One Question Quiz

PoliticsJuly 21, 2016

All the reasons Auckland’s councillors are morons if they don’t vote for SkyPath


SkyPath makes a huge amount of sense, but that hasn’t stopped a lot of angry old people complaining about it. Leroy Beckett of Generation Zero explains all the reasons our councillors should ignore the whinging and agree to back the project today.

Last January over 11,000 people supported resource consent for SkyPath, a long-awaited walking and cycling bridge alongside the Harbour Bridge, through Generation Zero. Today the Auckland Council will vote whether or not SkyPath should go ahead.

Very few people think it shouldn’t. Those who are anti-SkyPath fear a walking and cycling bridge will ruin their neighborhood. Some think it will cause the deaths of hundreds of people, as they explain here (Trigger warning for dead bodies). They live for the drama.


Sadly some of the people who hold these views are councillors who will vote against SkyPath today, jeopardising a privately funded project with near universal public support. We will be presenting at the council meeting on behalf of the vast majority. In the unlikely event that you still need convincing, here are our 21 favorite reasons we think SkyPath should be built – from us and our supporters.

1. SkyPath will be an iconic addition to the city. 


2. It has a cool name and is therefore cool.

3. SkyPath will open up the shore to people on foot and on bikes. Connecting Seapath to Wynyard Quarter will literally bridge the missing link in our network.


4. The people who don’t like it are called the NRA.

5. There is widespread support for SkyPath. This map shows the support by location.


6. SkyPath is safe. It will not be hit by a boat and no-one will die from a human stampede – both real fears SkyPath opponents have expressed.

7. Because SkyPath will strengthen friendships.


8. The city really needs something else to take tourists too.

9. We have proven landmark projects like Te Ara I Whiti (Lightpath) and Grafton Gully that have encouraged more people to bike. More people cycling means less carbon emissions means less climate change. This is a good thing.

10. Doesn’t riding down the spiral bit look fun?

11. Compared to taking the bus or driving, it’s incredibly cheap.


12. It will attract international acclaim: just look at the attention and awards the Lightpath is getting.

13. Walking and cycling are very good for your health (and save the country money).

14. 60% of Aucklanders say they would be encouraged to cycle if there was safe infrastructure – this will help.

15. People who still want to drive or bus over the bridge will benefit from all the people SkyPath will move off the road.

16. People walking and biking don’t have to sit in traffic, causing anger and carbon pollution.

17. You shouldn’t have to run 42km to walk over the Harbour Bridge.


18. Easier access to the Bridgeway Cinema and other good things on the shore.

19. The old North Shore District plan says that the heritage villas in Northcote aren’t just for NIMBYs but need to be for everyone to enjoy- that includes cycling, waving and walking past.


20. Auckland looks way bigger and better from SkyPath. Do it for the gram/snap/timelapse.

21. Because the word used most when people submitted was “great”.



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