Depending on your point of view, both of these two guys are either the legitimate or illegitimate President of Venezuela (Getty Images)
Depending on your point of view, both of these two guys are either the legitimate or illegitimate President of Venezuela (Getty Images)

SocietyMay 1, 2019

What the hell is going on in Venezuela?

Depending on your point of view, both of these two guys are either the legitimate or illegitimate President of Venezuela (Getty Images)
Depending on your point of view, both of these two guys are either the legitimate or illegitimate President of Venezuela (Getty Images)

Has a dictatorial regime been overthrown by freedom fighters? Have cowardly plotters backed by evil empires tried to defeat the will of the people? Here’s Alex Braae’s cheat sheet sorting out what exactly is going on in Venezuela.

What’s all this then?

Early this morning, New Zealand time, a man called Juan Guaidó stood with a few dozen soldiers and called on the military to overthrow the government. It doesn’t appear to have worked as yet with Nicolás Maduro still apparently in charge of the country, and more importantly, the military. Maduro supporters have also been coming out onto the streets en masse, which they have done a couple of times whenever the regime has been threatened by coups. And one of the main plotters, an opposition politician called Leopoldo Lopez, is understood to now be hiding out in the Chilean embassy.

Okay, who are these chaps?

Guaidó is the self-described acting president and has been recognised as the legitimate interim president by a wide range of countries. He’s a 35-year-old politician who has become the leading face of the opposition movement in Venezuela.

As for Maduro, he’s the guy who is actually operating as president at the moment, and the head of a regime that has governed the country since 1999. Back then, the president was Hugo Chávez, who governed as a socialist populist, and under his rule, the lives of many Venezuelans improved dramatically.

I’m sensing there’s a ‘but’ coming.

But in recent years, the living standards of the people have dropped dramatically. Huge numbers of refugees flee every year, there are food shortages, and the regime has become more and more dictatorial. That’s partly because of progressively heavier economic sanctions on the country, and capital flight from companies who didn’t want to stick around any more. It would be an utterly terrible place to live right now, and all the while top government officials appear to be living the high life. For example, Maduro was pictured eating an expensive feast at the restaurant owned by ‘Salt Bae’, which reportedly sparked a backlash among the more starving citizens of the country.

How often do meme characters become bit-players in geopolitical dramas?

So it’s a good thing the coup is happening then?

Oh no, almost certainly not. It isn’t exactly an organic, spontaneous uprising – the coup clearly has heavy backing from the swivel-eyed maniacs in the Trump administration. We’re talking about people like John Bolton here, one of the chief architects of the Iraq War, telling “patriotic Venezuelans” to rise up and secure their freedom. And if they don’t, the US most definitely hasn’t ruled out either a violent invasion or the use of mercenaries, to do the freedom-securing for them. Erik Prince, for example, the founder of professional geopolitical murder firm Blackwater, has been pitching heavily for a contract to send some mercenaries in and just straight up overthrow the government. Generally, when these sorts of operations happen, a lot of people on the ground end up dead.

Why is the US so interested in the freedom of Venezuelans? 

Like with Iraq, the US is very keen to liberate the massive oil reserves of the country from oppression. In fact, our old friend John Bolton pretty much said that explicitly on Fox News earlier in the year. “It will make a big difference to the US economically if we could have American oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela,” he said. It’s incredibly brazen, an example of saying the quiet part out loud, that’s frankly just a bit uncouth in 2019.

Yikes. So who are the countries standing up for brave little Venezuela against this imperialist aggression?

Er, well, to be honest, the countries lined up on that side aren’t all that great either. The Maduro regime is backed by countries like Russia, Turkey and Cuba, none of which are exactly model democracies. In fact, Cuba isn’t a democracy at all, and Russia is the kind of rigged democracy where elections are held, but power never changes hands. Turkey is slightly more democratic but has still undergone extremely heavy repression in the wake of a failed coup there too.

Can’t they just have an election and sort it all out that way? 

They did actually, there was a presidential election in 2018 which Maduro won with 68% of the vote and an official turnout of 46%. However, there were widespread complaints of irregularities in that election. Both main opposition candidates denounced it as critically flawed, and besides, getting two-thirds support from less than half the population isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement. Internationally, responses to the election pretty much entirely broke down along geopolitical lines – those for the Maduro regime said it was actually fine, and those against the regime rejected it. In fact, Guaidó’s claim to be the legitimate, constitutionally correct president rests on that election being considered invalid.

Where does New Zealand stand on it all?

Off to one side, hoping that nobody asks us for our opinion basically. A recent statement from foreign minister Winston Peters declared that New Zealand would give money to help refugees and wanted new elections to be held. While that could be taken as a statement of opposition to Maduro – and Mr Peters also “registered our objection to the human rights abuses being perpetrated by the Maduro administration” – he also quite explicitly hasn’t endorsed Guaidó.

