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RecapsSeptember 11, 2014

What You Missed: Decision ’14 Leaders Debate

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Grand designs spoiler
Grand designs spoiler

Last night John Campbell moderated John Key and David Cunliffe in an hour-long debate. They arrived in separate cars to what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse building. Faced with the desolate dystopian setting, it seemed the only suitable podium for Campbell was a zig-zag of metal that had clearly travelled here from the future.

Many of the important issues were explored during the debate including child poverty, tax cuts, home ownership, minimum wage, and the perils of hairdressing in Levin. Both leaders managed to get their main points across:

1) John Key revealed his fail-safe methodology for identifying dogs

2) David Cunliffe announced a long-awaited plan for pie expansion across the nation

Anything else you might have missed is in here somewhere. It helps if you slow it down and then watch it backwards:

Watch the Decision ’14 Debate on 3Now

Keep going!