A farm worker at urban agriculture project Vivero Alamar in Havana in 2015 (Photo: Michael Kappeler/picture alliance via Getty Images)
A farm worker at urban agriculture project Vivero Alamar in Havana in 2015 (Photo: Michael Kappeler/picture alliance via Getty Images)

KaiJanuary 29, 2020

What New Zealand could learn from the Cuban agricultural revolution 

A farm worker at urban agriculture project Vivero Alamar in Havana in 2015 (Photo: Michael Kappeler/picture alliance via Getty Images)
A farm worker at urban agriculture project Vivero Alamar in Havana in 2015 (Photo: Michael Kappeler/picture alliance via Getty Images)

After the collapse of the Soviet bloc, Cuba embarked on a rapid reorientation of its agricultural system to a self-sustaining, biointensive and essentially organic model. Nearly 30 years on, a Canterbury vegetable grower ponders whether Aotearoa could follow its lead.

It’s November 2016, less than a week after the election of Donald Trump, and I’m travelling the backroads of Cuba’s Villa Clara Province with my wife and our then one-year-old son. 

The area is home to thousands of hectares of citrus orchards. As we traverse dusty backroads in the pink late afternoon sun, orange trees spread out as far as we can see. The orchards are densely spaced and separated by wide dirt rows, designed especially for mechanised harvesting. 

These days the surrounding roads are quiet, except the odd group of local horticultural workers sporting the ubiquitous olive fatigues sheltering under sprawling palms that flank the roadsides. On one empty stretch, an ancient army transporter rolls past towing an artillery cannon. 

A little further on, we pass a worn billboard depicting an image of Vladimir Lenin with an inscription thanking the Soviet Union for its investment in Cuban agriculture. Behind the billboard, a towering grey concrete processing plant is overgrown and abandoned. 

This is the type of image that western tourists post on Instagram as some form of précis of Cuba’s failures and perceived unsophistication. These are also physical reminders of a now obsolete agriculture model characterised by intensive production and monoculture cropping. 

It was an input-heavy “bigger is better” philosophy that aimed for the maximum yield possible at the expense of sustainability, biodiversity and soil health. It’s an approach that isn’t dissimilar to methods traditionally used in New Zealand, except in Villa Clara the machines are long gone, and the dirt rows lay empty. 

Farmers work at a suburban agriculture farm in Cerro, Havana in 2017 (Photo: Adalberto Roque/AFP via Getty Images)

When the Soviet Bloc collapsed in 1991, Cuba’s agricultural system ground to a halt almost overnight. Cuba lost access to Soviet machinery and parts, fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides and petroleum. The omnipresent US embargo prevented Cuba from simply buying elsewhere. 

The results were immediately apparent. Cuba posted the worst growth in per-capita food production in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sensing opportunity, the US government doubled down by imposing tougher sanctions and it seemed like Cuba was unlikely to recover. 

But remarkably, at what seemed like the eleventh hour, the island embarked on a rapid reorientation of its agricultural system. The solution was to establish a self-sustaining, biointensive system of agriculture that removed almost all inputs, and as a consequence was essentially organic. 

The subsequent decades haven’t been all plain sailing though. The fraught Período Especial was a prolonged economic crisis that began in 1991 and lasted until the early 2000s when Cuba was able to establish critical trade relationships with countries such as Canada and Venezuela. At the same time, the burgeoning state-sanctioned tourism industry was beginning to reduce Cuba’s dependence on traditional exports such as sugar. 

Farm workers get a tractor ride down a country road near Santa Clara in 2015 (Photo: David Silverman/Getty Images)

Cuba’s modern achievements in agriculture are remarkable by any metric — with 383,000 small-plot farms, covering 50,000 hectares of otherwise unused land, producing more than 1.5 million tons of vegetables. Top small-plot farmers can reach a yield of 20kg/m² per year of edible plant material using no synthetic inputs – equivalent to a hundred tons per hectare. 

According to May Ling Chan and Eduardo Francisco Freyre Roach’s Unfinished Puzzle: Cuban Agriculture – The Challenges, Lessons and Opportunities, small-plot and urban farms now supply 70% or more of all the fresh vegetables consumed in cities such as Havana and Santa Clara.

Cuba is fortunate enough to have some advantages on its side, including high rainfall and a mostly semi-tropical or temperate climate. But Cuba isn’t an oasis. Like New Zealand, it’s a small island nation: mountainous, with huge patches of unproductive land. 

