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PodcastsJune 29, 2015

Podcast: Dancing With the Stars, Week Five – Movie Madness, Charity Choices and Dad Bods

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With Duncan still luxuriating with our theme music USB on the sandy shores of Spain, Jane Yee and Alex Casey recruit Brendon Green to join them on D-floor. Being the official Dancing With the Stars NZ warm-up guy, Brendon brings with him some backstage scoops, diplomatic answers and very weird pronunciations of ‘muesli’ to the table.

Recapping the cinematic delights of movie week on Dancing With the Stars, the team explore their favourite and least favourite charities and then immediately regret the whole thing. Other topics include the triumphs of the Twilight films, Candy Lane’s potential wig and Simon Barnett’s dad bod. As always, feel free to enter this scintillating cultural dialogue on Twitter: #dwtspod

iPhone users click here to see the showpage and subscribe on iTunes or Android users should head here to subscribe via Stitcher. Or just listen below, it’s your life:

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