So what happens now?

Whatever it is, it almost certainly won’t be good. One scenario that seems possible is that Guaidó ends up being arrested, which then provokes enough of a crisis that the USA or neighbouring Brazil has a pretext to put boots on the ground. If that happens, it’s almost certainly the end for the Maduro regime.

The other major possibility is that the coup simply fizzles and Guaidó ends up being brought down by the weakness of his own position. It’s understood that top Trump administration figures like VP Mike Pence are furious about his lack of support to date because they’ve invested a lot of political capital in the idea of him being the candidate of freedom. Oh, and also, because Guaidó is very keen to open up the oil industry to foreign investment.


SportsMay 1, 2019

A gay man’s response to Australian cricketer James Faulkner ‘coming out’


Cricketer James Faulkner ‘came out’ on social media this week, except it all turned out to be a joke. Jack Cottrel responds. 

It must have been a surreal experience. One dumb in-joke and the next morning, you’ve come out as gay.

Or not.

Australian cricketer James Faulkner yesterday trotted out what, in context, is some typically silly banter. Out celebrating his birthday with his mum and best mate who he’s flatted with for five years, he referred to his flatmate as ‘the boyfriend’, along with love-hearts and the hashtag #togetherfor5years. In context, for the people who know Faulkner well, it’s a standard ‘we’re practically married’ joke which isn’t actually that funny. In context, on a homophobia scale, it’s roughly 1.5 out of 10.

The Instagram post with the updated caption “(best mate!!!)” next to boyfriend

Unfortunately for Faulkner, he didn’t make the joke in a group chat. He did it on Instagram. Context went out the window and plenty of people (including media outlets) thought that Australian cricket had its first gay men’s player.

I’ll be honest, one of those people was me. Cricket is not exactly a popular sport among gay men. While I know literally thousands of gay rugby players, I only know about a handful of other gay men who even enjoy cricket, let alone play it. In the history of the sport, the only openly gay player is Steven Davies, who plays county cricket for Somerset.

Somehow, in the cyclical brouhaha of No Gay All Blacks, the fact there have been No Gay Black Caps either never features.

I’ve loved cricket forever, having worked in the sport to varying degrees and writing about it for years. Every queer person goes through moments when their sexuality or gender makes them feel entirely alone. For me, most of those moments arrive with the cricket season, whether it’s because other LGBTQ+ folks don’t get it, or because I’m the first out gay man someone has met in their entire cricketing career.

So I went to Faulkner’s post with a real sense of happiness. Someone had to be the first, so why not him? I was, of course, hit with serious homophobia in the comments. Not just the “practically married” foolishness, but the kind that calls me and people like me sick and depraved. Other people had been reporting the comments for hours, but the well for that kind of hatefulness is about as deep as the Mariana Trench.

And then, of course, the denouement. It was all a joke.

Housemates, not lovers

Faulkner’s follow up, thanking the LGBTQ+ community for the support he never actually needed, was kind of painful to read. His joke not only reminded me that I’m the only gay in the village (cricket team) but that it had provided a point for virulent homophobia to spring from. We’d been reading it so we could report it – reading it so he wouldn’t have to.

The idea that his ‘date’ post was never meant to be taken at face value was tone-deaf as hell, though not quite as tone deaf as the fans who came to his defence when actual gay actual people rightfully asked: “What the fuck?”

Faulkner didn’t apologise, rather he was misunderstood, and “good on everyone for being so supportive”. Perhaps we’d done such a good job of shielding him from homophobia that he actually thought none came through, even though it started up again pretty quickly.

Somehow, it seems we were supposed to have divined that Falkner didn’t actually mean ‘boyfriend’ in the way that usually accompanies hearts and hashtags, but in the way that… means ‘BFF and flatmate’.

And of course, it was roundly suggested that anyone who expressed genuine hurt over the situation was just looking for reasons to be offended. As though we hadn’t just waded through the swamp for at best, a bad joke and at worst, for someone who belittled gay relationships. No queer person needs to look for reasons to be offended. They come to us, with slurs aplenty.

In fact, I’m really not sure what Falkner thought the reaction to his initial post would be – good-natured boys-club ribbing? I want to believe no one could actually make a post like that without expecting some actual abuse, but the obliviousness of straight dudes will never cease to amaze me.

So, my ever-hopeful little gay heart got trampled on a bit, but it will survive. I do feel for the gay cricketers who are out there (though not actually out there) because they got to see a bit of what waits for them if they do decide to open the closet door.

I don’t think Faulkner should be castigated for this. But as he said, he got significant support from the LGBTQ+ community. It’d be good if he could actually pay that back sometime.