Image: Tina Tiller / Supplied
Image: Tina Tiller / Supplied

OPINIONBusinessJune 9, 2022

How the lovely supermarket man milkshake ducked in record time

Image: Tina Tiller / Supplied
Image: Tina Tiller / Supplied

Chris Harris was a social media darling who crossed over into wildly popular mainstream posts thanks to his immense dedication to his new supie. Then the comments turned.

It was the Facebook equivalent of SEO-bait. Community groups are hotbeds of break-in reports, complaints about change and heartwarming stories of nice things happening. The story of a 70-year-old supermarket owner battling to make ends meet had all that in abundance.

  • Older person giving his lifelong dream a good old Kiwi try
  • Rampant shoplifting
  • Nice daughter sticking up for her nice dad
  • Break-in attempts with a hammer
  • Bonus: discount choccie

Chris Harris shot to fame after multiple posts by his daughter Sarah went viral, and prompted a wave of sympathetic media coverage. He started the day on RNZ’s First Up, and was featured across all the main news sites, typically cast as a battler trying to do right by his customers in a harsh commercial environment. The Spinoff covered it too, affectingly detailing the epic work hours and even more epic (six years!) struggle Chris Harris endured before opening Fresh Choice Greenlane. It was “his dream for years”, according to his daughter Sarah, who did acknowledge that it was a somewhat bizarre dream.

In all the coverage he came off as a deeply affectionate character, with some cool niche slang, saying that when he lost $25,000 last week that it “directly comes out of my wazoo”. He typified that older generation who shame us with their effort, pitching in on everything from cleaning the toilets, to making coffees, to disappointing his Lotto customers and stocking shelves. This work ethic was, he said, forced upon him by the current labour market. “Staffing-wise it’s complex,” he told Stuff. “You might have five people lined up for interviews and none of them turn up, then the ones that do aren’t the pick of the crop.”

Our story yesterday

The story shone brightly as a feel-good, never-too-old archetype for a matter of hours, before it milkshake ducked with astonishing speed. The concept of the milkshake duck is almost as old as Harris’s plans for Fresh Choice Greenlane, emerging in 2016 when Australian cartoonist Ben Ward created a fictional duck that goes viral for drinking milkshakes before being revealed as a racist.

It has come to encapsulate the seemingly inevitable disappointment that follows any regular person who goes viral before just as quickly having some problematic element of their past revealed. It’s become a very familiar sensation, representing a kind of iron law of internet physics, with famous examples including Ken Bone, whose cute cameo during a presidential debate presaged a reveal of his bad times on Reddit, or Florida Hot Cop, who was later exposed as an antisemite.

What makes Harris’s milkshake ducking specific and noteworthy is that what was problematic about him was directly linked to his plight. Commenters on The Spinoff’s story described him as “arrogant”, a “terrible employer”, with multiple former workers calling him racist. One went as far as to memorably say “this man is the worst man I have ever met”, which is quite bad. The cumulative effect was to cast his inability to find and retain good staff in a quite different light.

(Less classically problematic but almost more brazen was the revelation, somewhat buried in coverage, that he already owned one supermarket – another Fresh Choice, a brand owned by Woolworths – in Half Moon Bay. The fact Greenlane was his second significantly changed the complexion of the story – dreaming of owning one supermarket is charming. Dreaming of another across town, much less so.)

By the day’s end Harris was the New Zealand internet’s main character for all the wrong reasons, and his daughter’s effort to drum up business had worked for a matter of hours before his name became synonymous with all that is viewed as rough and rapacious about his industry. It was as if we as a nation briefly set aside all we normally believe about supermarkets in fawning over this seemingly lovely old man. When his loveliness fell away in a hail of devastating social media comments, we remembered how we really feel about supermarkets.

Which is to say that we use them grudgingly due to the very limited array of alternatives. That they earn around $1m a day in excess profits. That even when they announce price freezes they are actually a way of gaming seasonal price fluctuations in their favour. That even owning a single supermarket can make you enough money to buy and fund a successful professional sports franchise.

Or a second supermarket. Forty-eight hours into Chris Harris’s hype cycle he has completed a quite singular type of milkshake duck, in that not only has he been revealed as a much more complex figure than he initially presented, but that what he rose to fame bemoaning might well be a direct result of his own personality and behaviour.

Fresh Choice Greenlane, briefly the most famous supermarket in New Zealand, is unlikely to find it any easier to recruit staff with its new SEO reality. It’s an odd little episode in the dance connecting community groups with our media – they’re an irresistible source of stories for journalists, but perhaps this episode serves as a cautionary tale that every ostensibly low-risk, low-stakes and feel-good yarn has risk attached. It also serves as a cautionary tale to those who would seek coverage for their beloved dads: make sure you know exactly what kind of a boss the dude is before you hit publish.

