
Pop CultureApril 29, 2022

The truth about the Bunnings ads


The distinctive, no-nonsense Bunnings Warehouse ads have been on our screens for over a decade. But have you ever stopped to think about what goes into making them? 

Whether it’s a young unruly tourist flipping the bird from under a branded straw hat, a questionable timber load in Takanini or the heated debate about whether the onions should go atop or below the sausage, Bunnings Warehouse is never far from the headlines. Set foot in any Bunnings and you might encounter a humorous viral sign about weed, or a furious anti-masker “Karen”, or even local celebrity Jesse Mulligan buying four lightbulbs, two lamps, some colour swatches, a multiboard, a tin of varnish, two drillbits, and a paintbrush.

But there’s a more understated pop culture offering from Bunnings that often flies under the radar: the extremely chilled out ads. Where some ads featuring “real people” give the impression that the talent is eyeballing a loaded gun, the cheery soundbites from Bunnings staffers are such a TV mainstay that they’ve become a source of parody and even occasional outrage. But what goes on behind the scenes to make the ads look so effortless? Are they too good to be true? I rang Big Bunnings to find out. 

Perhaps the most burning question from at least two people on Twitter and somebody on a dusty old Aussie Reddit is this: are the people in the Bunnings ads real, or are they highly skilled actors? “They are 100% real,” laughs Delina Shields, head of marketing for Bunnings New Zealand. “I don’t think they could be any more real.” The ads all feature genuine Bunnings “team members”, she tells me, and are filmed at the very same stores in which they usually work. 

Cordoning off an area of the open store for the small crew, the customers you see bustling around in the aisles are mostly real too. “From time to time there might be a cameo from a family member or a crew member filling in,” Shields admits, “but that’s only if we don’t have enough customers at that moment in time.” Thankfully, they’ve never had to ward off any photobombers or fame-hungry DIY enthusiasts trying to get their big break in the background. 

This particular genre of Bunnings ad has been on New Zealand screens since January 2008, when the brand updated from their previous campaign that largely featured line drawings on building paper. “It just seemed like a genuine and authentic way to bring our brand to life on TV,” Shields explains. “Nothing you see is scripted – it’s just team members answering a question like ‘when you think about a wonderful living space, what does it mean to you?’ And that’s what you see.” 

A classic garden set-up. Image: Youtube

There isn’t any shoulder-tapping happening either. When a new campaign is coming up, Bunnings staff receive internal comms about the theme of the ad – plants, Easter, decorating – with an invitation to put themselves forward. “Those team members who want to be on TV and feel passionate or excited about the area we’re going to talk about will put their hand up,” Shields says. “Then our agency will meet with them and just have a bit of a chat.” 

Shoot days happen on location and can often go from the time the store opens to when it closes. Staff don’t get a monetary bonus for appearing in the ads, but they do get a commemorative badge to add to their apron. “If you’ve been in a Bunnings store you’ll have seen our team members proudly display badges based on their training and expertise,” explains Shields. Basically, if you want to go star-spotting the next time you hit your local Bunnings, keep an eye out for a pin that says “As Seen on TV” and ask for an autographed piece of MDF. 

Advertising is hardly renowned for representing a wide range of regular folk, and Bunnings ads can sometimes swim against the tide of flawless ad women and chiselled ad men. Shields says the diversity in Bunnings ads is simply reflective of their wider workforce. “We don’t go around saying ‘we want that kind of person’ [for the ads]” she says. “We’re very proud of the diversity of our team and them bringing their true selves to work.” 

Although she can’t put a number on how many Bunnings staff have appeared in ads over the years – “suffice to say it’s a lot” – Shield says there is one ad from 2020 that sticks out in her memory. Starring Jah Snow-Pere, a Bunnings garden centre expert, the ad was filmed entirely in te reo Māori for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. “She was very, very passionate about te reo and she spoke fluently and beautifully,” says Shields. “That one has a very special place in my heart.” 

Jah Snow-Pere

At the end of every Bunnings ad, the camera zooms out dramatically to reveal hundreds, maybe even thousands, maybe even millions, of Bunnings ad stars nestled within the Bunnings logo. Over the years, they’ve offered their expertise on everything from how to keep your weeds under control (Round-Up), to what to get Mum for Mother’s Day (fan heater, $15.99). “People come up to them and say ‘hey, you’re from the Bunnings ad’, which is really fun,” says Shields. 

“Everyone who’s been involved says it’s a real highlight of their Bunnings career.”

Image: FIRST / Tina Tiller
Image: FIRST / Tina Tiller

Pop CultureApril 27, 2022

Urzila Carlson’s first joke

Image: FIRST / Tina Tiller
Image: FIRST / Tina Tiller

The comedian tells FIRST about cracking up her teachers and accidentally getting into stand-up.

First time you realised you were funny

“​​This one almost goes hand-in-hand with ‘when did you know you were a lesbian?’ I look back and I’m like, I just always knew. No, I was about seven or eight and my parents had gotten divorced and South Africa’s super conservative so [at school] every teacher would ask me about it. So I went home and I said to my mum, ‘My teacher wants to know why you and dad got divorced’. And she goes, ‘Tell them it’s because I really wanted to be a widow but your dad wouldn’t drink the poison.’ I didn’t question it, I just repeated it word for word the next day and all the teachers were cracking up. I didn’t know why it was funny, but I knew I liked the exchange. I say something, you laugh – this is good. And that was my school life from then on, just trying to crack people up.”

First gig

“I was working in advertising, I was a designer and photo retoucher. My friend Leon sat across from me and we would crack each other up all day and he would go ‘You have to go do stand-up comedy, you’re so funny.’ But I’d never been to stand-up comedy, I’d never been to a show. When I left to go over to a different agency, he was in charge of the leaving gift, and he bought me this little coffee maker, two cups, and a fake contract to go do an open mic night at The Classic in Auckland. I had to sign it so I would go and do it. He’d already booked seats for 70 people [from the office]. I hadn’t been in the country for very long and I didn’t want to be a dick. I was like, ‘Oh no, I’m going to be a good sport’, so I went and did the spot. 

I was so nervous. I can still remember everything. When I got to the mic, I realised I’d never taken a mic off a mic stand, I’d never held a microphone. I held onto the mic stand so hard I was scared I was going to bend it. And then when I looked at [the crowd], I couldn’t remember anything I wrote down that I’d practised in the mirror and I just panicked. But because it was St Patrick’s Day, thank goodness, a lot of people were dressed in green, and I went into full conversation with someone in the front. I said, ‘You look great. I can’t wear green, I look like Shrek.’ And then people started to laugh and while they were laughing, I could remember what I wrote down. To this day it’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done.

“The next day I got a call from the owner of the club to say I’m through to the next round. I didn’t know what he was talking about. When Leon booked it in, it was the start of the Comedy Festival and so, yeah, I‘d just made it through to the next round of the Raw Comedy Quest. I said, ‘Oh no, I’m not interested, give it to someone who’s interested in comedy. I was just there for a work do, because… ‘ He said, ‘You’re very funny, everyone was laughing.’ I said, ‘Mate, I knew 70 people in that audience. It was sort of packed in my favour, that’s why everyone was laughing.’ And he said, ‘I was in the audience. I laughed. I don’t know you.’ And I thought, ‘Hmm.’

“I don’t believe in missing opportunities. Like if something presents itself, I think you should go for it because I don’t believe in living with regret. So I went back. I didn’t even tell Leon I went back. And then yeah, it just kind of escalated from there, because after the second one I was hooked.”

Interview edited for length and clarity.