Without the use of herbicides, Cuban farmers initially struggled to maintain pasture and production areas. Land that was previously used for monoculture crops was quickly recolonised by weeds. Marabú, a thorny invasive legume, which isn’t too dissimilar to gorse, covers approximately two million hectares, or around 18% of Cuba’s territory. 

These issues were largely overcome by targeted government investment and incentives to bring willing workers to the provinces. The growth of urban farming in the cities offset losses elsewhere and allowed land that was too difficult to farm to be reforested, planted in less labour-intensive perennial crops, or left fallow. 

But the big question for everyone with an interest in regenerative agriculture is this: could Cuba’s example be replicated in other countries without the required numbers of ready workers in the primary sector? 

The answer for now at least is no, but there are options. 

Cuba’s ministry of agriculture incentivises entry by providing would-be farmers with plots of land on free or heavily subsidised long-term leases. Some of these farms fail catastrophically, but others go on to be a source of employment in often isolated communities with little economic prospects. The Cuban ministry of agriculture has created over 2600 new small urban and suburban farms, and the distribution of the use rights to the majority of estimated three million hectares of land previously in state ownership. 

La Plaza de la Revolución, Havana (Photo: Luke Sole)

If that sounds unfeasible in New Zealand, think again. In 1975, the then Kirk-Labour government launched the Ohu scheme. It aimed to boost organic farming, alternative energy and recycling by drawing inspiration from Māori farming models and the Israeli-style kibbutz. 

Ever the pragmatist, Kirk believed the scheme was essentially a practical outlet for those who had effectively dropped out of the conventional labour market. The land offered was often poor quality and remote. From the beginning, numerous challenges presented, including lengthy negotiations over ownership with Lands & Survey, and struggles with local authorities over building permits. Nonetheless, around eight Ohu were established. 

As for the urban farming revolution? 

The explosion of urban agriculture in European cities hasn’t gone unnoticed in New Zealand. Urban planners are increasingly seeing agricultural spaces as a key component of socially connected cities. This covers everything from local community gardens to high-tech vertical or even underground farms. Dr Clive Cornford from the Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) argues that urban agriculture is not only important for human wellbeing, but it’s an essential measure to create food security and community resilience in the face of climate uncertainty. 

On my last day in Cuba, I met Dr Eduardo Francisco Freyre Roach, a professor in rural sociology, sustainable agriculture and bioethics at the Agrarian University of Havana (UNAH) and coauthor of 2012’s Unfinished Puzzle, the book mentioned above.

His reluctant advice for New Zealand in the face of climate challenges? 

“Perhaps it’s time to look outside of the so-called first world for solutions and focus on cultural strength and empowerment. Capitalism doesn’t have all the answers. Neither do we, but we’re trying our best.” 

A mural on the second floor of Food Alley (Photo: Jihee Junn)
A mural on the second floor of Food Alley (Photo: Jihee Junn)

OPINIONKaiJanuary 28, 2020

Every great city needs places like Food Alley – but we need to back them

A mural on the second floor of Food Alley (Photo: Jihee Junn)
A mural on the second floor of Food Alley (Photo: Jihee Junn)

Our job as walkers of city streets is to continue frequenting gems like the soon-to-close Food Alley, writes Miriam Moore. 

Last week, my favourite Auckland food institution posted a plea for customers. In a video on its Instagram, Food Alley on Albert Street called for people to still visit, and included an explainer of how to get there now there’s a road diversion from ongoing works for Auckland’s City Rail Link (CRL) project.  

It seems hard to believe that this cheap-eats staple, which I first discovered 10 years ago during my first days in the big smoke, would need to ask for customers. Aside from the clinically decorated La Porchetta up the road (RIP), this was one of the only places a poor student like me could afford to eat out. After trying multiple other food courts as I wandered further from my first-year dorm, I soon learned that Food Alley is the shit. It is unbeatable. 

The Vietnamese stall at Food Alley (Photo: José Barbosa)

When I saw that video on Instagram, I tweeted my endorsement and discovered more than 200 people agreed with me. For perspective, approximately two people normally engage with my tweets. I was so happy to find that other Aucklanders feel the same way about this rundown but lovable corridor in the wall. But then, the bombshell. Shortly after that initial plea, Food Alley announced that 1 May 2020 will be its final day of operation. It’s closing due to development works on the site unrelated to the CRL. The food court has been in operation for 28 years, and it’s precisely that long lifespan that makes it irreplaceable by any new development.  

