Mind the gap sign

SocietyJanuary 28, 2016

Why solving the gender pay gap begins at home

Mind the gap sign

Despite huge advances in gender parity, women continue to be paid significantly less than men in the same role. So what’s the fix? Auckland Business School professor Susan St John has a radical plan.

The gender pay gap is back in the news. A recent Radio NZ report about the latest public sector employment data revealed that women in that sector earn as much as 39% less than men within the various departments. Overall the gender pay gap is 14%.

This is nothing new. The old rule of thumb used to be that women earn about 80% of the hourly rate of men. They also work about 80% of the hours men work each week, for 80% of a male working lifetime. Cut and splice it how you will.

Mind the gap sign

There are lots of theories about why this is so, including outright discrimination or, at the very least, unconscious bias in employment decisions by management.

Clearly, too, women predominate in lower-paid jobs such as nursing and aged care. These jobs are comparable in training and societal importance to those in more highly-paid, male-dominated professions such as policing. The traditional suppression of wages for female-dominated professions still exists and remains just plain wrong.

Other oft-cited excuses for the gap are that women are likely to be worse at negotiation – or simply not interested in taking a hard-nosed, stereotypically male approach to remuneration.

So are these problems to be fixed?

The ‘gender pay gap’ metaphor is far too narrow a rubric for such a complex story. To describe the problem as a ‘gap’ supposes the answer is to bridge it. It suggests that, for example, women just need to learn to be better negotiators and to have more confidence in their abilities. Likewise employers need to be made aware of their biases and sexism, to allow more women roles of greater responsibility and remuneration.

Something is missing in this conversation. Women are not twiddling their thumbs or inherently unambitious. At the heart of the so-called gap is the invisible and unpaid nature of care work that largely falls to women. When children or older parents demand a sizeable investment of a woman’s time and energy, it is harder for her to be enthusiastic about a promotion which will bring with it more responsibility, more stress and less flexibility. She is more likely to be interested in part-time work in the years of heavy family responsibility, sacrificing more stellar career paths.

Ironically, her invisible unpaid work is made visible only when someone else has to be paid to do it. Highly-paid career women earn enough to pay for nannies and home help. For most, the cost of unpaid care is most obvious in the high charges and subsidies for daycare and other child-related assistance.

Strident voices appear to want to throw the baby out with the bathwater by assuming that women should adopt male patterns of paid employment. They argue that the answer lies in provision of better and lower cost daycare, longer school days and better state-subsidised programmes for school holidays. While expensive, these policies may be an effective mechanism for freeing some women up to pursue careers at the same rate as their partners and male colleagues.

But it assumes that women must be prodded to leave their care duties to others, regardless of the needs of their families, and that it is the only way women can achieve financial equality and for their families to thrive.

Here’s a radical thought: what if care of young children was remunerated as highly skilled and valuable work by society? If nursing and age care provision were to be seen as just as valuable as policing and firefighting, the highly valuable work of procreation and child rearing surely could not be ignored forever – particularly given the way it echoes throughout our lives (and thus government balance sheets) when done well, or done poorly.

The invisibility of this work is the source of the true ‘gender gap’.

Just as we need to fund politicians to run the country, we could fund parents to look after their own children for the betterment of society. Mothers who do most of this care now would have a choice: they could outsource the care if they chose to return to their old careers.

Currently a well-off couple already has choices. If they opt to have one parent at home with the children there is an implicit contract that they share the income he earns and the value of the unpaid care she gives. If they divorce, assets are equally divided and there may even be compensation for economic disparity, where he has been advantaged by the division of duties in his earning capacity and she has been disadvantaged.

Not so the middle and low income mothers and those who are left on their own with children. They are at a huge disadvantage in the labour market.

To start the ball rolling, a parenting payment for at least the first year of a child’s life could replace the expensive and exclusionary paid parental leave, in work tax credit, childcare subsidies and sole parent support.

The mother on a parenting payment would be entitled to the same considerations as other employees, such as KiwiSaver contributions and subsidies, ACC income protection, and the in work tax credit.

Hypothetical and unrealistic? So are the current arrangements for many women. They are constructs that need to be rethought for the 21st century.

Keep going!

