The class of 2020. New Labour MPs, including Gaurav Sharma, on the steps of parliament.
The class of 2020. New Labour MPs, including Gaurav Sharma, on the steps of parliament.

The BulletinAugust 12, 2022

Labour MP makes allegations of bullying at parliament

The class of 2020. New Labour MPs, including Gaurav Sharma, on the steps of parliament.
The class of 2020. New Labour MPs, including Gaurav Sharma, on the steps of parliament.

Responding to a former Labour MP who said they were appalled at his ill-discipline in going to the media, Gaurav Sharma said he’d made multiple complaints over the last 18 months, writes Anna Rawhiti-Connell in The Bulletin.


MP alleges there is a “rampant culture of bullying” in parliament 

Yesterday afternoon, Labour MP for Hamilton West, Gaurav Sharma published what has been described as an “extraordinary” opinion piece in the Herald. He alleges that “when an MP raises serious concerns the Parliamentary Service steps back, stonewalls the conversation, ghosts the MP and throws them to the Whip’s Office to be gaslighted and victimised further so that the party can use the information to threaten you about your long-term career prospects.” Sharma took aim at the speaker Trevor Mallard, parliamentary services, the whips office, the office of the leader of the opposition and the prime minister’s office.

Labour colleagues blindsided, whip confirms employment matters being worked through

It’s “extraordinary” because of the nature of the allegations and the offices and people Sharma has cited. It’s also unusual for an MP to use an opinion piece in this manner. Labour MP for Papakura Anahila Kanongata’a-Suisuiki said the column had come as a complete surprise. Sharma is a fairly new MP, elected in 2020 and the Labour caucus has maintained a very united front and high levels of discipline over the last two years. Louisa Wall’s departure has been the only real sore spot on this front over that time. Labour’s chief whip Duncan Webb issued a statement last night saying “We’ve been working with Parliamentary Services and Gaurav to address employment matters in his office. We had been working to provide support for Gaurav and find a solution.”

Opposition MP describes Sharma as a “brave man”

Sharma cited Louisa Wall and referenced this week’s event surrounding Sam Uffindell. National MP Chris Bishop described Sharma as a “brave man”. Parliamentary Service chief executive Rafael Gonzalez-Montero dismissed the allegations that the service worked with parties to disrupt complaints processes. It remains unclear what prompted Sharma’s complaints and he has refused to comment further except to say: “I am not the bully.” When asked by the Herald who the bully or bullies were, Sharma said: “We’ll find out.”

Multiple complaints made over the last 18 months

In analysis published this morning, Toby Manhire details an exchange between former Labour MP and union organiser Darien Fenton and Sharma which Sharma posted last night. Fenton said “I am appalled by your ill discipline in mouthing off in the media,” she said. Sharma responded saying “Mind your own business. I have made multiple complaints through proper channels including to the PMO over the last 1.5 years and nothing has been done.” Manhire also notes that although Sharma doesn’t name prime minister Jacinda Ardern, “who else would he have us thinking of in the thundering final paragraph?” he writes.

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