The closure of Food Alley is a huge loss for the city centre, and for the thousands of people who populate it day and night. I’ve spent many meals there catching up with friends over curry, noodles, skewers, you name it. Friends are always willing to meet you there – or else, after slurping their first pho, are shocked that they had never previously heard of it. Food Alley’s nondescript frontage, like the entrance to some long-abandoned cinema complex, makes it easy to miss if you don’t know what you’re looking for. The bustling community inside those walls? That’s something every one of its fans will miss.

Photo: José Barbosa

READ MORE: An ode to Food Alley, 1992-2020

The joy of food courts is that there’s something for everyone, for every taste. Several dishes in Food Alley have become culinary stars in their own right. I hear the som tam (papaya salad) from Thai E-Sarn is incredible, and a laksa from Malaysian Noodles always hits the spot, so long as you remember not to wear white. Even as a sad, lonely vegan, I am spoiled for choice. With each stall representing the country from where its owners originate , the only Asian fusion there is the whirlpool of steam that leaves a slight film of oil on your face as a goodbye souvenir. Who needs a facial serum?

A more specific loss for the city centre is the Food Alley drinks counter. They do Pink Panthers, filling a rumoured void after the closure of Valentines on Dominion Road. No downtown drinks venue, even at happy hour, brings people together like Food Alley. Their famed “cocktail” menu has something for any kind of boozer, with everyone’s favourite cocktail, Jim Beam and coke, going for just $7. Beers are $5 (a small inflation on the $4 of my student days), and last time I ordered a glass of wine it was $3.80 and filled to the top. A top hack for anyone planning a BYO outing is to say screw it and go to Food Alley instead. The wine is cheaper than a bottle plus corkage, plus the variety will finally get Becky to stop whining that she’s sick of getting Thai. There will be butter chicken for Becky. There is also a karaoke bar a few doors up the road.  

Photo: José Barbosa

Everything I’ve listed above created the perfect recipe for a thriving inner-city food court. And that’s why I was so shocked and saddened by Food Alley’s initial call for customers.  A lot goes on behind the scenes with businesses affected by development; it’s a tricky technical process in which I am no expert. As a self-confessed urbanist, I admit construction excites me rather than deters me. All cities must undergo construction, especially those populating at Auckland’s rate. Currently many of Auckland’s roads (and their underground systems) are being upgraded to support the street life that fills them, and we must see through the inconveniences that brings in the interim. Businesses cannot choose their locations during construction periods, but we as customers can choose our pedestrian routes and the businesses we support.

CRL is the biggest works project that Auckland has ever seen, and a city of our size demands it. Being car-free and with the fortune of being able-bodied, construction works have never bothered me. I am a full-time pedestrian, walking 60 minutes to work daily, and to wherever else I need to go. I purposefully walk past construction to watch the diggers like a wide-eyed child, and excitedly envision the urban life that is being created before me. Walking down the middle of Albert St also allows me to discover buildings I never noticed when the footpath forced pedestrians under canopy – I get to see the city in a whole new way.

There is no denying that the construction of CRL is causing major disruption, but it is also causing huge excitement. In 2013, I was able to get tickets to Beyonce’s Mrs Carter World Tour 10 minutes after they went on sale. In 2019, within the same timeframe, tickets to the underground walk through the CRL tunnels were all snapped up and I missed out. While the business conversations go on in the background, our job as walkers of these streets is to translate that excitement into supporting gems like Food Alley.

Food Alley amid the CRL construction on Albert Street (Photo: José Barbosa)

This is a plea to those who jumped on the first announcement that Food Alley wants customers: fulfil your pledge to patronise their stalls. Let them see how much we support them in our final four months together. Food Alley’s demise is certainly not the death of the food court, but it comes in conjunction with the rise of the “bougie” food court such as Newmarket Westfield and the forthcoming Commercial Bay. A lunch for under $15 will be hard to find at any of these places. The closure of a food court that is as beloved, welcoming and affordable as Food Alley is a huge loss for Auckland. My advice is to have your next office meeting over some Kampung Delights. Take your child to watch the diggers, then get them a Pink Panther. Hell, bring someone you hate for a laksa on a day they’re wearing a new white kaftan. Let’s use these last few months to celebrate the community of Auckland in the legendary space that is Food Alley.