The default position most for rental properties in New Zealand is to prohibit pets. (Image: Archi Banal)
The default position most for rental properties in New Zealand is to prohibit pets. (Image: Archi Banal)

OPINIONSocietySeptember 28, 2022

The absence of rights for renters with pets is just cruel

The default position most for rental properties in New Zealand is to prohibit pets. (Image: Archi Banal)
The default position most for rental properties in New Zealand is to prohibit pets. (Image: Archi Banal)

Being a renter shouldn’t preclude pet ownership, but for a huge number of us that do rent, a pet is out of the question. It’s time the status quo changed, writes Charlotte Muru-Lanning.

According to his adoption records, my cat was rescued, along with the rest of his huddled litter, from under a house in Whangārei before being relocated to a pet shop in Tāmaki Makaurau. When I adopted him three years ago, as a ridiculously minute kitten, I was living with my parents. We drove him home and after a quick discussion, named him Che. 

These days, Che is far less tiny, and most of his waking hours are dedicated to exploring his suburban surroundings and, more importantly, patrolling the driveway. When the rest of us are eating dinner, he sits patiently among the conversation on a spare stool with his tail draped across his feet. I treasure the 597 photographs of him that I have saved on my phone. Even more so because, despite being my cat, I don’t get to see him often. 

The plan was always for my cat to live with me, but the last two rentals I’ve lived in haven’t allowed pets. So Che still lives with my parents. It’s a direct result of the default position when it comes to rental properties in New Zealand: no pets. 

When the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 was being discussed in parliament, it seemed there was hope for those of us with pets or who were keen on adopting one. Within the reforms – which aimed to better balance security and stability for tenants with the interests of landlords – were proposals to change the law so that more tenants would be able to have pets in rental properties.

Che napping and ready and waiting at the kitchen bench. (Photos: Charlotte Muru-Lanning)

When the final bill was passed, it was one of the significant updates to our rental regulations in years: giving tenants more rights to make minor changes to homes, removing no-cause terminations of tenancies and allowing the Tenancy Tribunal to suppress names of parties in decisions. Glaringly missing from what was served up was any mention of pets of any kind. That’s despite 41% of all New Zealand households owning at least one cat, and 34% owning a dog. And the government’s reason for this omission was that it caused too much debate, and more time was needed to come up with a solution.

There are plenty of examples overseas where tenancy law takes a far more humane approach to pets. In the Australian state of Victoria, for example, following amendments to their tenancies act made in 2020, the default became that pets are allowed in rentals. Since the reforms, landlords have been unable to “unreasonably refuse consent to a renter wishing to keep a pet”, and must gain approval from the tribunal to do so. In Germany, landlords are not allowed to impose a blanket ban on pets of all kinds. Similarly, in the Canadian province of Ontario, landlords cannot evict tenants for pet ownership under most circumstances. 

I can say from experience that even without the addition of having a pet, it’s wildly stressful trying to find a rental in this country. When you start adding up requirements around what you can afford in rent, move-in dates, accessibility needs, proximity to schools or offices, the pool of what’s available starts to shrink very quickly. Having a pet only compounds that uncertainty and instability for those looking for a place to live.

When I surveyed Trade Me rental listings two weeks ago, just 14% of the 9,466 rentals available across the country had checked the option “pets OK”. That percentage was far worse in Northland, where just 5% of the 134 rentals were pet friendly, or in Otago where 6% of the 461 available properties were. If you’re after a rental in Gisborne, you’d be entirely out of luck – not one of the rental properties listed at the time allowed pets. Even in cities with above average numbers of pet-friendly rentals, the options were abysmally limited. Of Canterbury’s 933 rentals, 23% were pet friendly, and around 30% of the 20 rental homes in Marlborough allowed pets. 

For rent sign outside a home
Only a minority of rentals advertised on TradeMe are pet-friendly. (Photo: Getty Images)

By the same token, that struggle to find a home is echoed by a large number of animals in Aotearoa. Animal shelters across the country have reported being at or near capacity this year. It’s not a new issue, but it’s likely being compounded by the cost of living crisis, staffing issues and housing instability. Knowing that, it seems absurd that we wouldn’t do more to remove unnecessary barriers to pet ownership to help alleviate that pressure. It’s good for animals, it’s good for communities and it’s often really great for the person who adopts them – endless studies have shown how having a pet can reduce stress levels, anxiety, insomnia and depression. 

