Kelvin Davis, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi, all of whom have been regular users of te reo in the House
Kelvin Davis, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi, all of whom have been regular users of te reo in the House

PoliticsAugust 7, 2024

A brief history of te reo Māori in parliament

Kelvin Davis, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi, all of whom have been regular users of te reo in the House
Kelvin Davis, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi, all of whom have been regular users of te reo in the House

In the wake of a minister asking for an apology over a critical comment directed at her in te reo Māori in the debating chamber, Lyric Waiwiri-Smith explores parliament’s complex relationship with our indigenous language.

A comment made in te reo Māori to a government minister is still causing controversy, three months since it was uttered in the debating chamber. Children’s minister Karen Chhour has appeared teary-eyed in recent interviews, telling reporters she is under the pressure of a toxic working environment and feels victimised by other MPs, referencing a specific comment by Te Pāti Māori MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, who addressed her in te reo Māori in the House in early May: “E te minita, ka aroha ki a koe kua karetaohia e tō pāti. Kia kaha rā.” (Translated by Hansard: “To the minister, how sad that you have been made a puppet by your party. Be strong”.)

Chhour wasn’t aware of the meaning of the comment until Hansard was updated to include the English translation later. She complained to the speaker, who later told her that Kapa-Kingi would apologise. “I felt that that was wrong and she should apologise for that,” Chhour told RNZ. “Then [the speaker] said he had spoken to her, she was going to apologise to me … crickets, nothing.” Te Pāti Māori has denied Kapa-Kingi was asked to apologise.

MPs are able to listen to live translations of te reo Māori in parliament via an earpiece, but a brief comment in an otherwise mostly monolingual speech can be easy to miss. Many decades ago, Chhour may have had to wait much longer to hear or read the English translation of a Māori speech in parliament, and Kapa-Kingi may not have been allowed to deliver it at all. For more than 75 years, no Māori language interpreters were provided by parliament, and official te reo Māori translations were short lived. The practice of translating te reo Māori in parliament is much younger than the institution itself.

Minister for children Karen Chhour, who complained to the speaker over a comment directed at her in te reo Māori.

How long has te reo been spoken in NZ’s parliament?

Parliament saw its first Māori members sworn in 14 years after its establishment in 1854, when the Māori Representation Act 1867 created the first Māori seats – Northern, Western and Eastern seats in the North Island, and a Southern seat for the South. The seats were first held  by Frederick Nene Russell (Northern), Mete Kingi Te Rangi Paetahi (Western), Tāreha Te Moananui (Eastern) and John Patterson (Southern). They were meant to exist only for five years, with the aim of giving representation to Māori excluded from parliament through land ownership requirements, but as issues with Māori land ownership continued the seats were made a permanent feature of parliament in 1876.

“Māori” wasn’t mentioned in parliamentary sessions until a year after parliament was established (“native” was a more common term used to describe tangata whenua instead), and the first full speech in te reo Māori was not spoken in the House of Representatives until 1868, when Te Moananui became the first Māori to speak in the chamber.

Translated by interpreter Edward Walter Puckey, Te Moananui told the House: “My thoughts and the thoughts of Māori people are not similar to the thoughts of the Europeans, they lie in a different direction … I say to you wise people, work: you the men whose thoughts are wisdom, work: you the people having understanding, do that which is good for the people, and lay down wise laws. Have no occasion to be anxious; you the people having wisdom should do all in your power to promote good.”

Attempts were made – and rejected – to establish a Māori iteration of the Hansard until 1881, when Western Māori representative Wiremu Te Wheoro proposed “speeches delivered by the Native members in the House be translated from Hansard, and printed for circulation among the Natives”. This saw the birth of Ngā Korero Paremete, the Māori-language Hansard which continued for 25 years until 1906, at which point it likely ceased as MPs were pressured to speak English and amid a wider suppression of te reo Māori, according to parliament’s official website.

