Amy Adams speaking in parliament (Photo: Parliament TV)
Amy Adams speaking in parliament (Photo: Parliament TV)

PoliticsMarch 19, 2020

‘I trust women. I trust women’: National MP Amy Adams speaks on abortion

Amy Adams speaking in parliament (Photo: Parliament TV)
Amy Adams speaking in parliament (Photo: Parliament TV)

Last night Amy Adams, who is resigning from parliament after 12 years later this year, addressed the House during the third reading of the Abortion Legislation Bill. The historic bill would go on to pass 68-51, removing abortion from the Crimes Act and making it legal to self-refer for an abortion up to 20 weeks. 

Abortion legislation is, of course, deeply personal. Over the last few days and weeks we’ve heard very personal stories from all sides about how it affects not only members of this House but the people they know and love, and it’s no different for me. I have sat with and held the hand, over my life, of women that I know and love who have had to make an incredibly difficult decision to have an abortion.

I have seen them face the delays, the difficulties, the struggles, the judgment, and the abuse, frankly, and feel marginalised and criminalised because of our law, and that is not OK. I am very proud that in my last few months in this House, I get to be a part of – hopefully – putting that right for women today.

I’ve heard a number of people in the House, particularly of those who are supporting the bill, be at pains to say that they respect the rights and the views of everyone in this House and that their views in the debate are all valid. Interestingly enough, I haven’t heard those views expressed much by the voice of those opposing this legislation. I find it somewhat staggering that those who preach freedom of expression and religious tolerance the most are the least tolerant of those who are supporting this legislation.

If religious leaders in our community want to do something about unwanted pregnancies, then perhaps they could stop teaching that contraception is a sin. That would go a long way towards advancing the views and the rights of women.

It is not an easy topic to tackle, but after 44 years, it is well past time for this bill to pass. It is time that our law was changed so that it isn’t outdated and incredibly paternalistic. When this law was passed, there were only four women members. In fact, there were more men called William in this House than there were women MPs. The fact that it has taken us until now to relook at this isn’t acceptable, but at least we are here today.

The current law is incredibly flawed, and I have found it difficult to listen to those who have claimed that there’s no problem with the framework as there is. I would respectfully suggest to those people that they should get out and talk to and hear from some of the women that we heard from in the committee, and not just the women but their families, their doctors, and their counsellors, who told us time and time again about how difficult and traumatic and needlessly heartless this process was.

To those who are voting against the bill: if you’re true to your word and this isn’t just an opposition to abortion, full stop, then recognise and hear from the women who are telling you that the current law is not serving New Zealand women well. We are now behind so many countries in the world. A country that prides itself on being a world leader in women’s rights and equality and fairness and justice, and we have now let ourselves fall behind. So when speakers ask if my conscience will be clear tonight, my conscience will be absolutely clear. In fact, I will feel proud to have done my bit to stand up for the women in New Zealand.

I’ve said in this House before in my contributions that I have an absolutely innate view that parliament needs to stay out of the medical and personal decisions of women’s lives. Women have an absolute, inalienable right to control their bodies and their reproductive systems. It would be utterly unconscionable for any woman to be forced to have a child she doesn’t want. It would be unconscionable, and it would not be the right thing for that child.

I’m very happy to brand myself a feminist. I’m very happy to stand up for the rights of women and to respect the autonomy of women, and I will continue to do that. I trust women. I trust women. I trust them not to make the sorts of irresponsible decisions we’ve heard thrown around this House as examples of what might happen. 

Women do not wake up late in their pregnancy and have just changed their minds for no reason. Women do not callously throw away a much-wanted pregnancy because of a difficult diagnosis. Any number of women will come and tell you – and did come and tell the select committee – exactly that. 

I also understand the role of doctors in this. Doctors are not mindless automatons who’d go along with anything. Doctors have to satisfy their own conscience, their ethics, their professional obligations, and their Hippocratic oath. They make these decisions very carefully, and only when they’re appropriate clinically and ethically. 

This House doesn’t belong in those decisions. We don’t do it for any other medical decision. We shouldn’t do it to express control over women’s reproductive rights.

I want to touch for a minute on the issue of safe zones, because I am disappointed that this House, late one night last week, took them out of this bill. It’s not the biggest part of this bill, but I do not accept that this is policing speech. What I’ve seen happen personally and have heard stories of actually amounts to psychological abuse and torture, and I don’t think any woman seeking the help that she needs in making such a difficult decision needs to be abused, intimidated, and threatened. 

Prayer not protest, say the people holding a vigil outside the Auckland Medical Aid Centre on Dominion Rd. Photo Alex Braae.

I’ve even heard stories of members of this House being threatened in a number of ways, which I won’t detail because of their own privacy, because of their views in this House. If that is the mechanism by which the anti-abortion protesters operate, then they don’t deserve the right that we would normally expect in terms of protest. I would support safe zones, and if I have the chance to support them in another forum, I will again.

I do think that we need to trust women, as I’ve said, and yet we’ve heard people in this House say “yes, we need to trust women,” but then say they’re going to be voting to take those decisions off women. It isn’t right. It is time for this House to understand that women have the right to control their bodies, and this House and our lawmaking does not have the right to intervene in that.

I think those who are voting against this legislation are out of step with New Zealand. I think this House is in grave danger of becoming far more socially conservative than New Zealand, and we do a disservice to New Zealand when we get out of step with the views of New Zealand. Like many of you, I take a lot of time talking to my community in my constituency. I represent a constituency that wouldn’t be regarded as urban liberal by any stretch of the imagination, and I can tell you that the strongly held majority view is: why wouldn’t we pass this legislation? It seems a no-brainer to so many, and yet we run the risk of allowing a vocal minority – largely, in my view, directed by the religious leaders across New Zealand – to derail important legislative reform.

