Spinoff – Dear Barry and Mike

SocietyMay 31, 2017

A real live trans person has a lesson for Barry Soper and Mike Hosking about poo

Spinoff – Dear Barry and Mike

Newly announced PPTA guidelines about gender neutral toilet and uniform options generated an inevitable round of dismissive opinions from the likes of Barry Soper and Mike Hosking. Sam Orchard, a queer trans man who went to high school, attempts to educate them.

This week the Post Primary Teacher’s Association (PPTA) published their new guidelines urging schools to consider providing gender neutral uniform and toilet options. Which, of course, means that we have to listen to the opinions of a bunch of men who finished school long before any current students were even born. And golly do they have some very strong feelings about where kids do their wees.

Barry Soper talked about how he agrees with Trump on toilets, and Mike Hosking said he thinks gender neutral toilets + schools = fewer teacher aides. So, as a trans person (i.e. someone who  actually has a stake in the conversation) I decided to write them a comic about my thoughts…

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