Amrita and Rupinder Banger at their home a fortnight after the floodwater receded (Photo: Kirsty Johnston/Stuff)
Amrita and Rupinder Banger at their home a fortnight after the floodwater receded (Photo: Kirsty Johnston/Stuff)

SocietyFebruary 24, 2023

The case for abandoning this flood-prone part of Auckland

Amrita and Rupinder Banger at their home a fortnight after the floodwater receded (Photo: Kirsty Johnston/Stuff)
Amrita and Rupinder Banger at their home a fortnight after the floodwater receded (Photo: Kirsty Johnston/Stuff)

Houses trashed, lives ruined, anxiety through the roof. A group of homeowners in Auckland has suffered two debilitating floods in two years. Now they’re pleading with the council and the government: Buy us out. Kirsty Johnston reports.

This story was first published on Stuff.

At the first sign of rain, West Auckland mother Amrita Banger begins to obsessively check her phone.

She loads the weather app, and if the forecast is bad, and she’s at home, she will go outside and move her car to higher ground.

If she’s at work, she will turn on the cameras that monitor the stream near her house, and watch anxiously in case the water begins to rise.

“It’s at the point where I can’t sleep if it’s raining. My anxiety is through the roof. And it’s been like this for a year-and-a-half,” Amrita says. “I just want my life back.”

Amrita and her husband Rupinder bought their house on Candia Rd in Swanson two years ago. The day after they moved in, the neighbours told them it was prone to flooding.

Their three-bedroom home is in a hollow, next to a stream, but the LIM report only mentioned the risk of a 1 in 100 year event. The real estate agent also hadn’t warned them of danger.

Amrita and Rupinder Banger are part of a group of West Auckland homeowners advocating for managed retreat (Photo: Lawrence Smith/Stuff)

The first few times it rained heavily, the aftermath wasn’t so bad. The stream would rise and recede quickly. But in August 2021, when Amrita was 39 weeks pregnant, the water rose so fast she and Rupinder got trapped inside the house.

It was midnight, and in the pitch black with the water more than a metre deep. The fire service were unable to reach them. A week later, Amrita delivered baby Jovan. By then her anxiety had already kicked in.

For 18 months, she checked and re-checked MetService, often waking in the middle of the night. On January 27 this year, Amrita’s worst nightmares came true.

A huge downpour hit Auckland, and didn’t let up. Around 2.30pm, Amrita raced home to check on the house. The water was already pooling around the bridge on their driveway.

Rupinder packed a bag for the baby – who was still at daycare – and handed it across to his wife. When he came back outside with a second bag five minutes later, the water was so high he couldn’t get across.

A police officer tried to get to Rupinder Banger on January 27 as the flood waters rose. He couldn’t make it (Photo: Rupinder Banger/Stuff)

Amrita watched as the water drew higher and higher, and Rupinder eventually disappeared from view.

“I couldn’t see him anywhere. I thought I’d lost him,” Amrita says. By then, she was standing on the other side of the floodwaters, screaming. As she waited, a neighbour’s tiny house floated down the street.

Rupinder eventually made it to safety, escaping out a window at the back of the house to a neighbour’s property, after the water inside reached his waist. But the couple are clear: they can’t live here any more, it’s too dangerous. And neither should anyone else.

‘We lost everything’

Amrita and Rupinder are part of a group of West Auckland homeowners in the Swanson stream catchment asking authorities to step in and buy their flood-affected properties, so they can leave.

West Auckland Is Flooding (WAIF) is advocating for a “managed retreat” – a process where people are relocated, and their properties turned into parks or reserves.

The campaign is backed by the MP for Te Atatu Phil Twyford, who has been working with about 60 families in eight neighbourhoods in the Swanson catchment since the floods in 2021.

A report found the flooding was partly due to blockages in the Waimoko stream, and partly due to geography and the overpowering force of the “1 in 100 year” flood.

The Bangers’ lounge after the floodwaters swept through. The water line on the wall is clearly visible (Photo: Rupinder Banger/Stuff)

Aftwards, Twyford petitioned the council to put in place a management plan for the stream, which it seemed keen to do.

