Siouxsie Wiles: ‘Working with cartoonist Toby Morris has turned into the most productive and impactful collaboration of my career’. Illustration: Toby Morris
Siouxsie Wiles: ‘Working with cartoonist Toby Morris has turned into the most productive and impactful collaboration of my career’. Illustration: Toby Morris

MediaSeptember 7, 2021

The bumper Toby Morris & Siouxsie Wiles Covid-19 box set

Siouxsie Wiles: ‘Working with cartoonist Toby Morris has turned into the most productive and impactful collaboration of my career’. Illustration: Toby Morris
Siouxsie Wiles: ‘Working with cartoonist Toby Morris has turned into the most productive and impactful collaboration of my career’. Illustration: Toby Morris

All the illustrations and animations in one place.

Last updated May 2022

The visual explainers created by Toby Morris and Siouxsie Wiles and published by The Spinoff have been shared in their hundreds of millions since the pandemic struck. For ease of reference we’ve put them all together in one post, which we’ll regularly update.

You can also read Toby’s extraordinary Side Eye comics, Essential and Viruses vs Everyone. You can read all of Siouxsie’s brilliant explainers, analysis and commentary here. Siouxsie reflects on a year of collaborations here.

For a collection of te reo Māori translated versions, see here.

The images below have been released under a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-4.0 licence. This means you are free to use them providing you give credit and share under the same conditions. More details here. Please send us a link to info@thespinoff.co.nz noting where and how you have used them for our records. You can download the illustrations and gifs by right-clicking on them in the posts and selecting “save image as”. Please note that some have been updated over time to reflect research findings. Please use the most recent version.

This work is made possible thanks to Spinoff Members. Help us do more by joining here.

Flatten the curve

In this post from March 9 2020, Siouxsie and Toby outlined the “flatten the curve” concept. This animation, based on images already in circulation, instantly went viral. Jacinda Ardern held a printout aloft at a press conference announcing the partial closure of New Zealand borders.

Stop the spread

Five days later, on March 14, a more elaborate version, which brought with it the idea of more drastic collective action: Stop the spread.

Symptoms grid

On March 18, as part of a primer on testing for Covid-19, Siouxsie and Toby presented a symptoms grid, reflecting what we knew at that point about the disease’s symptoms.

In a post on April 30, in which Siouxsie urged anyone with possible symptoms to get tested immediately, Toby and she created a different kind of symptoms chart: those that could be a sign.

Break the chain

On March 20, as New Zealand began its ride up the alert level system, Siouxsie and Toby published a visual explaining how exponential spread works, and how one small decision could make such a big difference. This would again circle the earth, and end up adopted by official communications channels in New Zealand, Argentina, Australia, Germany and Scotland.

Handshake alternatives

That post came with another much-deployed gif: some non-contact handshake options.

This work is made possible thanks to Spinoff Members. Help us do more by joining here – and score a free tea-towel

The bubbles

As New Zealand went into full-on lockdown, we were getting our heads around the idea of “bubbles”, and why they were a crucial part of alert levels three and four. The explainer post came with two helpful animations.

The lag

The impact of the lockdown would take time to materialise in the numbers. To explain why, Siouxsie and Toby visualised “the lag”.

More bubbles

On April 1, Siouxsie and Toby explained in more depth, in text and image, why the bubble concept really mattered to making the sacrifices of the lockdown worthwhile.

Apartments and bubbles

A couple of days later, more detail still: how to keep contained while living in shared buildings.


On April 6, a look at the latest evidence on masks, and their use in different parts of the world.

Incubation and symptoms

For a post on April 12 expanding on the lag idea and the gap between transmission and symptoms, a new animation showing how that works in terms of the numbers we see.

Contact tracing and transmission chains

On April 18, Siouxsie explained why contact tracing is such a crucial part of the puzzle, and how transmission chains work. That came with two animations from Toby, created with help from the indispensable Ayesha Verrall.


