Froth Technologies

PodcastsJune 25, 2020

The start-up boosting New Zealand’s craft beer culture with locally-grown yeast

Froth Technologies

Business is Boring is a weekly podcast series presented by The Spinoff in association with Callaghan Innovation. Host Simon Pound speaks with innovators and commentators focused on the future of New Zealand. This week he talks to Simon Cooke and Ryan Carville, founders of yeast company Froth Technologies.

A lot goes into making good beer. Fresh hops, malt, and water are all mixed by talented brewers who know the craft like the back of their hand. But one key ingredient that’s often overlooked by keen beer drinkers is the yeast.

Until recently, despite the booming local craft brewing scene, almost all yeast used was imported from a very small group of commercialised strains.  The yeast being used didn’t even scrape the surface of the astounding variety of yeasts available, and their potential use in creating new, interesting beers.

Last year Wellington craft professionals Simon Cooke and Ryan Carville set out to change the scope of yeasts available for New Zealand brewers. And after a successful crowdfund last year, their company, Froth Technologies, is working with leading-edge technology and science to bring local yeast to the people.

To talk about their business journey and the world of brewing and yeast, Cooke and Carville joined Simon Pound on Business is Boring.

Either download this episodehave a listen or via Spotify, subscribe through iTunes (RSS feed).

Image: Simon Chesterman
Image: Simon Chesterman

MediaJune 24, 2020

Media podcast: Stuff’s owner Sinead Boucher on how she bought it for $1

Image: Simon Chesterman
Image: Simon Chesterman

The Fold’s very first guest is back to tell Duncan Greive how she pulled off the media deal of the year.

It will justifiably be lost in the tumult of Covid-19, but the chaotic couple of weeks which finally saw the end of the Stuff-NZME saga were riveting and strange, replete with stock exchange announcements, legal challenges and finally the acquisition of New Zealand’s most-viewed news platform by its CEO for just $1.

Six months after she appeared on the very first episode of The Spinoff’s media podcast, The Fold, I had Stuff CEO – and now Stuff’s sole owner – Sinead Boucher back to the show. She recounts those extraordinary few weeks, from the collapse of Bauer NZ, to just how brutalised ad revenues got in lockdown, the bailout package and the strange forces impacting journalism during level four.

Sinead casually reveals what happened behind the scenes during those hectic times, and plots out the future for Stuff – New Zealand’s biggest employer of journalists, and the closest thing to a truly national news network that exists in this country. For those in and around the media, who watched the maneuvering of our two print media giants with awe and popcorn, it’s a pretty fascinating hour.

To listen use the player below, jump or download this episode (right click and save). Feel free to subscribe via Apple Podcasts, RSS or via your favourite podcast provider.