SocietyDecember 26, 2015

Summer Reissue: Power Ranking the Entire 2015 New World Little Shop Collection


To mark the relaunch of the site in September 2015, Alex Casey decided to rank the entire Little Shop collection from New World.

I see a girl screaming in the supermarket. She’s stamping her chubby feet and pulling at the tulle of her tutu in rage. “WHERE ARE THE LITTLE SHOPS MUMMY,” she shrieks, red-faced through tears. I turn slowly to realise I am facing a mirror. The girl, it’s me.

I’ve been a slave to the miniature ever since I went to the Martinborough fair at the age of nine and dropped my life savings ($30) on a tiny asparagus spear, tiny capsicum and tiny mushroom from an old woman with dreadlocks who definitely didn’t have a registered stall. I didn’t care, with that tiny asparagus spear in my hand I was Colossus, capable of conquering and crushing all things in my wake.

For a kid, I get the appeal of the miniature. You can’t control jack in your life, you have to go to terrible school, eat terrible vegetables, and wait for your terrible frontal lobes to develop. It’s a living nightmare but, given rule over a microcosm of the most adult world of them all (grocery shopping), you can become the master of your own universe. Put a small washing powder next to a chocolate bar, swipe your cardboard Fly Buys card as you take a tiny invisible sip of tiny invisible shaving cream, this crazy world is yours for the shaping.

But I’m not a kid any more. I go to the supermarket, I swipe a full size Fly Buys card (I don’t, I lost it) and I buy chocolate whenever I like. I have control over full size groceries, but I still can’t shake the Little Shop obsession. I feel a deep tremor in my heart every time the collections are announced, fingers trembling as I flick through the booklet of compact commodities.

Because I adore New World’s Little Shop and Kitchen with every inch of my terrible, pliable soul, I have also formed completely irrational and, at times, worrying reactions to some of the items within the collection. Finally given the perfect platform to exorcise my demons, I now present the first Little Kitchen power rankings.

1) Woman’s Day Magazine


When I die, please print my obituary in a tiny holographic copy of the Women’s Day. This very small magazine has filled a gap in my life that I didn’t know needed filling. Now I can carry a tiny photographic essay of Chris Hemsworth doing yoga on the beach in my pocket with me wherever life takes me. Maybe one day I’ll decide if “You’ll be a bit Thor” is the best or worst subheading ever written – but not today.


There’s a tiny gripping Prince George story, tiny beautiful memories from Izzy Dagg’s wedding and a tiny red carpet rundown from the Oscars. It’s an inspiring thing to see women getting torn down for wearing the wrong clothes, even in miniature. And don’t even get me started on the tiny recipe for tartlets. As if tartlets weren’t small enough already! Be still my beating heart.

2) Pringle Tube


I am absolutely charmed by this bold multifunctional take on a well-loved classic. Not only is the tube sturdy and perfectly rendered, but also alarmingly doubles as a covert kazoo. Makes me feel like some kind of party MacGyver who can get the crowd going in any situation with nothing but a small statuette of chippies and the air in my lungs. An innovative reminder of the exciting places that the miniature world can take us.

3) Box of Kleenex


I know what you’re thinking, this is an extremely controversial placing for a bog standard box mini, but this small pack of Kleenex is the pinnacle of simple, effective miniaturisation. The weight, the sturdiness, the overwhelming sense of soothing and comfort. “I can’t believe they didn’t make this smell like aloe vera” I grumbled initially. Seconds later I leant in, giving a tentative but hopeful sniff. And there it was, the clean, fresh leafy scent of my wildest dreams.

4) Tub of Ricotta


If only Michelangelo were alive to see this miniature tub of ricotta, as exquisitely carved as David’s marbled buttock. This is flash Italian-looking ricotta, not even the budget kind, with the proud “Perfect Italiano” label furthering it’s cultural clout. The Renaissance Man qualities continue with the fully sick ability to also glow in the dark. You can find me in the club, small ricotta tub…

5) Dettol Foaming Hand Wash


This very small foaming hand soap had me foaming at the mouth. The opaque white pump, the translucent pink body, the scratch and sniff rose and cherry bloom scent. If it had a tiny serving of non-perishable liquid swilling around inside it, I would probably have a hernia.

