
KaiFebruary 10, 2023

Food in a flood: What the rain means for all our dinner tables


When Pukekohe floods, shoppers everywhere feel it in veggie shortages and higher prices. Liv Sisson explains the flow-on effects on our food system.

There’s been a ton of flood news. And within it, a ton of flood food news. Supermarkets were submerged. A cow washed ashore at KFC. Firefighters were not served at Maccas. And while Wayne dealt with drongos, community groups delivered emergency kai, and onions went viral on TikTok.

In one video, which now has over 384,000 views, brown bulbs bob along a rainy road – onions forced out of their underground dens, washed clean out of the fields by the deluge. These alliums are ominous. They seem to be staring our food system in the face and pointing out that this wild weather’s impact will hardly be ring-fenced to one geographical area.

On the food front, the flood’s flow-on effects will be worth watching. Especially when you consider that 26% of our domestic vege production happens in Pukekohe, in an area measuring just 40 square kilometres. So, what all has happened on the food front since the flood? What can we take away from it, and what comes next?

What happened to those viral onions?

The TikTok onions probably floated out to sea. Any remaining in the fields must be discarded if they’ve been in contact with floodwaters. As United Fresh New Zealand noted, floodwaters can run through sewer systems, and across farm land, picking up animal waste, human waste, and other pathogens. Crop losses have been huge.

What happened to the submerged supermarket food?

The supermarket stockpiling of 2020 had its own end-of-days vibe. Videos of shoppers pushing trolleys through waist-deep water felt even eerier. On the back of the floods, Foodstuffs donated $137k worth of undamaged product to food banks. Food banks, it’s worth noting, were already seeing unprecedented demand while supermarkets pocketed an estimated $430 million in excess profit last year. Supermarket items that did get wet were likely discarded because, again, contamination.

What do destroyed crops mean for growers?

As Brit Stembridge from Tomtit Farm told me pre-flood, the summer growing season had already been tough up north. A late frost in October 2022 zapped the seedlings meant to supply today’s harvest. Re-sowing was required. Then relentless rain and cloud around Christmas meant veggie patches were flowering, but not pumping out nearly as much kai as they normally do this time of year – pollinators don’t fly in the rain.

This event, Stembridge mentioned, has essentially hammered growers all over again. Floods cause root rot, stem rot, nutrient deficiencies, and weakens plants making them vulnerable to diseases, like powdery mildew, and pests which thrive in damp conditions.

Not a great year for the humble homegrown tomato. (Image: Getty / Tina Tiller)

Is there still hope for tomatoes and home gardens?

Maybe a sliver. But as Stembridge told me, growers need hot sunny days soon to dry soils out. She has stripped the fruits off of her outdoor toms to free up their energy for recovery and placing new fruit. Home gardeners also need to be careful with produce that may have come in contact with floodwater. This guide to repairing your garden post-flood is now free to read.

Did those firefighters at Maccas manage to get a feed? 

Yes. One Domino’s franchise owner in Tauranga made sure of it. Legend. Meanwhile, as Charlotte Muru-Lanning reported, wait times at her local Domino’s in Auckland exceeded four hours. “That people were still getting pizzas delivered and wondering why they took so long in what was fast turning into a state of emergency felt like a pure expression of the information void we experienced, and continue to experience in Auckland,” she wrote.

Where did emergency food relief come from?

As Muru-Lanning also reported, emergency food and information came first from iwi, marae, charities, schools. She received not only an informational text, but a kai parcel, from Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei – all before Auckland Emergency Management had even made a peep.

Pukekohe, home to 26% of our domestic vegetable production. (Photo: interest.co.nz)

Are the floods impacting food shortages and prices?

Short answer, yes. Long answer, also yes. Onions and potato stocks were already tight, so those supply gaps seem likely to hang around. Other shortages may surface later. Shopping will likely require flexibility in-store. The egg shortage has unnervingly prepared us for this.

The cost of food here, meanwhile, went up 11.3% last year. Fruit and veg prices were the biggest driver of that increase. Prices looked like they might come down pre-flood but those hopes feel dashed. It’s probably too early to precisely measure how the floods have shifted price and supply. Anecdotally though, a kilo of loose tomatoes at my South Island Pak’nSave was $8.99 a week before the flood and $10.49 the week after. Expensive to expensive-er.

Twenty-six per cent of our domestic veg? Grown in one town?

Yes. Over a quarter of onshore veg production is packed into Pukekohe, which was badly hit in the floods. One image showed a heap of muddied onions on the corner of a subdivision there. Which seems to represent an interesting moment in time for our food system. One where we are rapidly consolidating where we grow kai while building houses over other areas that were once part of our agricultural food basket.

Alongside this, the number of growers in Aotearoa is shrinking, competition in our supermarket sector is stubbornly low and by most global standards, non-existent. Consolidation is occurring all over the place within our food system.

Is consolidation a bad idea?

At best, it’s risky. Our food system is a complex web, a fabric made up of millions of interactions and relationships between the earth, growers, sellers and eaters. Pukekohe represents a dominant node in the system. So do the supermarkets. When nodes become overly dominant, the system itself becomes less varied, more consolidated, and more fragile. In that setting, if one node falls, the likelihood that it will pull the entire system down with it increases.

Those TikTok onions help explain this. If we rely on Pukekohe for all or most of our onions, the supply is a sitting duck vulnerable to pests, diseases, floods. And if we rely on supermarkets as the dominant channel to connect us with onions, the price is vulnerable too. With prices poised to continue rising, it might be time to look into getting a produce box.

How can we avoid future folly?

