
ParentsMarch 2, 2017

The black cloud: How I survived my postnatal depression to live again


‘This is what depression does. It feeds you lies.’ In this anonymous post, a mother talks about how her journey through postnatal depression and out the other side – and implores us to talk about it to save other parents going through the same thing.

Content warning: This post contains a descriptions of mental illness. It may be upsetting to people who are struggling with their own mental health. There are helplines at the bottom of the piece – if you are in urgent need please call the Suicide Crisis Helpline (open 24/7) – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO).

It’s often described as a black cloud, and for me, that was a pretty accurate description. It was like having this “thing” hanging over me, always looming, always there. It was so heavy, so full of self- doubt, expectation, failure, remorse. It was thoughts, it was feelings, and often those thoughts and feelings were utterly frightening.

It started before my baby was even born. I remember crying for hours on end. Seemingly about nothing, but in fact it was everything.


I had a vision of how the birth would be. Think water baths, incense, crystals, you know, an earth mama type situation, but instead it was an induced, clinical nightmare. I felt like I had failed at giving birth.

I spent three days in hospital. Partners were not allowed to stay at night. Oh, the dreaded night times, they loomed for me like the black gates of Hell. I was terrified of being left alone, trying to feed this little person, trying to sleep. Neither of which I succeeded at. Those nights stretched on seemingly with no end. I adored this little human with all my being – but I waited every day for her real mum to come and take over.

It was like I was living out of my body. I felt hopelessly inadequate. I even kept apologising to her, saying I was so sorry for being so shit at this mothering gig.

The loneliness, the isolation, I felt for sure I must be the only person awful enough to be feeling this way about their life and about their baby. I looked at other women around me, who seemed so ‘together’ like they had it all figured out. I felt trapped in my own home. Not wanting to go out and try and wrestle with baby bags and buggy’s and worst of all; breast feeding in public!

But staying home offered no reprieve from the monotonous boredom of caring for a newborn.

I truly believed that she would be better off without me. The thought now is horrifying, but at the time I felt like I was screwing her life up so badly that without me around she would in fact be better off. All this whilst having the most supportive partner and family that I could have asked for.

This is what depression does. It feeds you lies. It takes a hold so tightly of your common sense, and your rational brain that you can barely breathe, let alone see a way past it.

Eventually I did find a way past it. Don’t ask me how exactly but I slowly began to feel more in control. The older she got, the more sleep I got. We muddled through the days and I slowly started feeling better. I didn’t mention the words “post-natal depression”. Like so many other women in my situation I felt embarrassed and ashamed at not being able to cope. I couldn’t possibly be depressed. The fact that I was crying all the time and having these scary thoughts of self-harm, was just normal. Wasn’t it?

My second pregnancy was worse, but I somehow made it through nine months of hell, all the while knowing that that “cloud” was looming, waiting silently for me.

And boy did it get me.

The tears again, the thoughts of self-harm, the idea that my kids would be better off without me.

This time all it took was someone asking “how are you feeling?” I burst into tears. I admitted that I wasn’t coping, that I felt like shit.

That was the beginning of my recovery. I went to my GP and was prescribed anti-depressants. I know medication is not for everyone, but for me, it was the only way through it.

We all know motherhood isn’t easy. It can be boring, tedious, painful and just down right shitty. And we all have down days, and some days are worse than others and that is all totally normal. However, my advice to anyone feeling overwhelmed or to anyone sitting on the bathroom floor crying her eyes out or unable to get out of bed, please, please, please talk to someone. Preferably someone you trust, like a close friend, husband, doctor, someone who will get you some help.

Drugs might not be for you, but maybe a support group or counselling will be. There are things you can do to feel better, to get away from that black cloud, and start living life and enjoying your kids.

And for anyone who might suspect their wife, girlfriend, daughter, sister, auntie might be suffering post-natal depression, please ask them how they are feeling.

Let’s get those conversations going.

Admitting that you are depressed is not a weakness, it’s probably the strongest thing you will ever do.

Where to get help

Lifeline – 0800 543 354

Suicide Crisis Helpline (open 24/7) – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)

Depression Helpline (open 24/7) – 0800 111 757

Samaritans  – 0800 726 666

Youthline (open 24/7) – 0800 376 633. Text 234 for free between 8am and midnight, or email talk@youthline.co.nz.

0800 WHATSUP (0800 9428 787) – Open between 1pm and 10pm on weekdays and from 3pm to 10pm on weekends. Online chat is available from 7pm to 10pm every day at whatsup.co.nz.

Healthline – 0800 611 116

For more information about support and services available to you, contact the Mental Health Foundation’s free Resource and Information Service on 09 623 4812 during office hours or email info@mentalhealth.org.nz.