Te reo Māori wasn’t spoken in the House until 14 years after parliament was established. (Photo: Malcolm Ross, Ref: 1/1-006657-G, /records/23177618, Alexander Turnbull Library)

Hang on – what is a Hansard?

That’s the official name for transcripts of parliamentary debates in the House of Representatives, which began in Aotearoa in 1867. (It’s named after Thomas Curson Hansard, the first official printer of the UK parliament in the early 19th century.) Parliament’s website publishes transcripts of every day the House sits and these are later bound into indexed volumes.

Anyway, back to what you were saying about interpreters …

They were present in the House from 1886 to 1920, after which point Māori MPs could only speak te reo Māori if they provided their own interpreters. Parliament did not again provide an interpreter for another 77 years, until 1997.

A previous ruling by speaker Frederic Lang in 1913 ordered that all Māori MPs must speak English if able, after Āpirana Ngata attempted to speak Māori without an interpreter present in order to obstruct proceedings. In 1914, Lang ruled “it is not proper, nor is it consistent with the dignity of the House, for the honourable member to speak in Māori unless his speech is interpreted.”

Does that mean te reo Māori disappeared from parliament?

Certain MPs continued to speak Māori despite a lack of interpreters, including those connected to the Rātana church and movement, who were allowed in 1930 to speak Māori if their speech was brief and an immediate translation was provided. According to NZ History, Tāpihana Paikea, a Labour Party MP from 1943-63, spoke Māori without an interpreter, using the language to send messages to his wife, who was listening on the radio.

The Māori language petition of 1972 and the kōhanga reo movement and broader push for the language’s revival in the 1980s, and subsequent recognition of Māori as an official language of New Zealand in 1987, saw a slow change to attitudes. In 1990, Labour MP and then minister of Māori affairs Koro Wētere inspired the establishment of simultaneous translation of Māori speeches in the House after causing a ruckus in the chambers by responding to questions in Māori without providing an immediate translation. He had been questioned by then National MP Winston Peters, who raised a point of order against Wētere’s use of te reo Māori, which was rejected by speaker Kerry Burke. “About a year ago I ruled on the matter that, as both languages were of equal official status, I could not require a member to give a translation following an address in the House in either of the official languages,” Burke said. “The Standing Orders clearly establish that members may speak in the House in either language, and that provision includes the asking of questions. That is a Standing Order over which I do not have discretion.”

PM Jim Bolger (left) and speaker of the house Peter Tapsell (right) at Waitangi in 1996. Tapsell was the first Māori speaker of the House (Photo: Ross Land/Getty Images)

Three years later, Peter Tapsell became the first Māori speaker of the House and, as it is “customary to have a waiata after a Māori speech”, he sang a version of Matangi: “E rere ra, te matangi/I waho Maketu/kei reira ra koe – e hine/noho wairangi ai e/mauria mai to aroha/ki i tawhiti e/waiho au i muri nei/tangitangi hotu ai e.” Afterwards, he suggested using Māori occasionally would be appropriate for formal matters.

Use of te reo Māori has picked up among Māori and non-Māori MPs in recent years, whether it be the use of commonly understood words (kia ora, mahi, motu), bilingual speeches (such as the maiden speeches of Te Pāti Māori’s fresh MPs in December) or fully-fledged Māori sentences. Despite changing attitudes towards the use of Māori in parliament, some instances – such as Kapa-Kingi’s comment to Chhour, or Te Pāti Māori opting to use “Kīngi harehare” to refer to King Charles, and possibly a skin rash – still cause controversy.

Confusion and controversy

A lack of understanding of te reo Māori can often cause hiccups in the House. In 2018, National MP Gerry Brownlee, a former Māori language teacher, raised a point of order after believing that speaker Trevor Mallard had called Nanaia Mahuta up on using too much te reo Māori during question time  (Mallard had used “iti”, or small, to warn Mahuta to reduce the length of her answers, which Brownlee misunderstood to mean he wanted her use of te reo to be “iti”). Brownlee then took the opportunity to accuse Kelvin Davis of using an insult in a te reo comment the previous day. At the time, Davis argued he should not be responsible for providing a translation of what he said, and stressed the importance of context in te reo Māori, where a word can have different meanings depending on its use. (It’s likely Brownlee was referring to Davis’s use of the word “koretaketanga” in a comment that referred to “ngā koretaketanga o tērā taha o Te Whare ki te kōrero i te reo Māori”, translated in Hansard as the “ineptitude of that side of the House to speak the Māori language”.)