On the food front the flood points out that we need a plan – ideally before disaster strikes. Relying on food banks, charities, schools and other bottom-of-the-cliff solutions to fill gaps created by the supermarket duopoly and food system consolidation, isn’t a long-term viable solution. And Kiwis deserve better. Way better. We need, as Eat New Zealand CEO Angela Clifford recently wrote, a national food security plan – a “fence at the top”.


Keep going!
Wonky Box
Wonky Box takes fruit and vegetables that supermarkets won’t stock and delivers boxes to customers in select parts of Aotearoa. (Photo: Supplied / Treatment: Archi Banal)

BusinessFebruary 9, 2023

Can ‘ugly’ fruit and veges help cure the cost of living crisis?

Wonky Box
Wonky Box takes fruit and vegetables that supermarkets won’t stock and delivers boxes to customers in select parts of Aotearoa. (Photo: Supplied / Treatment: Archi Banal)

Fresh fruit and vegetables are thrown away every day because supermarkets won’t take them. One business is doing something about it.

Angus Simms could cry over spilt onions. Summer crops had just been pulled from the ground and left out to dry when Auckland’s recent downpours began. As this ABC news crew found, all those onions quickly floated onto suburban streets around Pukekohe. “When the floodwaters came, onions were the first thing to be picked up and taken away,” Simms sighs.

Thousands of onions rotting in driveways isn’t the only food-related problem arising from floods that have devastated growers across the region. Potato shortages could soon be an issue. Then pumpkins, carrots and garlic. “In a month’s time, you’ll definitely see the effects come through,” says Simms. He believes produce could be scarce for a while. “The pricing of these products will go up in supermarkets.”

Simms doesn’t like seeing food go to waste. He and his partner Katie Jackson started a business to stop this exact thing from happening. Wonky Box is a subscription delivery service that takes “ugly” fruit and vegetables that supermarkets won’t accept, packages them up in curated boxes, then delivers them to customers. Meal ideas are supplied by Jackson.

Wonky Box
Angus Simms and Katie Jackson from Wonky Box. (Photo: Supplied)

On the menu when The Spinoff calls are “carrots, potatoes, beetroot, capsicums, avocados, sweetcorn, nectarines, Valencia oranges, basil and cucumber”. Because they’re still on a “start-up salary,” they’ll be taking a box home tonight too. They plan to cook up a “comforting” cheesy leek and potato gratin for dinner.  “A box of veges goes a long way,” laughs Jackson.

A gratin is the kind of dish that would hide vegetable blemishes but Simms says customers can barely tell the difference between what Wonky offers and what’s in supermarkets. He believes they supply fresher produce, and because it’s been through fewer hands it probably tastes better too. “We have a rule that we will never put anything in the box that isn’t fresh,” he says. “There’s no difference between taste and nutritional value from a Wonky vege and a non-Wonky vege.”

Impending shortages could soon put their supplies to the test. The pair pride themselves on competitive pricing to help consumers combat the supermarket duopoly and the cost of living crisis. Boxes cost $32 (+shipping) and feed two to three people for a week. Ten different varieties of fruit and vegetables are promised, but sometimes even they don’t know what will end up in their boxes until growers announce their surplus produce. “A lot of the growers have simply grown too much,” says Simms. “We’ll make a deal and go and grab them.”

Simms and Jackson have been through other stresses. They started Wonky Box after returning from the UK where Simms worked in the financial industry and Jackson was a psychiatric nurse for the NHS. During a campervan trip to Nelson, the pair noticed how much produce was being thrown away after a hailstorm. They didn’t like seeing all that food being wasted. “We saw a gap in the market and decided to see if we could make something [happen],” he says. “Before we knew it, we got sucked into doing something completely new.”

A Wonky Box contains 10 different types of fruit and veges. (Photo: Supplied)

Soon enough, they’d removed the back seats of their campervan so they could trek around local Wellington growers to pick up their slightly sullied stock, then deliver their boxes. They grew fast, sometimes struggling to adapt to the pace of their expansion. Two years on, they’re delivering Wonky boxes to Wellington, Waiarapa, Kāpiti, Manawatu and Whanganui. Most recently, the pair moved to Auckland to helm Wonky’s launch there. All up, they say they’re delivering “thousands” of boxes every week, saving tonnes of food from from going to waste.

It’s just one initiative of many gaining steam as the cost of living crisis continues to put holes in consumers’ pockets. Supie, an independent online-only supermarket in Auckland, offers discounts on fruit and vegetables, sometimes removing the cost of GST. Food co-ops, a not-for-profit community-driven initiative, have returned and are gaining popularity. Meanwhile, Grocer.nz is Gaspy but for groceries, helping shoppers track specials, discounts and overall food cost rises. Some are turning to converting backyards into gardens, or even getting chickens to solve the egg crisis.

Simms hopes Wonky’s network of growers will see them through the coming weeks, when shortages might start to bite. He’s seen the effects of the supermarket duopoly, and knows many are forgoing fresh fruit and vegetables because of price rises. “It’s just so expensive,” he says. “It’s kind of sad.” Wonky’s hoping to expand to offer other short-dated products, including coffee, cereal and cheese soon.

In the meantime, they’re focused on saving as much food from being wasted as possible. Ask Simms why shoppers are better off getting their fruit and veges from Wonky, and he rattles off a well-worn list. “If you’re eating in season, not only are you getting better bang for your buck, but you’re supporting more local growers as opposed to eating imported produce,” he says. “You’re getting a lot more nutritional value out of things that are in season, because they’re a lot fresher.” That includes carrots that have an ever-so-slight slight bend in them.

‘He mea tautoko nā ngā mema atawhai. Supported by our generous members.’
Liam Rātana
— Ātea editor