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ParentsMarch 1, 2017

The Spinoff reviews New Zealand #7: Chipmunks chicken nuggets


We review the entire country and culture of New Zealand, one thing at a time. Today: Spinoff Parents editor Emily Writes inspects the chicken nuggets at the Chipmunks indoor play centre.

I can remember the first time I had chicken nuggets from the fine establishment that is Chipmunks. If you don’t know what Chipmunks is – because you don’t have children – it’s a giant indoor playground where parents go to try to run their children into the ground so that they’ll sleep. You can do minimum parenting there. It’s quite frankly, a gift to all parents.

You might not associate indoor playgrounds with quality cuisine but it’s time you did. Because Chipmunks knocks that shit out of the park. Their margarita pizza is an oily mess that is tasty AF. It’s delicious. The kids won’t eat it even after they’ve screamed PIZZA at me at a decibel so high I lose my balance, so every time I get one with a girlfriend we’re like – Oh well, better eat the whole thing.

Because I practically live at Chipmunks I’ve eaten almost everything off the menu. I highly recommend the Toasted Chipmunks Melt with avocado and the Charlie’s Beef Burger. The portion size of the bacon is fantastic. Why does everyone always skimp on bacon in a burger?

Me trying to entice my friend who doesn’t have kids to come to Chipmunks and hang out with me.

Charlie is the chipmunk Chipmunks is named after. Just so you know.


I was doing the usual mum lunch of despair and whatever dregs your child hasn’t eaten. I had ordered a “chicken nugget munch meal” which comprises three chicken nuggets, chips, and a juice or water for $7.90. This is exorbitantly expensive but I am too useless half the time to remember the lunchboxes I make and also the oldest kid begins almost every trip to Chipmunks with MAAAAMA CAN I HAVE A NUDDET CAN I HAVE A NUDDETS??? and I just give up and order nuggets. Which he then ignores.

Because he doesn’t actually like nuggets. Because he has realised they come from chicken. I asked him why he was surprised, since the clue is in the name and he said “But my name is Eddie and I’m not made of Eddie”.

My youngest is a nugget fiend so I have to fight him for nuggets. Once he came home from Chipmunks with nuggets in his pockets – but we hadn’t ordered any. So he just stole someone’s nuggets?

Many mothers are basically human garbage disposals which is a not a nice way of saying we eat whatever is left over from our kids after any given meal. This is how I eat. People with their shit together probably eat differently.

So I saw the nuggets, sitting uneaten, and thought sweet, nuggets. I never really thought about chicken nuggets until I had kids. I certainly never had any idea there was a hierarchy of nuggets. But there most certainly is.

And when I bit into that delicious, crispy, salty nugget I knew deep in my heart that I had found the one true nugget.

Chipmunks nuggets

The Chipmunks nugget is the Queen nugget. It is perfectly salted – every time. It is crispy and light which still tasting very chickeny.

And it’s not just me that holds the Chipmunks nugget above the McDonalds nugget or even the KFC nugget. I’m aware this is a huge call. But the McDonald’s nuggets are dryer and the KFC nuggets don’t have the right batter to chicken ration. It soars above the reliable home-made (from a frozen pack) chicken nuggets. It is miles ahead of Junglerama nuggets (too salty), and Laughalots nuggets (were cold).

My friend is a proper actual food reviewer and I made him eat some Chipmunks chicken nuggets and he said the following:

Chipmunks’ unexpectedly delicious chicken nuggets taste like a golden childhood in a world without bullying, war and reversible belts. Crisp on the outside and succulent on the inside, they’re just naughty enough that Jamie Oliver is crywanking somewhere because these deep fried meat treats are destroying children’s palettes and appreciation for “real food”.

Still not convinced? My best friend and I order nuggets now every time we go to Chipmunks and have become Chipmunks nugget evangelists. We have found that you can order a tray of nuggets JUST ON THEIR OWN. This way you get around six to ten nuggets at varying prices depending on who serves you because it’s basically an off-menu product.

One mother who asked not to be named said she once asked Chipmunks if they would cater a birthday party with their nuggets. She was not talking about her child’s birthday. She was talking about her 40th.

I love Chipmunks nuggets so much I once took a photo of them and kept them as my screensaver on my phone. It was a period where my youngest had worked out how to take his nappy off and to be honest I liked the nuggets more than I liked him during that difficult and painful time.

GOOD OR BAD? So good it almost makes up for the fact that a toddler took a dump in the ball pit.

VERDICT:  Thank you Chipmunks chicken nuggets. Your deliciousness has saved many a parent. My love for you cannot be contained.

Update: I have set up a special temporary email if anyone wants to write to me about how unhealthy chicken nuggets are:


Emily Writes is editor of The Spinoff Parents. Her book Rants in the Dark is out now. Follow her on Facebook here.

Follow the Spinoff Parents on Facebook and Twitter.

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