The Central Otago Rail Trail (Photo: Tourism Central Otago/James Jubb)
The Central Otago Rail Trail (Photo: Tourism Central Otago/James Jubb)

BusinessMay 2, 2021

Clyde survived: How domestic tourism saved my hometown

The Central Otago Rail Trail (Photo: Tourism Central Otago/James Jubb)
The Central Otago Rail Trail (Photo: Tourism Central Otago/James Jubb)

This time last year, Central Otago correspondent George Driver was wondering how his tiny, tourism-dependent town would survive the pandemic. Thanks to New Zealand tourists, it didn’t just survive, it boomed.

A year ago, Dylan Rushbrook, the head of Tourism Central Otago, made a difficult presentation to the council. The industry was in a state of collapse. 

“We were forecasting a 40 to 60% drop in visitors and operators were saying they weren’t getting any bookings at all,” Rushbrook says. “It was looking grim.”

As the country emerged from lockdown, I too wondered how my hometown of Clyde could survive. No international tourists, rising unemployment, a record government deficit. You could almost hear the belts tightening around the country. 

Businesses in Clyde, who had lost the busiest time of year to lockdown, were stoic in the face of excruciating uncertainty. “We’ll open our doors and see what happens,” one said. It was looking like a long winter. 

What followed was remarkable.

The country came to Clyde.

“When people were told to keep their distance from others, coming to Central Otago in winter seemed like a good option,” Rushbrook says. 

Clyde (Photo: Tourism NZ)

The town’s main street soon became reduced to one lane as it was almost permanently lined with cars of visiting New Zealanders. The housing market ploughed on – a relocated villa on a 600m2 section on the main street sold for $1.3m (for weeks there was a persistent and erroneous rumour that Mike Hosking had bought it and was moving to town). A film crew intermittently closed the town centre to film a new TV mini-series. A developer announced plans for a $200m retirement village on the outskirts of town. Thousands of boozed young people flooded in (where did they come from?) for the Wine and Food Festival which, despite gale force winds, was the busiest in years.

Clyde had survived.

A year on from his bleak speech, Rushbrook says the visitor spend in Central Otago is looking completely unaffected by Covid-19. 

“Considering international travellers were 25% of our visitors, it’s remarkable,” Rushbrook says. 

Much of this success was driven by the Otago Central Rail Trail. DOC figures show the numbers on the trail were up 67% on last summer, the second highest growth rate of any monitored track in the country and by far the highest for a multi-day trip. This in a year when numbers on the country’s rockstar walks plummeted – the Tongariro Alpine Crossing and Franz Josef were both down 72%.

It’s also been a boon for businesses on the rail trail, who are reporting a record season.

“The last two months have been phenomenal,” says Colleen Hurd, owner of Ophir’s Pitches Store, a short bike ride off the rail trail. 

“It’s just been extraordinary. Thank you New Zealand!”

Despite the borders being closed, Pitches Store, in Ophir, has had its busiest season ever (Photo: Tourism Central Otago/James Jubb)

Set in a 140-year-old general store and butchery, Ophir’s Pitches Store is run by Hurd and her husband David. The couple moved to Ophir from Auckland in 2006 and restored the schist buildings, turning them into accommodation and a restaurant which opened in 2012.

A year ago, the business had just lost six weeks of the busiest time of year to lockdown and was braced for what might come next.

“We just didn’t know what was going to happen. Are people going to come out? How long will this last?”

But within weeks things had turned around – it had so many inquiries it opened during winter for the first time.

“People wanted to come for the weekend. They wanted to get away,” Hurd says.

“Then it went gangbusters. By mid-October we were getting far more bookings than normal and it just continued. It’s been our busiest season ever – it’s 50% up on last year and last year was one of our busiest years.”

When the frosts begin tourists usually desert the trail, but this year the bookings continue.

“We’re looking like we’ll be booked out for all of May.”

Forty-two kilometres down the trail at Wedderburn, Lorraine Duncan sounds exhausted. She has run a farm in Wedderburn with her husband for 27 years. When the trail opened 20 years ago, they decided to let out a few historic cottages on the farm as accommodation. Wedderburn Cottages became an unexpectedly successful sideline business, growing to accommodate over 50 people a night with a staff of five – what sounds like a sometimes overwhelming prospect for Duncan.

“It’s been unbelievable,” she says. “Everyone’s looking forward to winter for a break. It’s just a little busy every night, which is a great thing, but man. It’s a lot of washing.”

Wedderburn Cottages is also booking out through May – but Duncan already has her mind on the annual bull sale, coming up on May 21. 

“Farming is our main thing and we built this accommodation as a sideliner for the start but it’s turned into a bit of a booming business.”