Supermarket owner Chris Harris (Photo: Supplied, additional design by Arch Banal)

BusinessJune 8, 2022

Meet the struggling supermarket owner determined to make it work

Supermarket owner Chris Harris (Photo: Supplied, additional design by Arch Banal)

He’s losing money every day his new supermarket stays open. So why’s he selling blocks of Whittaker’s chocolate for $3?

Chris Harris arrives at his new Tāmaki Makaurau supermarket before 6.30am most days. He unlocks the doors of FreshChoice Greenlane, greets customers, fixes up the flowers, cleans the bathrooms, checks over the floors, then heads down to the storeroom to make sure stock flows for promotions are running smoothly.

He’ll help out wherever he’s needed – restocking shelves, scanning groceries, and even helping make coffees and doing dishes in the supermarket’s neighbouring French cafe. As we talk, I can hear him checking Lotto tickets. “Sorry darling, not a winner,” he tells a customer.

At 70, Harris is busier than most his age, joking that he can’t even spell the word “retired”. Since his second FreshChoice supermarket opened in November, he’s there most days, putting in 80-hour work weeks along with his wife Juliette, starting at 6am and staying there until 6pm. “Then I go home and do all my admin,” he says.

Lately, though, all that work hasn’t come with any rewards. While his Half Moon Bay supermarket is a beloved community hub, trying to do the same thing in Greenlane has been problematic. Construction started on the supermarket in 2015, but the store didn’t open until November, 2021, thanks to a “nightmare build”.

Chris Harris during the troubled construction of his Greenlane supermarket. (Photo: Supplied)

Finding good staff has proved difficult, and opening in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic was also troublesome. “It [was] an absolutely stupid time to open,” says Harris. “It’s mid-November, it’s nearly Christmas. People don’t know who you are. You’re a new brand.”

Making matters worse is the constant shoplifting. Over Christmas, Harris lost $2200 worth of liquor to three different shoplifters in just one hour. This past Friday night, three people attempted to smash in the front door with a hammer.

Harris owns the store, so all of those extra costs come out of his own pocket. After the supermarket build went millions over budget, it’s starting to bite. “We haven’t recovered. We’re underwater,” he says. “Last week we lost $25,000. It directly comes out of my wazoo.”

It hasn’t changed his mindset. Harris has dreamed of owning a Greenlane supermarket for years, and he’s determined to make it work. It is, he says, about building community. “You’ve got to remember … you’re dealing with people who have everyday needs,” he says. “Their lives may be a nightmare. If we can offer them something easier, we do that. It’s a personal touch.”

Harris doesn’t have a back-up plan. “We’re here for the long haul. I have a long 30-year-plus lease here. I know at 70 that will see me in the grave,” he says. Then he jokes: “I need to be off the streets. That’s a good thing.”

His persistence may be about to pay off. Earlier this week, Harris’s daughter Sarah took to the local community Facebook page to promote her father’s supermarket. She’d seen him struggling, and wanted to help. “This store has been very difficult,” she wrote. “Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong … If he doesn’t get more local support I really worry about what will happen. I am very kindly asking if you could please support my dad.”


Her post has gone viral, receiving hundreds of messages of support from all around the country. It’s turned people’s attention to Harris’s store, which has been swamped by new customers. He’s had people volunteering their help, and a local burger chain offered staff free lunch.

“Things have gone nuts,” says Harris, who woke to a barrage of messages from his newfound supporters. “I’ve been terribly humbled by the fact that people have supported it. I didn’t expect that at all.” His daughter says the love is deserved. “He’s got the best attitude, even when shit hits the fan,” she says.

Harris believes it’s recognition of his community spirit. “We’ve seen a whole bunch of people coming in because of the post,” he says. There, they’ll find Harris is selling 250g blocks of Whittaker’s chocolate for just $3, easily the cheapest price across Aotearoa.

How can he afford to do that? He says he can’t afford not to. “Everyone buys it, they get it, they share it. We don’t make much money out of it but it generates good [feelings],” he says. As we talk, he tells a customer who has just purchased five blocks: “That deal’s going to be up there till Sunday.”

Chris Harris with his daughter Sarah (Photo: Supplied)

It’s the same reason Harris offers half-price coffees to emergency services staff, and goes out of his way to track down products requested by customers. He’s well aware supermarkets have a bad rep right now, thanks to the outcry over alleged price gouging by the duopoly. (FreshChoice is owned by Woolworths under an owner-operator model, giving Harris more scope for brand selection and additions like the cafe.)

But Harris is trying to change that attitude through sheer stickability. That’s why he’s there every day, cracking jokes with customers, checking Lotto tickets, and stocking the shelves. He’s fighting the good fight, and he’s not giving up any time soon. “It’s easy to be generous with people,” he says. “It’s hard to be a bastard.”