In my last few minutes, I want to pay tribute to Dame Margaret Sparrow and others who have advocated tirelessly for this reform. It is time, I hope, as a majority across this House, to get this work done. I want to vote for this legislation in the belief that it will mean for women, finally, that they won’t have to face the shame, the delays, and the lack of equity of access to receive a service that every woman in New Zealand is entitled to have, without this House making that decision for her.

This is an edited excerpt, the full speech is available here

Boris Johnson (Photo by Eddie Mulholland – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Boris Johnson (Photo by Eddie Mulholland – WPA Pool/Getty Images)

PoliticsMarch 19, 2020

Why has Boris Johnson’s Britain gone its own way on Covid-19?

Boris Johnson (Photo by Eddie Mulholland – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Boris Johnson (Photo by Eddie Mulholland – WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Britain has changed course in the fight against Covid-19, after originally following an approach with significant scientific defects. Gary McLean, a New Zealand professor in molecular immunology and infectious diseases specialist at London Metropolitan University, explains.

More than 200,000 people are now laboratory-confirmed cases of Covid-19, across 157 countries. Tragically, almost 9,000 people have succumbed to the disease with the highest numbers seen in China, Italy, Iran and Spain. The pandemic originated in China but is now growing at the fastest rate in Europe, with several EU countries in lockdown. There are border closures, schools and services shut, large gatherings of people are  banned, sporting and cultural events are cancelled and there are severe restrictions on movement of people. These are unprecedented measures in peacetime.

The response to the outbreak has differed in Britain, partly because here it is some weeks behind in terms of the escalation rate of the outbreak and also because of its geographic isolation from the continent. The UK began by trying to contain the outbreak by isolating those who tested positive and asking anyone who had close contact with them to self-isolate, too.

In early March it was clear that this approach would not be sufficient and a week ago, on March 12, Boris Johnston announced the official beginning of what was called the “delay phase”. The aim of this strategy was to delay and flatten the outbreak peak until summer to allow the NHS to cope with the sheer numbers of acute cases and requirements for intensive care.

Measures included self-isolation of those with minor flu-like symptoms, limiting large gatherings, encouraging home working where possible but, until today, not closing schools. These approaches were largely based on questionable epidemiologic modelling of the outbreak and were heavily criticised by experts both within the UK and overseas.

The government’s chief scientific advisor for England Sir Patrick Vallance countered, stating:

  • That the virus appears to spread mostly in smaller group settings and that banning large group events would have little effect.
  • That establishing herd immunity in the population would protect the most vulnerable in the population.
  • That they could put measures in place to stop the epidemic within four months, but this would risk a second wave of the outbreak.
  • That the virus is expected to become endemic and cause seasonal outbreaks.
  • That he would follow the scientific evidence and modify the approaches as required.

Unfortunately, in several ways that approach is not supported by the scientific evidence. Establishing herd immunity depends on several factors such as the reproductive rate of the virus (average number of people infected from one infected individual) and the generation of protective immunity following infection. None of these are known or established for SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes Covid-19, or indeed for other coronavirus infections, including SARS from 2003.

What is more, expecting the virus to become endemic – permanently established – is without precedent. SARS didn’t become endemic and neither has another recent coronavirus outbreak, MERS. Therefore, there is no scientific evidence to suggest tight control measures would result in a second wave of Covid-19 and seasonal epidemics thereafter. While the British government’s original approach was designed to manage the virus’s spread and not to overwhelm the health services, updated epidemiological modelling suggested that a daunting 250,000 deaths should still be expected.

And so on March 16, Johnson’s government announced it was ramping up control measures as the exponential phase of virus spread approached. Fortunately, being three to four weeks behind Italy’s outbreak curve means the UK can learn quickly from the situation in that country, where the virus’s spread is out of control and the health system is currently under severe stress. In Italy, the entire country has been under enforced lockdown for over a week already and intensive care physicians are having to make decisions on which patients to save and which are sadly beyond possible care.

The measures recently taken by the British government, while strict, are still a long way from what is enforced in Italy. Here in the UK, large gatherings are banned, people are told to work from home where possible, anyone with symptoms must self-isolate for seven days, and in households with symptoms the entire group must stop non-essential contact with others – especially those over 70, those with underlying health conditions and pregnant women – for 14 days.

In the past few hours it has been announced that schools will close. This measure was delayed due to worries about the knock-on effect of losing key workers required to mind children. Pubs, clubs, restaurants and theatres are now closed. The London Underground remains open but is running with a reduced service. The aim of these measures is still to reduce the epidemic’s peak and lessen the pressure on the National Health Service, but it seems inevitable that further, more draconian measures will be introduced as the epidemic worsens.

It now appears that the approach of the UK government is to stagger these control measures without alarming the general public and apply them at what they consider to be the most appropriate time to control the spread of the virus.

Many business owners will be under immense pressure and working parents will face difficulties by not having childcare options available now that schools are closing. The feeling here is that this epidemic is going to last some time and that the government may not have done enough, and what they did do was not done quickly enough. However, life in London is largely business as usual, and it is not yet clear that the public fully appreciates the serious nature of this epidemic.

Ultimately, even if the virus is suppressed with necessary control measures, there is a risk that as soon as those measures are removed the virus returns with a vengeance. An option proposed here is to go through cycles of lifting and reapplying the controls, using the demand on Intensive Care Units as a guide. One thing is for sure in these difficult times: there will be close attention paid to China and its approach in lifting restrictions.