But by early this year, nothing concrete had happened, and the residents had instead focused on repairing their homes – many living in makeshift accommodation while the rebuilds were underway.

One homeowner, Tracey Pilgrim and her husband lived in a container at their Urlich Rd property for a year. The August 2021 flood had damaged their house so badly the insurance company wrote it off entirely.

Worse, when the insurers eventually paid their claim, they say the bank took the money to pay down their mortgage, and so Tracey and her husband had spent the past 18 months rebuilding their home themselves, from their weekly income.

Rupinder Banger points to where the water came up to outside his house. It was higher than 2 metres (Photo: Kirsty Johnston/Stuff)

On January 27 2023, Tracey was at work in St Heliers – half an hour drive away from Henderson – when she got a call from her neighbour saying she and her husband better come home urgently.

Pilgrim and her husband downed tools and got in the van. As they drove through the rain, she began to panic.

“By the time we got back, it was all over,” Pilgrim says. “The water in the house was neck height. We lost everything.”

Pilgrim, who is currently living in a cabin at her husband’s cabinet-making factory in Henderson, is one of those who would consider a buy-out if the price was right.

“My greatest fear with anything to do with the council is they’ll say ‘here’s $20 have a nice life.’” she says. “But I don’t feel safe any more. The neighbours are the same. The whole block has been abandoned.”

A tiny house floated 50 metres from its site onto the road in Candia Rd during the 2023 floods (Photo: Jason Dorday/Stuff)

Twyford has written to the ministers of finance and climate change, arguing the group’s case.

“In hindsight we now know [those houses] should never have been built there. And we know surely that it makes no sense for those homeowners to just rebuild in the same place,” he wrote.

And, he said, with climate change, the flooding was only going to get worse.

The 2021 flood was a “1-in-100” year flood, and the 2023 event was “1-in-250”. But those figures were based on past measures – meaning what was a 1-in-100 year flood 20 years ago might now be more like a 1-in-60 year flood. Equally, what the 1-in-100 measure actually means is that, in any given year, there is a 1% chance of an event occurring.

Last week, finance minister Grant Robertson visited West Auckland, and went to the Bangers’ home. He said Cabinet would be working through decisions about displaced homeowners in the coming weeks, but could not commit to when the group might have certainty about their future.

The extent of the flooding in West Auckland in August 2021 (Photo: Chris McKeen/Stuff)

‘Do we leave people to suffer?’

One problem the group faces is the lack of legislation governing managed retreat in New Zealand. Until now, authorities have favoured physical protection measures – like stop banks or retaining walls – over avoiding the risk of flooding or erosion altogether.

As such, the government’s Climate Adaptation Bill, which will legislate a response on managed retreat, is due to be introduced to Parliament this year.

While advocates viewed that as a positive step, Twyford points out that even with added impetus, the process of passing the plan into law is likely to take too long for the West Auckland group.

Equally, there are still “many tricky issues” to resolve, such as who should be compensated, how much it will cost and who will pay.

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“These go to the core of our values as a society,” said Environmental Defence Society policy director Raewyn Peart. “Do we leave people to suffer losses and manage as best they can on their own? Or do we collectively provide the resources to assist those who are most affected?”

Managed retreat has occurred in New Zealand just a few times before. The red-zoned area in Christchurch is one example, where the entire “red zone” was declared uninhabitable, and through voluntary buyouts, the Crown acquired and demolished or removed over 8,000 properties.

In Matatā, south of Tauranga, residents were evicted in 2021 after the council removed their existing land use rights through planning changes. In that case, where 34 houses had been destroyed by a flood in 2005 and then rebuilt, residents fought for ten years before accepting a buy-out funded by local and central government.

Flooding at the Redwood Park Golf Club in Swanson, West Auckland, January 2023 (Photo: Genna Hukui/Supplied to Stuff)

History repeats: Twin Streams

Ironically, the Waitākere region, where WAIF is based, is home to one of the most celebrated local examples of managed retreat. The former Waitākere City Council negotiated a buyout of the purchase of at more than 150 properties under the “Twin Streams” project, begun in 2002.

Tony Miguel, the engineer who led that programme, said the buyouts were part of a broader plan to improve stream health in the catchment, but were also designed to prevent recurrent flooding.