Seemingly the busiest place on the trail is a settlement I’d never heard of. Last month my parents returned from a midweek campervan trip raving about Waipiata. Where? Seven kilometres off the Pigroot (State Highway 85), between Gimmerburn and Kokonga, Waipiata is literally in the middle of nowhere – a handful of houses, two churches, a bowling club, a rodeo ground. The main street is called “Main Street” and ends when it hits the rail trail. And it is also home to what is surely the busiest pub in the Maniototo.

Waipiata Country Hotel owner Mark Button (Photo: Tourism Central Otago/James Jubb)

Mark Button and his partner Nikki moved to Waipiata from Taranaki 10 years ago after biking the rail trail and seeing an opportunity for trail accommodation. The couple built a bed and breakfast, Tussock Lodge, in 2012 and bought the Waipiata Country Hotel six years ago. 

But when the Covid-19 alert system was announced last year, the business was hit hard. Button had 150 booking cancellations in a single day. When the lockdown was announced a couple of days later they had to give away piles of perishable food to the community. 

“That was when reality hit,” he says.

But the boom times began straight after lockdown, when it introduced a click and collect service, Waipiata Eats, under level three.

“We were doing between 500-700 meals in a five day week, with people picking up meals from the carpark between 5pm and 7.30pm. We did 140 meals in one night.

“From there it’s been fantastic. What we lost in lockdown we made back and a wee bit more, which has been great.”

Now business is up 60% and the pub is doing up to 400 meals a day – an extraordinary number considering the Maniototo region only has about 1600 residents. It was a number so extraordinary, in fact, that I couldn’t help being sceptical. Four hundred meals a day, in a place in the middle of nowhere that I had never even heard of? I had to investigate further.

My partner and I arrived at the pub at 5pm on a Saturday evening, just as the sun began to set. Inside, the bar was already full, groups drinking jugs among the decor of antique weaponry, sports trophies and Speights posters. After queuing for five minutes for a beer, my partner and I found the only seats left, two stools wedged over a wood pile beside the fire. We perched and watched as the people kept coming and the queue grew out the door.

The Waipiata Country Hotel is surely the busiest pub in the Maniototo
(Photo: George Driver)

My eagle-eyed partner snaked a seat at a table just as a couple left and we ate excellent homemade pies – there are over 14 varieties on the menu – sharing a table with two Christchurch couples enjoying their third night on the trail. We were soon joined by a couple from Alexandra who had parked their campervan at the nearby domain and had come for a night out at their favourite country pub. 

My partner yelled back and forth with the couples to be heard over the din of drinkers and I sat back and soaked in the crowd which filled every space in the room: Gumboot clad farmers in woolen jerseys coarser than steel wool; young families entertaining restless children on the floor; outside a group of bogans piling out of a bright green wagon on a country crawl; a steady flow of boomers from bikes and campervans. A dog was circling beneath the tables, waiting for someone to drop a chip. It was like a microcosm of New Zealand. 

The country had come to Central Otago. 

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OPINIONBusinessApril 30, 2021

What pink gloves and period pants can tell us about sexism in business

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The German men who tried to market pink gloves for handling tampons show how highly male inventors are valued over their female counterparts – no matter how ridiculous their ideas, writes Jessica C Lai.

“It’s a man’s world” is true across many contexts, including the created world we encounter daily – the world of buildings and things. This is because it is men who have historically been able to successfully commercialise their inventions. It is their ideas that get get the lion’s share of funding and legal support and construct the world we live in.

Why is it that men get more entrepreneurial funding than women? The answer to this is complicated. But it is in large part due to hundreds of years of men being public figures of industry while women took care of the private sphere. As a result, most venture capitalists are men and they tend to associate market-worthy inventions with male inventors. The archetype of the entrepreneur, the start-up genius or the market-savvy inventor is a man. In contrast, women are commonly viewed as too emotional, irrational and lacking in entrepreneur ability.

With more funding, men are more likely to be successful in bringing their products to market. Just as important can be protecting one’s invention with intellectual property. Studies show having a patent – which protect technical inventions with up to 20 years of exclusive rights – can increase the chances of getting venture capital. Exclusive rights can also reduce market competition, which increases the likelihood of success.

Yet, worldwide, women make up less than 15% of inventors named on patents. Part of this is attributable to the way patent offices treat women inventors and inventions made for women.

To illustrate, in the second half of the 19th century, the US patent office described a women’s safety belt, designed to hold sanitary napkins in place, as “necessarily somewhat trifling”. In the same period, the US patent office enthusiastically pronounced that a minor improvement for men’s undergarment was “graceful”, “making not only a genteel, but comfortable fitting garment” and “a very great improvement”.

