ParentsApril 23, 2020

In their own words: Children talk about level four lockdown


At the beginning of the level four lockdown Emily Writes spoke to children across the country about how they were feeling and what advice they might have for grown-ups. Almost four weeks on, she checked in to see how they were doing.

The day we went into lockdown I decided to have a chat to a few kids to ask them how they’re feeling. I felt the same then as I do now, that nobody is a better expert on what will help a child than children themselves. Read their words here.

As we approached the end of alert level four, I got in touch with them again. Here’s how they’re feeling now.

Samantha, 4

I still like being at my mummy’s house. I miss kindy. I miss my friends the most at kindy. I miss the songs. People were Skyping me for my birthday and we pretended to be together and eat cake.

Tessa, 7

I’m feeling good I guess. I miss my friends. Probably I’ll get fish and chips [when the lockdown is over]. I’m still the old same Tessa this hasn’t changed me.

Missing floorball and sport, Thomas gets creative in a small house.

India, 7 tomorrow

The first thing that felt hard was as soon as it started I never got to say goodbye to my friends and then I couldn’t see them again. It should have been started so I could say goodbye. I feel like everything has changed because we’re going to be almost on level three. It’s been quite good now because it’s only going to be level three, then level two, and then level one and then we’re all going to be done and that makes me super happy. I’m going to go straight to my friend’s house and have a sleepover when I can. When I’m allowed.

Maia, 12

I’m still OK. We’ve been going out to the hills so I don’t feel too downhearted. Probably the social stuff like not being able to see friends and extended family has been the hardest. I feel a little bit different now. I feel more appreciative of everything.

Piper, 8

Well, it’s pretty good because when we’re not at school it’s not as noisy. It’s more peaceful because it’s quiet. I had my birthday party on Tuesday with my friends on Zoom. It was good because we watched the same movie. We all pressed play at the same time. I’m going to go to the beach and go surfing when we are allowed to.

Samantha prepares for her show.

Neva, 8

I’m feeling happy and sad and all sorts of feelings. It feels like things are happening really quickly. I miss being able to see my friends. I’ve changed, I don’t feel afraid anymore. Being at home has made me feel braver. I’m going to have lots of playdates with my friends when this is over. I had my birthday in lockdown and we watched Frozen 2 and it was way better. I hope everything will be fine and how it used to be but different because everyone is older.

Billie, 6

I’m feeling really sad. I miss all my friends. I even miss my friends’ mums and dads. I think they’re actually my friends too now. I don’t think my auntie has gone away for this long before ever. It’s been pretty miserable. I feel grey. One of the good things about lockdown is that we still get to go outside and I’ve catched I think 300 balls in one day. I can’t wait to see my auntie and my friends and everyone that I haven’t seen. I’m going to open my mouth and say “Is it really you!” and run to them and then are you allowed to hug them? If you can’t I’ll do the biggest high-five.

Ronnie watching Karen’s House.

Eddie, 7

I feel really bored and upset that we can’t go to school. We should be able to go school because if we had walkie talkies we could stay apart. We could wear hula hoops that keep you two metres away. I miss my friends the most. I want to do three things – I want to go for a swim, and do lots of school work at school, and hug my friends. But you probably wouldn’t be able to hug your friends which makes me feel really upset because your friends’ hugs make you feel better.

Cohen, 8

I feel tired of it. Very tired. I think after this forests will be better because there won’t be littering. So I think bush walks will be better. I want to go somewhere else for dinner.

Thea, 3

I love being home sometimes! I am home all day long! When I am home with my mum it makes me happy all day long!

Ronnie, 5

I feel bad because I don’t get to see all my friends. When it is over it will be awesome but I don’t know how old I will be.

Jack, 11

I’m feeling good. I’m getting a bit bored not being able to go out and swim and ride and run as I could before. I kind of want to go back to school now. I want to see my friends. The hardest thing is just thinking and I’ve had a lot of my events get cancelled like races and my big band tour got cancelled and just being bored and stuff. It means you’re just sitting around thinking. I think it’s good though because it’s going to help flatten the curve and it’s good that it was put in place. It’s affected a lot of people, and I know everyone is having a hard time.

It makes me feel good that people are doing the right thing. It feels a lot better when everyone is trying to do the right thing. It feels good that we all have a common goal. I don’t know how to say it but I think the world will see the impact it has had on our planet not having so much pollution and so maybe the world will be better after this. I think maybe people might be kinder after all of this. I think they might be more caring and think of others.

Keep going!