gullible, owns his mistakes, determined. Prof Harold Bloom contends that we all could find our personality trait in one of the bard’s characters.

The plot change I would make

NOT KILL OFF PRIMROSE IN THE FINAL HUNGER GAMES BOOK FFS (Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins). Her death did NOT advance the story or characterisation and was akin to the “and then I woke up” horror cliche. I threw the book across the room when that scene happened. 

The book I wish would be made into film or TV

My Banquo’s Son Trilogy. I hope it’s OK to self-nominate but I’d love to see a sweeping 11th century Scottish thriller and adventure. Dream come true for the brilliant David Tennant to play the deranged Donalbain but the other main parts of should go to Ben Barnes (Fleance), Alex Lange (Duncan), James McAvoy (Blair), Savannah Kennick (Rosie), and Ali Skovbye (Rachel).

Tania Roxborogh’s latest book, the second in the Charlie Tangaroa series.

Best thing about reading

Living life vicariously through story. Also, very good for managing teenage heartache. (Thanks, Jean Auel for Clan of the Cave Bear and The Valley of Horses – my 17-year-old self navigated that particularly embarrassing breakup by immersing myself in the less fraught world of prehistoric times.)

What are you reading right now

I’ve just finished reading all the fiction entries for the Ockhams (I’m a judge this year) and that was an amazing experience. Gosh, we have a stable of the most talented writers. Then I read The Mess of Our Lives by Mary-Anne Scott: it was unputdownable. Now I’m reading My Name Is Why by Lemn Sissay which is great but also a bit too close to the bone for me (I was a foster child for the last couple of years of high school and have all my Oranga Tamariki files which makes for “interesting” reading). To take a break from that, I’m reading Colouring in the White Spaces by Ann Milne. I’m about to start The Bookshop Detectives 1: Dead Girl Gone by Gareth and Louise Ward.

Charlie Tangaroa and The God of War by Tania Roxborogh ($25, HUIA) is available to purchase at Unity Books. 

Keep going!