SocietyAugust 4, 2020

On the Rag: The need for weed


Join Michèle A’Court, Alex Casey and Leonie Hayden as they find out exactly what we’re voting on in next month’s cannabis referendum, and discover how legalising weed is a women’s issue.

Do you support the proposed cannabis legislation and control bill? We’ve got around 50 days to make up our minds before answering this very question in a referendum as part of this year’s general election. To find out what exactly we’re voting on, and what it all means for women, the latest episode of On the Rag is all about the devil’s lettuce, electric pūhā, having a choof. We’re talking weed.

What would the bill we’re voting on at the election actually make legal? What cannabis products would we be keen to try if they became available in New Zealand? What’s a weed fairy, and what do they think about the referendum?

Michèle visits medicinal cannabis campaigner Rose Renton and Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party co-leader Maki Herbert to hear their stories, and Professor Michelle Glass from the pharmacology and toxicology department at Otago University appears out of thin air to clear up some of the biggest myths and misconceptions on the topic of marijuana.

On the Rag is made with the support of NZ On Air.

Watch more of On the Rag here.

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