Two months prior, Brownlee had interrupted Davis while he was speaking in te reo to say that some MPs didn’t have the earpieces needed to hear the translation, arguing the supply of earpieces was not the responsibility of MPs. Mallard suggested MPs had been supplied earpieces but had misplaced them.

Former Labour MP Kelvin Davis (right) has argued he shouldn’t be responsible for providing translations of speeches he gives in Māori (Photo: RNZ)

In December 2023, Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi sparked debate in question time after posing a question in te reo Māori to acting prime minister Winston Peters. Gerry Brownlee, now speaker of the House, argued parliamentary Standing Orders meant the prime minister didn’t need to answer the question as “in this case, [he] doesn’t feel like he has to answer it.” Labour’s Grant Robertson argued the speaker’s ruling, while “strictly speaking” in order, did not reflect practice in his time as an MP where questions had only been refused for being “definitively out of order”. He argued that simultaneous translations in the House meant Peters, the prime minister and other MPs do have the ability to answer questions in Māori.

Who’s responsible for translating te reo Māori in parliament?

The translation of Māori language is overseen by a five-person unit called Ngā Ratonga Ao Māori, which provides translations in spoken and written form. The small department has evolved in recent years to include developing the ao Māori strategy He Ao Takitaki, to encourage further use of te reo Māori and understanding of tikanga Māori in parliament.

Parliament made its first move into simultaneous translation in 2010, allowing MPs to hear instantaneous translations via earpieces, and for Parliament TV viewers to read translated captions. While Ngā Ratonga Ao Māori oversees the official translation of te reo Māori in parliament, MPs have in the past defended using words that could have multiple translations, as was the case in the Kīngi harehare scandal (“hare” being an East Coast kupu that can be translated to “scab” or “Charles”).

According to parliament’s rulebook Parliamentary Practice in New Zealand, “an interpretation is not a polished version of what a member has said. It will always be somewhat rough and ready… Translation is a different process and takes place off the floor of the House when a speech given in te reo Māori is translated into English for inclusion in Hansard.” For that reason, there can be some delay before a translation or even the original comments in te reo Māori appear in Hansard. As of August 6, te reo comments made by Green MP Hūhana in the debating chamber on July 25 were yet to be included in the official Hansard report.

‘Become a member to help us deliver news and features that matter most to Aotearoa.’
Lyric Waiwiri-Smith
— Politics reporter
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a page with yellow background divided in two. on one side a pedestrian crossing, on another a firetruck
Image: The Spinoff

OPINIONPoliticsAugust 6, 2024

Windbag: Why firefighters often oppose pedestrian safety measures

a page with yellow background divided in two. on one side a pedestrian crossing, on another a firetruck
Image: The Spinoff

There’s an awkward conflict between safer street design and emergency service response times. Joel MacManus explains.

Last month, a person died in a medical emergency in Karori that was attended by paramedics and firefighters. That person was apparently a close friend of councillor Ray Chung. Chung is a vocal opponent of speed bumps, raised pedestrian crossings, cycle lanes and other street safety initiatives that sometimes inconvenience drivers. 

Chung immediately saw that death for what it was; not just a tragedy, but an opportunity to start another stupid argument. He blamed three raised pedestrian crossings in Karori for slowing the fire engine’s response time. While he didn’t explicitly say the pedestrian crossings were responsible for his friend’s death, it was the clear implication. “Every second counts,” he told The Post, a statement that is vague enough to always be somewhat true and impossible to disprove. 