6) Crazy Colour-Change Milk


We’ve all enjoyed a tiny milk before, sure, but never one that has clearly been born out of divine magic. If you heat up the bottle in your hands it turns from pink to white. I’m impressed, but left a little uneasy by the transition. An optimist could be reminded of delicious strawberry milk, and a pessimist could focus on the time someone at primary school told them that cows bleed into the milk and it actually comes out pink.

7) Morning Fresh


If you can’t tell by now, I’m much more partial to the plastic form. The morning fresh bottle is extraordinarily detailed in the lid, with strong ridges and even that little inner nub to signify when the lid is perfectly closed. Delicious. I’m salivating over it which, handily enough, is just one way to make the liquid-sensitive label reveal a beautiful vista of lemons.

8) Leggo’s Bolognese Sauce


I immediately found this small jar of sauce quite alluring, with its charming lid (which almost seems like it could pop off!) and scented label. After a few sniffs, it started to smell a little bit like the back of the fridge. The worm has turned on this one, but I appreciate impressive commitment to a executing the more fringe “savoury” corner of the scratch and sniff world.

9) Superwines


The first ‘bag’ entry has fought it’s way here on a wave of rustling and polystyrene cubes. Nice to see a generous two-pack, guess someone’s making a cheesecake base. Within the packaging are two solid plastic tubes that feel really excellent, all the satisfaction of squeezing a pack of biscuits without the treacherous crumb. Nothing to wine about here.

10) Schick Intuition Razor


A small label on the packet promises pomegranate extract, but there’ll be no smells around these prickly parts. Must applaud the astounding commitment to fulfilling the entire shape of the razor packet, easily the world’s peskiest packaging.

11) Glad Cling Wrap


I feel truly blessed to be in the presence of this magnificent creation, a household staple seldom given the praise and attention that being made a mini provides. It’s long overdue. Adding a tiny slide cutter bar would have really made this one soar, but the intoxicating smell of watermelon wafting off the scented photograph made me forget everything I’ve ever known.

12) Uno Strawberry


This smooth strawberry squirt yoghurt has an earth-shatteringly detailed lid. I have never seen such a well-rendered miniature lid in all my years.

13) Meganuts Bar


Stick this tiny magnetic muesli bar to a rocket and send it into space, for it is now the universal symbol of human innovation reaching its absolute peak.

14) Keri Orange Juice


The famous orange juice has been miniaturised before… but never like this. The big Keri juice smells of orange, not necessarily orange juice – but definitely orange.

15) Edmonds Vanilla Cupcakes


I love the Kiwiana nostalgia wrapped up in this boxed Edmonds treat, but am not about to let my national pride cloud the observation that this definitely smells like old Play Doh.

16) Buzzy Olive Oil


This olive oil is beautiful, but sullied by the holographic label that failed to show up on camera. Like an Italian grandmother at a nightclub, I know it’s having a lot of fun but it really shouldn’t be here. Don’t tell it about the glowing ricotta over by the bar, or we’ll never get out of here.

17) Tuffy


The label on this solid little mini colour-changes with water, which is a very stressful concept for anyone who has ever dropped a kitchen roll in the sink.

18) Crumpets


This is a stout, glorified tube in crumpet clothing, given the artistic reprieve of very small dots on either side. The colour change label weirdly turns yellow, which makes it look like it’s been left out in the sun for a very long time.

19) Chicken Nuggets


This would be lower in the list if it wasn’t for the packet absolutely nailing the texture of a chicken nugget bag. For anyone who has ever fumbled their way through a darkened freezer to find a delicious chicken morsel – this is a sensory throwback that must be felt to be believed.

20) Nutrigrain


Although being exceptionally heavy due to having a truly massive magnet inside, this Nutrigrain box definitely makes me feel like I could run a tiny marathon whilst doing a tiny Wilhelm scream. At the very least.

21) Energizer


Batteries have already been done to death in this collection, but the glow in the dark function could actually come in handy when your actual full size batteries run out on your full size torch. Good luck for the rest of your hike, here have some tiny Nutrigrain. Also look at the crazy detailed perforation to hang it on the shop shelf. Drool.

