Metia Interactive founder Maru Nihoniho
Metia Interactive founder Maru Nihoniho

PodcastsJanuary 18, 2018

Why being from Aotearoa makes selling your video game overseas easier

Metia Interactive founder Maru Nihoniho
Metia Interactive founder Maru Nihoniho

Business is Boring is a weekly podcast series presented by The Spinoff in association with Vodafone Xone. Host Simon Pound speaks with innovators and commentators focused on the future of New Zealand, with the interview available as both audio and a transcribed excerpt. This week he talks to Maru Nihoniho, founder of game studio Metia Interactive.

In 2003, there wasn’t much of a computer game development industry in Aotearoa. But an entrepreneur that loved games, graphics and design set out to change that and make a PlayStation game, not worrying that they didn’t even have access to the Sony development kit. They managed to assemble a team, make a prototype and sell the idea internationally – all on their first try.

This pioneering approach has continued for Maru Nihoniho, whose Metia Interactive has gone on to make games that carry great messages along with the fun of playing. There was SPARX, developed with the University of Auckland, which gamified the treatment of depression with great success, winning awards and getting written up in the British Medical Journal. There was The Guardian, with its a wahine toa  – a strong Māori women lead – doing the rescuing. And Māori Pa Wars, a take on the traditional tower defence game available in te reo and quietly telling stories from history.

Maru has been recognised for services to gaming and mental health with a Member of the Order of Merit and has been appointed by the Crown to the board of Māori Television. She braved the many stairs to Spinoff Towers to talk to Simon about her journey.

Either download (right click to save), have a listen below or via Spotifysubscribe through iTunes (RSS feed) or read on for a transcribed excerpt.

How did you manage to get out there to the world and sell that first concept internationally? What was it like turning up as a ‘young woman from New Zealand’ in an industry that wouldn’t have known about New Zealand, wouldn’t have known about anything.

You’re right there. I mean, that was really tough because once I’d decided and I’d set up Metia and I thought ‘right, I’m heading over to LA, going to the E3 conference, I’m going to do this, I’m gonna find out all about the industry and meet people and it’s gonna be fun, just like gaming’… I remember my first conference. I got to LA, got to the convention centre and it was just jam-packed full of people. Like, thousands of people. There were games on display, there were talks on the other side of the centre, and I remember feeling lost standing there. Lost and amazed, actually. But lost as in I didn’t know anybody and I didn’t know where to start. It was like ‘okay, where are these people at’? So I spent the first day there just wandering around, having a look at the games that were out there on display…what’s the new platform? That’s when I noticed the new PlayStation Portable and I was like ‘ooh, a mobile gaming device? That’s cool!’ You know, it was very difficult. Not to mention out of all of those thousands of people that were there, very few of us were female. It was like ‘where are all the ladies at?’

What kind of ‘very few’? Was it hundreds? Tens? Thousands?

Tens. It was tens. And it was funny because we all sort of eventually found each other and gravitated towards each other and hung out, which was really cool because now some of those ladies are way up there in the industry and we were all in the same boat back then. It was kind of just, you know, what do I do and how do I get in front of these people? Because I could see my male peers, other game developers, approaching game developers easily. ‘Hi, I’m from wherever and I’ve got this really cool game idea. Let’s head on down to the bar for a drink and discuss it.’ Then off they’d go and I’d be like ‘okay, I really can’t do that. It’s not going to work out very well’. I remember standing there thinking to myself, ‘how am I going to stand out?’ Never mind that there’s thousands of people here, but obviously, I’m one of the very few females here, so who’s gonna take notice of anything I’ve got to say?

It was quite a dilemma actually. Thoughts were flashing through my head and all that and I stood back and I thought ‘well, I can’t be anybody but just myself, so I’ll just be myself’. I’ll just be brave and go up to a publisher and say ‘hi my name’s Maru. I’m a games designer,’ because at that time I hadn’t developed any games, and I think ‘I’ve got this idea that you might be really interested in.’ And they’d sort of stand back and look at me and think ‘where are you from?’ The accent. I’d be like New Zealand and they’d be like ‘oh! Right! Lord of the Rings and Whale Rider!’ or something like that. It’d be something they know about New Zealand and so that would be the conversation starter. So I’d have to talk about New Zealand for a good half hour or whatever and then eventually come back to my idea. So it was like ‘alright, don’t fuss about. How I’m gonna get in front of these people [is] just do it, and I’d just go up. What’s the worst thing that’s gonna happen?’ They’re just gonna say ‘oh, sorry, we’re not interested’ and then I’ll go and try someone else. It was quite challenging.  

