Poetry for the soul
Poetry for the soul

BooksApril 29, 2016

The Friday Poem – Harry Ricketts

Poetry for the soul
Poetry for the soul

New verse by Wellington writer, academic and editor Harry Ricketts.

Having trouble with your relationship?
You may or may not be to blame.
Don’t delay ‒ contact Dumper & Co today.

Does he or she play home and away?
Suspect them of being bi, straight or gay?
Having trouble with your relationship?

Some like it cold, some hot.
Discretion guaranteed ‒ or not.
Don’t delay ‒ contact Dumper & Co today.

It’s the little things, they say: her laugh, his goobledygoo.
Are you sleeping with someone with more problems than you?
Having trouble with your relationship?

We understand it can be hard to unclip;
let us handle all the hullabaloo.
Don’t delay ‒ contact Dumper & Co today.

A letter, a phone call, an email, a tweet,
Ron could pay a little visit.
Having trouble with your relationship?
Don’t delay ‒ contact Dumper & Co today.

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