20) Nescafe Cappuccino


A sad missed opportunity for a delicious coffee scent, instead delivering yet another box with a magnet inside it. I feel nothing but longing for what could have been.

21) Finish Powder


All I want is to caress this tiny Finish powder mini and feel a tiny powerball under my sweaty fingertips. Is that too much to ask?

22) Popcorn


Look, i’ve been rubbing this tiny box of popcorn for the past five minutes like a cinema patron trying to start a small fire before the trailers finish, and the label has only slightly changed from black to a mild brown. Me hands are chafing.

23) Cat Biscuits


I’m going to let the cat out of the bag here: this mini isn’t living up to it’s full potential. A real “smart blend” would have chopped up the polystyrene finely to emulate that real biscuit feel.

24) Bread


A difficult placement for this polarising take on a New Zealand classic. Some love it, others hate it. To me, the harsh cubist rendering on infamously squishy product feels threatening, dystopian almost.

25) Fruit Kiwiana VInes


Definitely a very sparkly box, I’ll give it that. Why is the blueberry on it wearing a pair of jandals? There’s a fun maze on the back, but I’ll warn you not to strain to hard trying to read or one of your eyes will pop out like Thingee.

26) Uncle Ben’s Brown Rice


Ben, you’ve always been like an uncle to me, but this is not the kind of rice I can throw around at my tiny wedding. In fact, you aren’t even invited to my wedding. For all the trappings that this mini sadly falls into (bag, block of polystyrene), it’s good to at least get some brown rice nutrients in front of the kiddies.

27) Fancy Bag of Tuna


A lovely tuna-themed magnet to give to someone you don’t like very much.

28) Frozen Blueberries


On Monday I fell down the stairs and spilled a giant glass of blueberry smoothie across our cream carpet. For that reason, I feel like I am being personally victimised by this tiny scented box of frozen blueberries.

29) Huge Tomato


After rubbing this between my hands for hours like a greedy tomato baron, the label revealed itself to say “NZ’s favourite”. Which is sort of right, as science has proven that tomato sauce keeps our meat pie hearts beating. Why not go full hog and make this a tiny classic kiwiana sauce bottle to smack next to the barbie as we watch the boys in black march out to The Hobbit song?

30) Upbeat Pineapple


This friendly wee pineapple would normally have gone lower in the piece, but I was struck by not only it’s enchanting scent, but the unwavering optimism communicated the small thumbs up. I see you pineapple. Beneath those perfectly coiffed eyelashes, there’s a hell of a lot of sadness in those eyes. But this pineapple still trucks along, a testament to the endurance of the anthropomorphised-fruit-as-human spirit.

31) Huge Peach


Roald Dahl is rolling in his grave right now at this macabre rendition of his infamous giant peach. One of my all-time biggest gripes that I choose to hold during my precious time on this planet is the absurd scale of the Little Shop fruit. As exhilarating as the idea of a peach bigger than a box of tissues is, we have certain rules in this world for a reason. Smells good though.

32) Kashin Moneybank


I have never gone to the supermarket and bought a small statuette of a local dead elephant to shove my pennies in before, nor will I ever.

33) Suspicious Banana


Where the anthropomorphised pineapple provided a sense of shrouded despair, evoking much empathy in this cold heart – this banana just looks like a damn menace. Why are the legs crossed? It’s either incredible defensive or about to piss all over the floor. And I’m confused about why it’s wearing gloves, but looking forward to waking up in the middle of the night to feel those tiny murderous banana hands around my throat.

34) Fly Buys Stamp

This is some sort of depraved bargain-hunter Fly Buys stamp, which has suffered massively via it a) not being something you can by on the supermarket shelf and b) not coming with an ink pad. You leave me no choice New World, but to repurpose this useless stamp into a small beret for my cat.

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35) Macleans Mystery Box


WHAT IS THIS? Is it a small suitcase or a tiny tomb for my soul? What we have here is a plastic box with a picture of a mouthwash, a toothpaste and a toothbrush on it. Is the Pandora’s Box of minis, waiting to release the evil side of our Little World? If so, bring on the tiny bourbon, tiny kitchen knife and tiny cigarettes.

But wait there's more!