Some of the scientific language is a bit different to common usage. Siouxsie and Toby laid that out on April 24.

The ‘over-reaction’ fallacy

As New Zealand moved out of the strictest lockdown and swum in alert level three takeaways, Siouxsie and Toby cautioned against taking low new-case numbers as a sign of having overreacted.

And offered a reminder of what might have been.

The prevalence puzzle

One of the most perplexing issues: just how widespread is Covid-19 in populations?

How the virus hits the body

In a post exploring what we need to learn more about in fighting Covid-19, Siouxsie and Toby illustrated the typical way the virus affects a human body, and what different types of test can tell us.

The lag at level three

As New Zealand recorded its first days of zero new cases for some time, Siouxsie and Toby returned to the lag, warning that we needed to hang on to see the impact of level four.

Level two tips

As New Zealand moved back into alert level two on May 14, Siouxsie and Toby offered some simple rules for playing it safe as we tiptoed back to something like normal life.

Sound advice

And on April 18, an elaboration on the shouting’n’singing point.

Contact tracing tech

From May 23, how do contact tracing apps work, and why do we need them?

The vaccine race

From July 28, an explanation of the efforts to find a Covid-19 vaccine, and the different forms in the running.

Let’s go, again

When Covid returned, uninvited, to New Zealand in August, the message was: We can do this again.

The genome puzzle

A critical new tool in taking on Covid is genome sequencing. On August 13, Siouxsie and Toby explained how that works.

Mask time

Over time the research has become clear: masks are a crucial part of keeping Covid at bay. S&T explained why. (Scroll down for updated delta version.)

The cluster forks

From August 22, a primer on community transmission, clusters, and close vs casual contacts.

The virus triangle

Covid-19 is playing out differently in various parts of the world. To understand this a little better, Siouxsie Wiles and Toby Morris set out the Covid-19 “triangle” in an August 30 post.

Flattening the infodemic curve

Misinformation and its evil cousin, disinformation, have their own kind of virality. From a September 8 post.

Bridging the gap

A week later, a companion piece: how do you talk to someone who has been taken in by falsehood and misinformation?

Cheesy metaphors

The effort to defeat the coronavirus relies on many layers of defence. Call them slices of cheese. From this October 2020 article, here’s a NZ-specific animation …

And a more generic version …

Unlocking the strains

As a number of dangerous new mutations spread around the globe, Siouxsie and Toby explained in a January 26 2021 post how they emerge and why.

Live transmission

Over the course of a year our understanding of the way Covid-19 is transmitted from person to person changed a lot. From February 5 2021, a series of animations from Toby and Siouxsie about what we know (scroll down for updated delta version).

NZ’s unique opportunity

The scarcity of Covid-19 cases in New Zealand has meant our scientists can decipher things you simply couldn’t in most places. Here’s an illustration of that, from February 17 2021.

Cheesy powers: now with vaccine

The launch of the vaccine roll-out provided another critical slice of cheese to the response. From February 20, 2021.

The Pfizer method

As part of an explainer on February 24, 2021, Siouxsie and Toby broke down the way the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA virus works.

The delta challenge

When New Zealand faced its first outbreak of the delta variant of Covid in the community, the country was thrown into lockdown. Toby and Siouxsie urged focus, determination, and slippers.

Transmission, updated

From August 19 2021, fresh versions of the animations on transmission and mask usages, delta edition.

Chasing down an outbreak

From a post on August 20, how public health experts go about their work, and why lockdowns are an important part of the effort.

Misinformation red flags

To run with a post on August 21, a new version of the misinformation post to include the “red flags”.

How the world sped to the vaccine summit

One of the questions often aired by vaccine sceptics relates to the pace of the vaccine development. Here Siouxise and Toby explain how it happened quickly, and why that is no cause for alarm.

Power up!

As the vaccine rollout expanded, meaning everyone over the age of 12 was eligible, one of the questions became: Do I need to get vaccinated even if I’m young, fit and healthy?