Fire and Emergency New Zealand didn’t comment on this particular incident, but has raised concerns about several recent Wellington street changes. Firefighters said the Island Bay cycle lane would mean there was less room for cars to pull over, speed bumps in Brooklyn would delay response times, and the Adelaide Road cycle lane would cause “quite significant traffic delay and congestion issues”. When speaking about the council’s overall cycleway rollout plan in 2022, assistant area commander Michael Dombroski urged the council not to “roll the dice with the public’s welfare”.

Ray Chung

The conflict between safer street design and emergency service response times is common around the world. Firefighters have opposed similar changes in New York, Baltimore and SydneyIn Los Angeles, the firefighters union bankrolled a political advertising campaign to oppose a citywide street and footpath improvement project.

Fire departments have a narrow safety remit. They think primarily about getting to their jobs and saving lives. It’s not their job to think about how a street change will affect carbon emissions or retail sale figures or the rates of kids biking to school, nor should it be. 

A Fire and Emergency spokesperson told The Spinoff: “Fire and Emergency New Zealand supports measures that are clearly intended to improve safety for everyone on our roads, but having to slow down for features designed to reduce speed will of course impact crews’ response times which in turn may influence the outcome of an event.

“Our people will continue to work closely with territorial authorities across the country when traffic-calming measures are being considered to ensure they understand the complexities and potential impacts.”

Chung also claimed am ambulance had been delayed going down Ngaio Gorge because of the cycleway. Wellington Free Ambulance avoided taking a position. “At this time we are not entering the debate or conversation publicly and maintain our view that the overarching objective of initiatives that improve safety for all road users are positive for our community,” a spokesperson said. 

Last year, 341 people died in car crashes in New Zealand. On average, 36 pedestrians are killed and 1,000 are injured every year in New Zealand. More pedestrians and cyclists die per capita in New Zealand cities than European cities.  

a bike lane in wellington
A bike lane by Wellington’s harbour, heading towards the airport (Photo: Wellington City Council)

Safer street changes aren’t just about reducing deaths and injuries. There are a whole bunch of co-benefits you unlock simply by improving perceptions of safety. When you don’t have to worry about you or your kids getting hit by a car, it tends to change your behaviour. Street-level improvements around retail areas make them nicer and calmer places to be, which keeps people around longer, spending more money. Cycleways that feel safe make more people want to bike. Cycling on dangerous roads turns people off, especially women and children. There is some number of adult men who will be willing to bike in almost any traffic conditions, but cities with the most women and children on bikes are almost perfectly correlated with high perceptions of safety.

It’s really important to have a public discussion about street design. Streets are negotiated spaces, owned collectively by everyone, so everyone should be part of the conversation about their form. Almost every city in the world is taking steps to move away from car-centric design to adopt more people-friendly streets. Wellington City Council is embracing that change with more enthusiasm and pace than most. There will be mistakes – for example, the proposed design of Thorndon Quay goes a bit overboard – but, with a bit of creativity, there will also be solutions.

‘Hutt Valley, Kāpiti, down to the south coast. Our Wellington coverage is powered by members.’
Joel MacManus
— Wellington editor

After some feedback, Wellington City Council staff added miniature speed bumps to the cycleway outside Wellington Central Station, to warn cyclists to slow down in case a fire engine is pulling out. Rather than pushing for fully pedestrianised streets, most urbanists are increasingly adopting “open streets”, like Barcelona’s Superblocks, pedestrian-priority spaces that don’t completely block accessibilitly for emergency services. San Francisco, Singapore and Stockholm are among cities that have adopted miniature fire trucks that are better at manoeuvring narrow streets in dense areas. Firefighters in Amsterdam can drive on wide cycleways in emergencies. New Zealand typically uses its smallest fire engines in mostly rural areas.

As a city, if we have street design debates in good faith, we can get great outcomes. But if politicians like Chung start blaming every tragic death on pedestrian crossings and media keep credulously reporting their bad faith claims, it’s going to devolve into a tedious, bad faith shitfight. 

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