Watch the video below for Maru’s advice to help you break into the gaming industry.

Business is Boring is brought to you by Vodafone Xone, a NZ-based Innovation Lab and Startup Accelerator helping to bring the best startup and corporate ideas global.

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PodcastsJanuary 11, 2018

Think startups are only run by single guys and their friends? Meet Dr Alyona Medelyan

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Business is Boring is a weekly podcast series presented by The Spinoff in association with Vodafone Xone. Host Simon Pound speaks with innovators and commentators focused on the future of New Zealand, with the interview available as both audio and a transcribed excerpt. This week he talks to machine learning expert Dr Alyona Medelyan.

Y Combinator is one of the great names in tech and start-ups. The incubator slash business bootcamp is famously hard to get into and famously hard full stop! Airbnb, Dropbox and Stripe are some of the alumni and they only accept companies that have billion dollar potential. It’s also, like much of Silicon Valley, disproportionately made up of young, male, Stanford Grad founders, with not a lot of people accepted from outside the US, let alone from little old NZ.

But Dr Alyona Medelyan, CEO of Thematic, managed to break a lot of those preconceptions. She has a PhD pioneering new work in machine learning, doing it after 30, with her husband as a partner in the company and their two kids in tow. Their company uses machine learning to get insights from customer feedback for big companies like Stripe, Air NZ and Vodafone, and was a part of the Vodafone Xone startup accelerator. They’ve just picked up a new funding round, have traction and momentum in an exciting space and we are very lucky to have Alyona join us now.

Either download (right click to save), have a listen below or via Spotifysubscribe through iTunes (RSS feed) or read on for a transcribed excerpt.

Either download (right click to save), have a listen below or via Spotifysubscribe through iTunes (RSS feed) or read on for a transcribed excerpt.

Tell me about how you ended up in Y Combinator, which is such a cool achievement in the world of start-ups. If someone is listening who isn’t a deep fan of the world of start-ups, the companies that have come out of it, the process to get in there, it’s amazing.

Yeah, Y Combinator was amazing, truly amazing. We got into Y Combinator by chance. Nathan Holmberg, who is my husband and my co-founder, signed up for their start-up school programme because they would release videos on how to build and grow a start-up, and he was needing a reminder to watch the videos. It turned out that the start-up school was a way of scouting for new start-ups to join and we also got to experience what it’s like to work with some of the alumni who were our mentors during that programme. Towards the end we were encouraged to apply and to be honest we didn’t even consider it. We saw all these emails – “late applications still open” – but we just never thought it would be a place for us. Only through encouragement from one of the Y Combinator alumni we ended up applying. From then on everything happened very quickly.

How come you didn’t think it was for you? You have the experience and the education. How was it still not something that felt like it was applying to you?

Good question. I think Y Combinator, in my mind, wasn’t associated with a husband and wife with two kids running a company, and when I got there I was surprised to see quite a lot of women. There were two pregnant women in the programme. We were still around 12% which is not nearly enough, but at least I could see that there is a place for entrepreneurs like myself out there.

What were the demands of the programme?

The demands are that you focus on one goal. For companies who are already selling it needs to be a revenue growth. The target is to basically increase it as much as you can by demo day, which is when you present to investors on stage. Every week you meet with your mentors, otherwise you’re just doing it in your own time in your office. We didn’t have an office, we had a shed in the back of our house and we worked from libraries when it was too hot. The demands were to attend the office hours with group partners, update them on your progress, attend one-on-one meetings with experts. Really they’re not demands but opportunities to basically learn from the best people, who have done it many many times, on how to grow the business.

Business is Boring is brought to you by Vodafone Xone, a NZ-based Innovation Lab and Startup Accelerator helping to bring the best startup and corporate ideas global.