Our lack of tenancy rights for pet owners is often justified as a rational response to niggly insurance requirements, the cap on bond payments and rules around wear and tear. The thinking goes that the onus put on landlords for any potential damage caused by pets would be too high. But when so many people in this country are blocked from owning a home (at the immense benefit of a few), they shouldn’t additionally be locked out of a future with a pet, and all the joy that they can bring. 

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As renting in New Zealand morphs from something that was once largely transitional and temporary, to something an increasing number of us wonder if we’ll be doing forever, the status quo around pets in rentals becomes ever more unconscionable. The omission of pet tenancy rights is just one miserable symptom of our attitude toward renters in this country. And as far as I’m concerned, it’s an attitude that’s relentlessly and unnecessarily cruel. 

These days, I see my cat about once a fortnight. I’m lucky that my parents can look after him. And I’m lucky that we live in the same city. Still, most days I miss the ineffable energy that an animal brings to a home, the certainty of a good night’s sleep that comes with a cat curled up at the end of the bed and the cheer of returning home after work to a tiny animal. 

Instead, I arrive home most nights to my animal-less flat and walk past the cat door that was crudely sealed shut with putty before my flatmates and I moved in. 

Rent Week 2022 runs from September 27 to October 2. Read the best of our renting coverage here.

Keep going!
Image: Archi Banal
Image: Archi Banal

SocietySeptember 28, 2022

Are you financially better off renting or buying a house?

Image: Archi Banal
Image: Archi Banal

The answer may not be as obvious as you think.

As a country, we have been so thoroughly convinced that home ownership is the only way to be financially secure that we rarely ask any more questions. We just assume that the sooner we get on board the property ladder, the better. But I want to put that question back on the table. Is it really always financially better to buy than to rent?

What I’ve done is a back-of-the-envelope calculation that doesn’t account for the details of anyone’s personal situation. Unfortunately, I think this is still more analysis than most people do before they decide to buy a home because they believe it to be a good investment.

To make this a fair comparison, I’ve assumed that in both cases you’ve saved enough for a 20% deposit and can choose whether or not to buy.  

For the buying scenario, we need to consider how the value of the house increases over time, as well as the cost of borrowing. We also need to take into account the additional costs homeowners face like maintenance, insurance and rates. 

For the renting scenario, we need to look at the cost of renting as well as the returns the renter can make on the deposit that they didn’t put into the housing market. On top of that, we need to allow for additional investments they can make if they’re paying less in rent than their mortgage payments would be. 

Property in New Zealand appreciates less than you might think

This may come as a surprise, but property in New Zealand appreciates in value at a lower rate than the stock market. 

With rock bottom interest rates and easy access to borrowing during the pandemic, we’ve seen annual house price increases of more than 20% over the past few years. Recency bias might convince us that’s normal, but over the past 30 years, house prices have increased at an average rate of about 7% per year across New Zealand.

This has been highest in Otago, where the annualised growth of house prices has been 7.55% since 1992. Meanwhile, the West Coast has had the lowest annualised growth of 4.84%.

By contrast, the NZX 50 (which is the main stock market index in New Zealand) has had an average annualised return of about 9.8% since its inception in 2003. Of course, returns on shares are taxed, so let’s round the returns on the NZX 50 down to 8% to roughly account for taxes and fees. Even so, over the long term, residential property prices in every region of the country increase less than the NZX 50.

This means that a renter who takes the money they could have used as a deposit and invests it in the stock market instead is, on average, going to make a higher return on that money than a homeowner. 

How much of a gap is there between rent and mortgage payments?

This higher return also applies to any additional money that a renter can invest if their rent is cheaper than a mortgage payment would be. A mortgage payment for the median house bought in New Zealand in June 2022 with a 20% deposit and a 5.5% interest rate would be $890 per week. The average rent across the country is $516 per week, leaving an extra $374 for the renter to invest. 

The gap between rent and mortgage payments varies a lot by region. In Auckland and the Tasman region, the average rent is less than half of a mortgage payment on the average property. Meanwhile, the West Coast is the only region where the average rent is more than what a mortgage payment would be. 

Leverage – property’s secret weapon

So far, I’ve highlighted the higher returns provided by the stock market, which mostly benefits the renter in this situation. However, one of the huge advantages of buying property is the ability to use leverage. 

Leverage means investing money you’ve borrowed. It allows you to make returns on more money than you can save (it also introduces risk, but let’s put that to one side for now) and for most people it’s more or less unique to property. No-one will lend me $600,000 at a 5.5% interest rate to invest in the stock market, but most banks would be quite happy to sign me up for a mortgage with those terms.