Ladies’ Faultless Serviette Supporter, advertised in the Montgomery Ward & Co. mail-order catalogue (US), spring/summer, 1895

You might be thinking, “Well, that was the 19th century. Since then, we’ve given women the right to vote. We’ve had the feminist movement. There are more women in science. The prime minster of New Zealand is a woman. What more do you want?” You might even be thinking, “Calm down, you angry feminist.”

But I am an angry feminist who is not going to calm down, because – despite the feminist movement and women in positions traditionally representing power – in many ways nothing has changed. Equal rights do not mean equal opportunity or that misogyny has somehow evaporated into the ether. So we should all be angry feminists.

Let’s look at a current example that shows how bias remains in the way inventors and inventions are viewed, despite equal rights and women in power. We’ll turn to Germany, where Angela Merkel has been chancellor since 2005. Germany has had 16 years of seeing a woman as the leader of one of the world’s strongest economies and an indomitable figure on the European and global stage. In 2020, the World Economic Forum ranked Germany as having the 10th narrowest gender gap in the world (New Zealand ranked sixth).

Yet, just this month, two men presented their “innovative” idea on the German version of The Lions’ Den, Die Höhle der Löwen, seeking investor money for “Pinky Glove”. Their product was literally pink gloves, which women could use to remove, package and conceal used sanitary napkins and tampons.

The men said they came up with the idea after living with women and being disgusted at seeing their used products in the bin. This prompted them to create an opaque and sanitary means of hiding away any evidence of periods. One of the “lions”,  a prominent German businessman, decided to invest €30,000 (NZ$50,000) in the product.

‘No trash can? No problem: with the disposable Pinky Gloves tampons and pads can be disposed of while you are out and about,’ the company’s website says

There are many issues to unpack here – too many for the confines of this article. First there’s the fact that men are trying to sell a product to women that women do not need and which is unsustainable. More sinister is that women are being told they need to make private something that is natural and biological, because society casts menstruating people as unclean and impure. But, never fear, here come men willing to sell them the cleanliness and purity they clearly so desperately need.

In 2019, Kati Ernst and Kristine Zeller were on that same show, Die Höhle der Löwen, seeking funding for menstrual underwear, “Ooia”. This was something women wanted – a product made by women for women. It was also something far more sustainable than disposable products. Yet they did not get any funding from the show.

This is sadly unsurprising, as women are not perceived as entrepreneurs. And why would men support a product that normalised periods, bringing them into the light of the public sphere, embodied in unashamedly attractive underwear?

Now you might be thinking, “Well, surely this wouldn’t happen in New Zealand.” But even as I write, Stuff has just reported that Facebook and LinkedIn pulled an advertisement for Vitals, a Kiwi company making period underwear, on the basis of “inappropriate or offensive language” and “sexual related content”.

So instead of supporting women who create inventions for women, and instead of normalising something normal, we continue to shame more than half the population for having periods and we make them pay for that shame.

At €11.96 (NZ$20) for a pack of 48 Pinky Gloves, the company was hoping that women would pay yet another “tax” for having a uterus. That’s on top of the cost of sanitary products, which most women are forced to regularly buy.

Attempts have been made in New Zealand to negate this women’s tax. In 2016, Pharmac was petitioned to subsidise tampons and pads. Pharmac is the government agency with the objective “to secure for eligible people in need of pharmaceuticals the best health outcomes that are reasonably achievable from pharmaceutical treatment and from within the amount of funding provided”. Pharmaceuticals are defined as medicines, therapeutic medical device, or related products or things.

Pharmac declined the funding application on the basis that “sanitary products are not medicines or medical devices”. Pharmac further stated there was insufficient information to show sanitary products helped address a health need. After all, menstruation was a “normal bodily function” and not a “health need”.

This distinction is hard to accept, especially when one notes Pharmac does fund incontinence pads and pants, as well as paediatric nappies. Aren’t these products often for “normal bodily functions”? Incidentally, Pharmac also funds gloves.

Nevertheless, one narrow and inconsistent interpretation later, women continue to be forced to pay this tax for having a uterus. Those who cannot afford it have to use rags and newspapers, or use tampons and pads for longer than they should, which can result in serious infections. Of course, the medicines to treat those infections could be funded by Pharmac. So why not use the funding to prevent infection in the first place?

The New Zealand government has since put money towards providing access to sanitary products in schools. But this a bandage (which are also funded by Pharmac) to a much deeper problem.

Those in power are more willing to fund that made by men and for the benefit of men. Women’s needs are invisible – as are women inventors and their inventions.

Jessica C Lai is an associate professor of commercial law in the Wellington School of Business and Government at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.