Until 1978, there were no controls on building in flood plains, he said, so the houses had been put in places that were unsafe.

“At first we looked at building dams, but then became convinced buyout was the only option,” he says.

“We were lucky, Waitakere had the right political environment at the time, because it had just become an eco-city and our project was about the environment.”

Funding was sourced from an infrastructure fund, and through rates, and homeowners were given a lot of time to come to a decision, Miguel said.

The council decided to pay people what their houses were worth before they were damaged, so it would be fair.

The whole process was voluntary. Twin Streams cost about $50 million. In Auckland alone, there are about 5,500 properties in a flood plain, which at an estimated value of $1m each, would be $5.5 billion – more than the $4 billion City Rail Link. Nationally, it could cost more than $100 billion if everyone in a flood zone wanted to sell up.

Of course, not everyone will. And experts have suggested that only the most vulnerable houses – the first to flood and the last to drain – will need a buyout. Others could be lifted up, or back.

Bex Hurley’s Henderson property during the 2023 Auckland floods (Photo: Supplied to Stuff)

For some in the West Auckland group, however, lifting or moving is not an option.

“It’s not safe,” says Bex Hurley, whose house has been flooded 10 times in seven years. Even though her house is on poles, she says she wants out. “It’s no way to live – your car gets trashed, your fence gets trashed, everything in your garage gets trashed every time theres a flood that leaves 30cm of silt.”

Like Amrita Banger, Hurley can’t sleep if it’s raining at night. She says even if she moved out, and rented the house to someone else, it would still cause her anxiety.

“I’d lie away all night worrying about them,” she says. Selling it isn’t an option now, as who would buy a flooded home?

“I feel there’s no escape from these houses unless they’re demolished and turned back into natural flood plains, like they’re meant to be.”

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A day in Napier (Photos: Stewart Sowman-Lund, additional design: Tina Tiller)
A day in Napier (Photos: Stewart Sowman-Lund, additional design: Tina Tiller)

SocietyFebruary 24, 2023

Ten days on from Gabrielle, Napier is still picking up the pieces 

A day in Napier (Photos: Stewart Sowman-Lund, additional design: Tina Tiller)
A day in Napier (Photos: Stewart Sowman-Lund, additional design: Tina Tiller)

The cleanup continues in cyclone-stricken Hawke’s Bay. Stewart Sowman-Lund visits Napier as the rain returns. 

Another day of rain in Hawke’s Bay is enough to further dampen both spirits and the already sodden ground. But not even an orange rain warning can hamper the ongoing cleanup effort after Cyclone Gabrielle.

It’s been about 10 days now since the devastating storm crashed through the North Island, cutting off communities, racking up potentially $1 billion in damage, and leaving at least 11 families grieving. In Napier, the impacts of the unprecedented weather are apparent even from the air. You do not need to look far to spot vast stretches of what were once lush paddocks and farmlands now looking more like expansive lakes. The eastern coastline isn’t its usual sandy shade of grey, but instead vibrant orange – littered with woody debris, turning beaches into forestry graveyards.

Scattered debris as far as the eye can see (Photo: Stewart Sowman-Lund)

On the ground, there’s a smell that hits you as soon as you walk outside. It’s the stench of mud, stagnant water, and whatever else hides beneath the flood. In the city centre of Napier, that’s the only tangible reminder of what the region has faced – aside from a pair of camouflage-garbed soldiers sitting outside a cafe. The power is on again, internet connectivity is back up and running, and things in the city feel oddly normal.

But you only need to head a few kilometres away from the central city and any sense of normality quickly evaporates. Following a procession of army vehicles down the coastline, I pass by kilometre after kilometre of beachfront coated in logs and rubbish. In Whirinaki, a small coastal settlement outside Napier, a sea of logs lie among washed up clothing, household items and piles of other indistinguishable rubbish. A nearby bin is more than just overflowing – it’s encircled by flood waste.