To address that, and more broadly explain how incredibly cool the vaccine is, Toby and Siouxsie turned to a videogame analogy. This one, published on September 16 2021, has sound with the video, featuring Toby and Siouxsie as voiceover artists, as well as coming in gif form.

Te pakanga a te rongoā āraimate ki te huaketo

Power Up is also available in te reo Māori, thanks to Pohatu Poutu, Tina Ngata and Te Aroha Kanarahi Trust.

Two shots for summer

As summer beckoned in October 2021, Siouxsie and Toby looked at the importance of getting fully vaccinated before heading away on holiday.

What difference does the vaccine make?

The data on case numbers and hospitalisations in New Zealand’s delta outbreak sent a resounding message to anyone who doubted why Covid vaccines matter. From October 2021, these two gifs made it even clearer.

Case numbers: 


Antimicrobial resistance

In November 2021, Siouxsie and Toby explained the very serious threat of antimicrobial resistance in age of Covid-19.

Five factors to help us avoid Covid-19 this summer

As we headed into Christmas 2021, Siouxsie and Toby outlined five factors to help reduce the risk of transmission as the omicron variant began to make its presence felt at our borders.

Flatten the curve: 2022 edition

As the omicron variant spread through Aotearoa in February 2022, two years after the pandemic began, the graphic that started it all got a refresh.

Flatten the curve graphic - 2022 version

Today, Leah Panapa took over for Peter Williams on Magic Talk Mornings.  How did it go? (Image: Tina Tiller)
Today, Leah Panapa took over for Peter Williams on Magic Talk Mornings. How did it go? (Image: Tina Tiller)

MediaSeptember 6, 2021

Leah Panapa just worked the shift from hell on Magic Talk

Today, Leah Panapa took over for Peter Williams on Magic Talk Mornings.  How did it go? (Image: Tina Tiller)
Today, Leah Panapa took over for Peter Williams on Magic Talk Mornings. How did it go? (Image: Tina Tiller)

Peter Williams had departed suddenly. His morning radio audience was mad as hell about it. And, somehow, Leah Panapa nailed it.

At 9.46am this morning, a press release shot into the inboxes of journalists with this tongue-twisting subject line: “MediaWorks Media Release: MediaWorks Appoints Dallas Gurney as Director of News and Talk and welcomes Lloyd Burr”.

Even more headline-worthy announcements were to be found within. Firstly, Ryan Bridge would be taking over The AM Show after Duncan Garner’s resignation two weeks ago. Secondly, Peter Williams would be retiring, effective immediately. The latter was covered in only two lines:

“Meanwhile, Magic Talk Mornings host Peter Williams has decided to retire. At the age of 67, and nearly half a century in the media industry, he wants to enjoy life with fewer commitments.”

Williams’ last months as host had been marred by the veteran dealing in anti-vaccine views, UN conspiracy theories and climate change denial. His departure is the latest in a run of high-profile on-air changes at MediaWorks this year, following John Banks being officially taken off the air due to racist comments he made about Māori while filling in for Williams, Sean Plunket departing his own show Magic Talk Radio, and Duncan Garner resigning last month over “brutal hours”.

Unfortunately, the press release went out 46 minutes after his show went to air, where Williams’ fellow Magic Talk host Leah Panapa was filling in, permanently.

Leah Panapa on The AM Show (Photo: Newshub)

“Now yes, normally I know you would be joining Peter Williams who has been here since the inception of Magic Talk some two and a half years ago,” starts Panapa, as jovial as one could be expected to be in a new job with less than 48 hours’ notice. At the start of the show, Panapa reveals she was informed only at the weekend that she would be taking over from Williams. And if there was a list of jobs you wouldn’t want sprung on you, “hosting a talkback show the Monday after a terrorist attack” would be pretty high up on it.

She continues, because she’s contractually obliged to. “Look, I’m more than happy if you want to talk about Peter, but in a positive way: there’s no point shooting the messenger. I want to continue Peter’s good work. As I said, I’m honoured and excited to be here.”