As long as the house increases in value at a higher rate than the interest they’re paying, leverage benefits the homeowner. This benefit is the increase in the property value, minus the cost of the debt.

Other costs of home ownership

Unlike renters, homeowners need to pay rates, insure the building and pay for maintenance. I have estimated these to cost 1.5% of the property value annually. 

That’s a reasonable estimate for a fairly modern home with an average insurance premium. If your home needs lots of repairs and is in a high risk earthquake or flood zone, you might need to pay more. 

So is it better to rent or buy?

Across New Zealand, buying the median house in June 2022 would put you ahead of the average renter by just over $3,000 over the course of a year. However, this varies significantly by region. 

Most notably, renting is a better financial choice than buying in our largest city. A buyer in Auckland would be $6,723 worse off than a renter after a year. The Nelson and Tasman regions also come out in favour of the renter. In Nelson, the difference is $3,098, while in the Tasman region, a buyer would be $7,084 worse off than a renter after a year - the biggest loss for homeowners across New Zealand.

Meanwhile, on the West Coast, in Gisborne and the Hawke’s Bay, buyers are better off by about $15,000 a year. In our capital city, buying would put you ahead of renting by $2,270. 

Many other regions come out in favour of the owner, but only just. In Canterbury, the difference is $525, while in the Waikato, the average buyer would benefit by $838 in a year. With such a slim margin, the particulars of your situation become really important. 

Your particular situation matters

With that in mind, I’d like to highlight two aspects of someone’s situation that make a big difference here. 

The first is the assumption that a renter will invest the difference between what a mortgage payment would be and how much rent they’re paying. Many people who would never miss a mortgage payment would struggle to invest that same money every week. It’s so much easier to spend it when you have the choice. Similarly, a downturn in the stock market can scare people off from investing. 

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If you’re someone who can’t save or invest unless a bank knocks on your door every week and makes you do it, a mortgage may be a good way to guarantee that you’re looking out for your future self. 

Secondly, I haven’t accounted for the transaction costs of buying and selling a house. Between the real estate agent's commission, legal fees, professional photography and last minute repairs and cleaning, it’s normal to spend 5% of the sale price in the process of selling. 

That’s $42,500 for the median house in New Zealand, or more than 13 times the annual advantage the average homeowner has over the average renter for the country as a whole. If you’re not going to stay put in one place for a long time, these costs will probably swamp whatever financial advantage you might have had over a renter. 

How does this play out over time?

My analysis has focused on a one-year period. Surely buying is the better financial choice over the long term, right? The numbers continue to play out in a fairly similar way, actually.

Net worth is a summary of someone’s financial position – it compares the value of what they own with the total amount that they owe. In the owners case, this would take the value of their house and subtract the amount they owe the bank. In the renters case it would include the alternative investments they have made instead of buying a house.

If we assume annual rent increases of 4%, over a 30-year period, someone who bought the median house across New Zealand does come out ahead of the average renter. Their net worth would be just under $7m, compared to just under $6m for our renter (remember, in this scenario the renter has invested their deposit and additional cash flow instead of buying a home). If they sell their house and spend 5% in the process, this difference in net worth shrinks to about 650k.

In Auckland, where renting comes out ahead in our one-year snapshot, the difference over 30 years is smaller. After 30 years, an owner has a net worth that is $350k or 3.8% higher than a renter. If the owner sells, the 5% spent in the process means the owner has a net worth that is about $125k below that of the renter.

The takeaway

At the end of the day, I’m not here to tell you whether to rent or buy. But I am here to say that the idea that home ownership is always a better financial choice than renting is wrong. I want people to really think about what is best for them, and not fall into home ownership because of peer pressure and the assumption that buying any house must be better than renting. 

In reality, the decision to rent or buy is often driven by non-financial reasons. These have a big impact on our quality of life, and that matters. 

Ironically, non-financial factors also often determine whether the finances of home ownership make sense for you personally. How often are you going to move? Is a better paying job available elsewhere? What’s your risk tolerance like when it comes to investing? Are you diligent enough to save without a bank reminding you every week? 

The idea that you shouldn’t rent unless you absolutely have to because it’s throwing money away is nonsensical. Let’s look at the facts rather than buying into the one-size-fits-all approach that has taken over so much of the conversation about renting and buying in New Zealand.

We're covering all things renting this week on The Spinoff. Read all the coverage here.

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