The coastal road ends before you can make it too far out of town. The direct route to Wairoa remains blocked off and officials have said it could be some time before it reopens. The small township of Eskdale was one of the worst hit areas in Hawke’s Bay. While the water may have receded, footpaths resemble mud tracks and the sound of buzzing generators is all around. There’s a wartime feel, in the sense that the community is rallying together and chipping in. A cafe, for example, displays a makeshift medical banner, while the nearby hall has been transformed into a Civil Defence zone. Among the essentials hooked up to a whirring generator: a coffee cart advertising “free coffee for volunteers”. 

Driving inland, I pass what at first glance appears to be a lake but is actually a still-submerged paddock. It’s hard to believe that before Gabrielle, this sprawling body of water did not exist. If you squint at the below photo you’ll see that the water is almost to the top of fence, even after 10 days.

A submerged paddock in the Esk Valley (Photo: Stewart Sowman-Lund)

Further inland, the small community of Puketapu feels a world away from Napier’s city centre. Mobile signal is limited and internet coverage is still down. In effect, the community remains cut off. For those able to stay in their homes, generators are keeping food cold and people warm.

Farmer Terry is outside surveying damage to his land. He’s unexpectedly chipper considering the circumstances. Like many in the area, his house was hit by floodwaters during the initial downpour. But unlike his neighbours, the water only made it up to ankle height. That seems lucky, I say, before Terry tells me his house is raised up on pylons and still managed to flood. His son’s house wasn’t so lucky: “It’s been destroyed.” 

Up the street, Terry points out road signs and fences ripped clean out of the ground. It looks more like the aftermath of an earthquake, with piles of silt and mud lining the street. As the nearby stream burst its banks, it pulled nearby plants, including sprawling blackberry vines, into the barbed wire fences, tangling them together and tearing them straight out of the earth. 

Mangled road signs in Puketapu, near Napier (Photo: Stewart Sowman-Lund)

On the motorway heading south to Hastings, similar disaster scenes show the devastating impact of forestry slash. The state highway remains on a stop-go system in some parts due to road damage, and a train bridge running parallel dangles freely into the water, the rails warped out of shape as they plunge below.

It’s sights like this that have prompted the government to take action. An inquiry, chaired by former National education minister Hekia Parata, will investigate past and current land-use practices and the impact of woody debris including forestry slash and sediment on communities, livestock, buildings and the environment. “Things have to change because slash on beaches, in rivers, on farms is unacceptable,” forestry minister Stuart Nash says at a media stand-up announcing the inquiry.

The announcement is made during a visit by prime minister Chris Hipkins to Hawke’s Bay, where he meets with volunteers at a Defence Force-led distribution centre that’s been set up at the Tomoana showgrounds in Hastings. Wet weather gear is being prioritised, he’s told, particularly with more rain on the horizon. “That’s a pretty practical thing at the moment,” says Hipkins, looking at a box filled with new gumboots. The prime minister has opted for less appropriate footwear, donning what appears to be leather sneakers – though he’s later spotted carrying a pair of wellies in a Countdown shopping bag.

Napier MP Stuart Nash, flanked by officials including emergency management minister Kieran McAnulty and PM Chris Hipkins, speaks to media in Hawke’s Bay (Photo: Stewart Sowman-Lund)

It’s expected that the recovery from Cyclone Gabrielle in Hawke’s Bay will take months, if not longer. “I understand how traumatic this has been,” says Hipkins. “People have been put under a lot of pressure. In many cases they just got the power back on, they just got the communications back on and it started to rain again.”

The prime minister does have some welcome news, however: there’s now only a small number of unaccounted-for people and no further bodies have been found. He’s also more prepared than he was earlier in the week to answer questions about crime concerns in the region. After meeting with Hawke’s Bay police, Hipkins says he’s been made aware of “first-hand accounts” of violent behaviour in the wake of the cyclone. He is, however, reluctant to reveal exactly what that means when asked to elaborate. “There is a greater degree of concern and anxiety in the community,” he says. “People have seen the nature [of the crimes] reported in the media. I’m not going to do the police’s job for them.”

Hipkins pledges to return “regularly” to the worst affected regions after admitting he’s still to visit areas like Puketapu and the Esk Valley. Later in the day, Hipkins’ chopper to Wairoa is turned around on its way to what would have been his first trip to the isolated community. The reason: poor weather.

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