The show starts off promisingly, with Panapa opening the audio floor for viewers to ring in and discuss their responses, emotional and otherwise, to Friday’s attack. The first caller is Neville, who wishes Peter Williams well. The second caller, Eric, gasses Leah up. “There’s no use being nervous, you know you’re a good radio announcer! We will miss Peter but there’s no need to be nervous. Everybody’s respects you, you’re all good.”

Then we get to David from Christchurch. “I know you won’t have much to say about it Leah, and you probably might end up hanging up on me, but has your radio station gone woke?”

David continues, as Davids are wont to do. “First Sean Plunket, then Tony Amos, now Peter Williams have all been given the boot … Obviously something’s happened to one of your people you get sponsorship from or something like that – they’ve had enough of the way Peter talks on this radio station and has decided if you don’t get rid of him, you’ll be gone.”

Panapa reminds David that she only learned about it at the weekend, as she explained at the beginning (“I didn’t hear it,” interrupts David). She goes on to repeat, not for the first time and not for the last, the list of reasons that Williams might not be here (wants to spend more time with his family, is old, doesn’t want to work, etc).

“Sometimes,” she sighs. “People do just leave.” 

David is one of those people who just leaves, apparently. “Well, you’ve lost yourself a listener too, Leah. I’ve got no drama with you whatsoever but every other presenter that’s been replaced by these other people, they’re not for me anyway so… I’m not listening to Magic Talk any more. Your radio station’s gone woke.”

Panapa manages the impressive feat of putting an eye roll into words. “All right, David. I’ve given you three minutes of your opinion. So I’ve proven that I do let you have an opinion. You got to say what you wanted to say, I let you, I didn’t hang up on you. And we will miss you as a listener, hopefully you’ll come back.”

Another lost listener is Michael. He can’t believe that Peter Williams has retired, any more than he can believe that John Banks had. “I think your management has to look seriously at themselves, because they have lost me as a listener, as a poster, as a contributor.” Panapa says she is sad to hear that, which I’m sure is true on many levels.

If things weren’t bad enough, the second hour of the show is plagued with the aforementioned sound issues – Panapa appears to be on a five-second delay with every caller, and also appears to have to explain to everybody who calls in that this is happening, even though you’d assume they’re listening to the very programme she just explained it on. 

She soldiers on. At one point, she exclaims, “What a nice baptism of fire today, let me tell you! Lovely. Peter’s gone, phones don’t go. Boy, this is great for day drinking! And I shall keep talking just to annoy you even more!”

The rest of the show continues are you might predict. Chris believes there’s a rat amongst the Peter Williams resignation, then calls Panapa by the wrong name (Pania). A man called Michael recommends a book that “not a lot of people might have heard of” that reflects current events at the moment – George Orwell’s 1984. Panapa states flatly that she’s heard of it and, by the grace of broadcast, moves onto the news.

The one time the host comes close to losing her remarkable cool is in the last half hour. After another caller, James, goes on what could charitably be called a “ramble”, she says, “I would like to think after 35 years of radio … I would like to think that Peter’s audience can still converse with me. I’m not going to shut them down. I’m probably one of the few announcers or broadcasters that do let both sides on. As wonderful as Peter is, he was one-eyed. You have to admit that.”

If there’s anything that this debut proves, it’s that Panapa has the skill and guts to handle the job. While we all staggered through the specific kind of Monday blues that settles in during lockdown, Leah Panapa had the patience of one of our better saints. In one three-hour period, she had to deftly navigate the emotions of people not just reacting to the sudden loss of a (subjectively) beloved radio host but a terrorist attack, while fielding not just sound issues but the issues of a listenership that doesn’t appear to actually listen.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. After a Williams-adjacent rant, caller Reuben wishes her well. “All the best with your new time slot there.”

She answers with an audible grin. “Cheers, mate.”